If you know of any storytelling or story-related events open to the public, then send to Rachel Hedman at info@storycrossroads.org.
This email list will temporarily feature "stay at home" or "limited-sized" storytelling events and resources.
Please call, email, or check websites for updates.
Timpanogos Storytelling has transformed to virtual this year - livestream to be September 10-12, 2020 though viewing up until September 20. http://www.timpfest.org
Story Crossroads launches a professional development "All Things Story" Virtual Workshop Series with Simon Brooks on September 7, 2020 from 9:00am-10:30am MDT. More details to participate or present here: http://www.storycrossroads.org/AllThingsStory.
Every Monday through Friday from 6:00pm-8:00pm, on Sirius XM 143 and locally on 107.9 FM--"The Apple Seed" storytelling radio show hosted by Sam Payne.
Listen at www.byuradio.org
Now!--Open Call for Youth Tellers for TGIF Virtual Storytelling Festival
If you have youth that might be interested (and with parent's permission) like to participate in one of the TGIF Virtual Storytelling Festivals, please forward to Sheila Arnold the names through sheilaarnold39@aol.com.
Now!--Open Call for Story Facilitators with the "All Things Story" Virtual Workshop Series
Interested in being a Story Facilitator and have a storytelling-related workshop in mind? You need to have taught it at least one time before AND have at least three years experience in your field. We welcome more than professional story artists. See details at http://www.storycrossroads.org/AllThingsStory or go
directly to the online application by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/AllThingsStory-app. Feel free to email info@storycrossroads.org.
Saturday, September 19, 2020 - Video Auditions for 25th Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Complete online application here: https://www.weber.edu/storytelling/storytellerauditions.html as well as weblink of 8-minute or less story. Consider YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, Dropbox, or similar platform. Send both the completed application and the link to the video to either Karl Behling
(kbstoryteller@gmail.com) or Janine Nishiguchi (janinethestoryteller@gmail.com). Festival dates are Feb. 22-24, 2021.
April 1, 2021 - Open Call for Youth Tellers for Story Crossroads
Applications and video links are due to be considered as part of the 33 youth spots in connection with the 6th Annual Story Crossroads Festival on May 12, 2021. Youth must have worked on the story a minimum of six hours as this is not a typical audition and values the progress and practice with the story. Go here for more
details: https://storycrossroads.org/be-a-youth-teller-open-call/. You can also call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799.
Go to the Story Crossroads website for this newsletter's archive
History in Person: A Virtual Chautauqua Festival
August 25-27, 2020
Pre-Show Music:
Heartland Connections
TUESDAY, AUGUST 25th - 5:30pm MDT / 6:30pm CDT
Pre-Show Music:
Heartland Connections
Followed by LITERATURE: A REVOLUTION IN WORDS - 6:00pm MDT / 7:00pm CDT
Julia Ward Howe (Jessica Perry), & Caroline Nichols Churchill (Liesl Jensen) & Walt Whitman (Brian "Fox" Ellis)
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26th - 5:30pm MDT / 6:30pm CDT
Followed by SCIENCE: THE LEGACY OF DISCOVERY - 6:00pm MDT / 7:00pm CDT
Presented by WQPT Ken Burns' GENE, Charles Darwin (Brian "Fox" Ellis) & excerpts from Humanity Needs Dreamers: A Visit With Marie Curie
(Susan Marie Frontczak)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th - 5:30pm MDT / 6:30pm CDT
Performances Streamed Live!
Frances Tasker Carter (Darci Tucker) & Sarah Cooper (Sheila Arnold)
Donations accepted and given to performing artists through PayPal
Go directly to History in Person - A Virtual Chautauqua Festival website
The Scheherazade Project - LIVE and featuring women for 101 nights leading up to Election Day
Dates/Times: July 25-November 2, 2020, 6:00pm MDT / 8:00pm EDT
Links to Watch:
Cost/Details: Free, open to all
Go directly to The Scheherazade Project
How Women Achieved the Vote - With the Help of a Few Good Men
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 5:00pm MDT / 6:00pm CDT
Story Artist: Elizabeth Ellis
Cost: Free, donations welcomed and appreciated, donate at https://www.PayPal.me/EEllis603 or mail to 6218 Wofford Ave., Dallas, TX 75227
Go to Elizabeth Ellis website
Several Storytelling Opportunities through St. Louis Storytelling
Check out each of these Facebook Events for details:
THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020 AT 6:00pm-7:00pm MDT / 7:00pm-8:00pm CDT
FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2020 AT 5:30pm-7:30pm MDT / 6:30pm-7:30pm CDT
SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2020 AT 9:30am-11:30am MDT / 10:30am – 12:30pm CDT
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 AT 5:30pm-6:30pm MDT / 6:30pm-7:30pm CDT
Go to St. Louis Storytelling website
5th TGIF Family Story Fest
Host: Artists Standing Strong Together
Date/Time: Saturday, August 28, 2020, 4:00pm-8:00pm MDT
/ 6:00pm-10:00pm EDT
Join with your family to watch some great storyteller
from around the world and throughout the United States,
including youth tellers and some of the
Youth Standing Strong Together Mentors.
You can join at anytime and leave at anytime;
stay as long or short as you desire.
Storytellers include, but not limited to:
Maria Gomez de la Torre (Peru), Muriel Horowitz (NY), Holly Robison (OR), Alexandra Dixon (VA), Anthony Audain (Canada), Dr. Joel Ying (FL), Youth Teller Isabella Daich (UT), Carol Birch (CT) and Oba William King (TX)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Go directly to Zoom Registration for TGIF Family Story Fest
Come As You Are - hosted by Better Said Than Done
Date/Time: Saturday, August 29, 2020, 6:00pm MDT / 8:00pm EDT
Host: Jessica Robinson
Story Artists: Ray Christian, Jane Dorfman, Carol Moore, Giselle Ruzany, Cathy Smith, Kathy Stershic, Ruth Walkup
Cost: $15 suggested contribution/ $5 minimum - Tickets include a $1.00 ticket handling charge
Registration Page:
Other Better Said Than Done Concerts,
September 10, 2020 – 4 Stories by 4 Storytellers Storytelling Show
September 26, 2020 – "Schooled" - True, personal stories
October 8, 2020 – Part of 5 Storytellers
October 24, 2020 – "The American Dream" - True, personal stories
November 12, 2020 – 4 Stories by 4 Storytellers Storytelling Show
November 28, 2020 – "Aches, Pains, & Injuries" - True, personal stories
Go to listing of storytelling shows by Better Said Than Done
Zoom experience that's perfect for teachers, librarians, re-enactors and storytellers. In four weeks you’ll have a character portrayal and be ready to grab your audience.
Mondays, August 31, September 7, 14, 21, 2020
5:00pm-7:00pm MDT / 7:00pm-9:00pm EDT
Story Facilitator: Darci Tucker
o A simple, 6-step process to create a character based on history or literature
o 8 hours of live, step-by-step guidance through research, scripting and staging the character portrayal (4 weekly meetings x 2 hours each meeting)
o Small-group instruction and dedicated work time with classroom-ready graphic organizers
o The opportunity to perform your character for the class and receive feedback
o Membership in a private Facebook group to continue sharing ideas forever
o A copy of Darci Tucker's book Embodying the Story Through Character Interpretation: a step-by-step guide to being someone you aren’t
Go directly to Registration of "No Wand Required" 4-session workshop
Cave Run Storytelling Festival - with Don White
Zoom experience for interactions or through Facebook/YouTube
Date/Time: Monday, August 31, 2020
5:00pm-6:00pm MDT / 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
Story Artist: Don White
Go to the Cave Run Storytelling Festival website
The Cape Clear International Storytelling Festival
Friday-Sunday, September 4-6, 2020
Friday 4th
Noon-1:00pm MDT / 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT / 7pm-8pm IST/BST
'Hear All the Tellers'
Friday 4th/Saturday 5th
5:00pm-5:45pm MDT Friday / 7:00pm-7:45pm EDT Friday / Midnight-12.45am IST/BST Saturday
'Uncut Ceiliúradh'
Saturday 5th
Noon-1:00pm MDT / 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT / 7pm-8pm IST/BST
'Saturday Evening Concert'
Sunday 6th
5:00am-6:00am MDT / 7:00am-8:00pm EDT / Noon-1pm IST/BST
'Children's Stories'
Sunday 6th
Noon-1:00pm MDT / 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT / 7pm-8pm IST/BST7pm-8pm IST/BST
'Grand Finale'
Featured Story Artists: Ger Wolf, Len Cabral, Mara Menzies, Hjörleifur Stefánsson, Clare Muireann Murphy, Con “Fada” Ó Drisceoil
Location: Your Computer - View through either the Cape Clear Storytelling Festival Facebook page or YouTube Channel at the appropriate times of each concert -
Also...Festival Countdown
We will be releasing some small ‘teaser’ video clips here, on our Facebook Page and on our new Youtube Channel in the weeks counting down to the festival weekend!
Go to The Cape Clear International Storytelling Festival website
Portland Storytellers' Guild - An Evening of Virtual Storytelling
Saturday, September 5, 2020, 8:00pm-9:30pm MDT /
7:00pm-8:30pm PDT
Saturday, October 3, 2020, 8:00pm-9:30pm MDT / 7:00pm-8:30pm PDT
Story Artists:
Barbara Fankhauser, Chetter Galloway, Juliana Person - Sept. 5
Holly Robison, Anne Penfound, Alton Chung - October 3
Location: Your Computer, through Zoom
Cost: $10.00/person
Click here to register for September 5th Concert
Go directly to the September 5th Concert - Portland Storytellers' Guild
Breaking Boundaries of the Screen: Presenting On-line
Connected with: All Things Story - Virtual Workshop Series, Story Crossroads
Date/Time: Monday, September 7, 2020 (Labor Day in United States), 9:00am-10:30am MDT / 11:00am-12:30pm EDT - Convert to your time zone: https://tinyurl.com/timezone-SimonWorkshop
Story Facilitator: Simon Brooks
Location: Your Computer, through Zoom
Cost: Sliding scale tuition, $5.00 minimum, $25.00 suggested, up towards $50.00
Register here: https://storycrossroads23.wildapricot.org/event-3933685/Registration
Details: Learn how to look great and comfortable in this new world of digital performance to take your shows to the next level. In this timely and much-needed workshop, participants will benefit from Simon’s extensive knowledge and decades of experience in photography. Discover the basics of lighting, backdrops, and
how to utilize your space for the best possible online presentations and performances.
We’re all trying this out in different spaces. So I would highly recommend [Simon’s] workshop….Because of his background of a photographer and as a storyteller, I think he has a lot to offer—all of us—who are entering this new virtual world. – Connie Regan-Blake, professional storyteller
3-minute Video (please share): https://youtu.be/Wq5-8qGUgwo
Go directly to the All Things Story - Virtual Workshop Series webpage
Stories from Home - Virtual Timpanogos Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Thursday-Saturday, September 10-12 - Livestream, then have up to 10 days to September 20 to watch any/all sessions
Featured Story Artists for Festival: Charlotte Blake Alston, Regi Carpenter, Donald Davis, Robert Jones, Jennifer Munro, Shonaleigh, Ed Stivender, Paul Strickland, Tim Tingle, Donna Washington, Kim Weitkamp, Pippa White
Featured Conference Presenters: Regi Carpenter, Donald Davis, Lyn Ford, Katie Knutson, Jennifer Munro, Sue Roseberry, Shonaleigh, Toni Simmons
Cost: $25.00/household for Festival, additional $40/household for Conference
Registration: https://www.thanksgivingpoint.org/events/timpanogos-storytelling-festival/ or go to website at http://www.timpfest.org
Go directly to Timpanogos Storytelling Festival & Conference Registration
Limited-Sized/Proper-Distanced House Concert
with Pre-recorded option
47th Story Crossroads Fundraising House Concert
Date/Time: Friday, September 18, 2020, 7:00pm-8:00pm MDT
Featured Story Artist: Nannette Watts
Theme: A Drop of English Blood
Knowing who we are when the night is dark can lend stability when times are tough. Each drop of detail fills us with strength, drop by drop. Join us for an evening of discovery as performing artist Nannette Watts guides us through stories that are so specific, they become universal.
Nannette Watts is co-director of National Youth Storytelling. She has told stories beyond each corner of Utah and in between.
Suggested Donation: $15.00+/person, $25.00+/household, can come whether or not you donate but registration is required, best ages 10+
Location: Hedman Home, outdoors, 4835 W. Sunset Park Lane, West Jordan, UT 84081
Click here to directly to Registration (required)
or for ordering Pre-recording afterwards
Or click here go to House Concerts webpage for more details, listing of all concerts
Call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 or email info@storycrossroads.org. Frequently Asked Questions as well as Waiver/Liability/Indemnity available as pdfs on webpage.
You can also donate online whether or not you can attend at https://storycrossroads.square.site/
Go directly to registration of September 18 concert
Snake River Storytelling Virtual Conference & Concert
Date/Time: Saturday, September 19, 2020, 9:00am - 9:00pm MDT / 11:00am - 11:00pm EDT
Featured Story Artists: Kevin Kling, Bill Harley, Dovie Thomason, one more TBA
Cost: $12.00-$45.00, depending on if doing the concert only or conference/concert for the full day
Details: This is a virtual event, held via Zoom. Ticket-holders will receive an email with instructions for how to access the Zoom room by 11:59 PM on September 18th from Eventbrite. Registration will open soon, check website.
Go directly to Snake River Storytelling
Simply Scary to Totally Terrifying: telling ghost stories from kids to adults
Connected with: All Things Story - Virtual Workshop Series, Story Crossroads
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 7:00pm-8:30pm MDT / 9:00pm-10:30pm EDT - Convert to your time zone: https://tinyurl.com/timezone-JulieWorkshop
Story Facilitator: Julie Barnson
Location: Your Computer, through Zoom
Cost: Sliding scale tuition, $5.00 minimum, $25.00 suggested, up towards $50.00
Register here: https://storycrossroads23.wildapricot.org/event-3934093/Registration
Details: Learn how to look great and comfortable in this new world of digital performance to take your shows to the next level. In this timely and much-needed workshop, participants will benefit from Simon’s extensive knowledge and decades of experience in photography. Discover the basics of lighting, backdrops, and
how to utilize your space for the best possible online presentations and performances.
Go directly to the All Things Story - Virtual Workshop Series webpage
Limited-Sized/Proper-Distanced House Concert
with Pre-recorded option
48th Story Crossroads Fundraising House Concert
Date/Time: Friday, October 9, 2020, 7:00pm-8:00pm MDT
Featured Story Artist: Bradley Mackay
Theme: "The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep"
Pause with us to contemplate "the woods" with story artist Bradley Mackay. Explore the lovely, dark, and deep with stories from classical fairy tales, some new original pieces, and Bradley's 2019 Timp Fest Hauntings finalist piece, "The Witch in the Stone Boat." Bradley has been performing for many years including being featured at the Weber State University
Storytelling Festival and chosen for the Story Crossroads Festival. His dramatic and theatrical tellings are engaging for people of all ages.
Suggested Donation: $15.00+/person, $25.00+/household, can come whether or not you donate but registration is required, best ages 10+
Location: Hedman Home, outdoors, 4835 W. Sunset Park Lane, West Jordan, UT 84081
Click here to directly to Registration (required)
or for ordering Pre-recording afterwards
Or click here go to House Concerts webpage for more details, listing of all concerts
Call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 or email info@storycrossroads.org. Frequently Asked Questions as well as Waiver/Liability/Indemnity available as pdfs on webpage.
You can also donate online whether or not you can attend at https://storycrossroads.square.site/
Go directly to registration of October 9th concert
Regular Facebook Live with Bill Harley
Dates: Every Tuesday and Thursday during COVID-19, 11:00am-11:20am Mountain Daylight Time
Presenter: Bill Harley
Cost/Details: Free, open to all though tips most welcomed and available to donate on http://www.billharley.com/miniconcerts
Location: From your computer
Details: You can complete Birthday shout-outs or have Good Things announced by completing simple form found on this same webpage
Go directly to the webpage for Bill Harley's mini concerts
Behind-the-Scenes Story Crossroads on Twitch
TIME CHANGE - Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 9:00am-9:30am MDT, come for as much or as little as you like
Cost/Details: Free, open to all, shares business/marketing of Story Crossroads, informal chat, and always ends with a story, people without a free Twitch account can still watch though only those with a free Twitch account are able to type in the chat
Location: From your computer, Twitch
Contact: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text Rachel Hedman with questions
Go directly to the Story Crossroads Twitch
Voice/Video Chats on Story Crossroads Discord Server
TIME CHANGE - Dates/Times: Tuesdays, 9:00PM MDT
stay for as little or as much as wanted
Next Brain Trust Sessions:
Tuesday, September 1, 2020, 9:00pm MDT
Topic - Audience Isolation Behaviors
Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 9:00 MDT
Topic - YouTube versus Vimeo for Storytelling
Cost/Details: Free, open to all, click this direct Discord invite: https://discord.gg/KfwNK7Z
Location: From your computer, Discord
Contact: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text Rachel Hedman with questions
Videos that explains how Discord works:
5-Part Blog Series of How Best to Use the Story Crossroads Discord Server, starts here:
Go directly to the Story Crossroads Discord Server through Invite
Normally, Chapter meetings are held in libraries throughout Utah and are free and open to anybody.
There is talk among the Guild Board, including the Chapter Presidents, of whether to pause on meetings or to have virtual options. You can email usgmemo@gmail.com or call/text Cassie Ashton at (801) 859-5967.
Chapters and When/Where Typically Meet
(North to South)
Bridgerland - Cache Valley, 2nd Saturdays of the Month, Logan Library
Contact: Leah Checketts at (435) 760-0412 or email LASTredDragon@gmail.com
Ben Lomond - Weber County, 2nd Wednesdays of the Month, Main Library in Ogden
Contact: Douglas Dickson at libertystoryteller@gmail.com
Farmington Bay - Davis County, 3rd Thursdays of the Month, Kaysville Library
Contact: Email Gary Hansen at gary_d_hansen@msn.com
Olympus - Salt Lake County, 2nd Tuesdays of the Month, Millcreek Library
Contact: Annie Eastmond, call/text (801) 859-9601 or email annieeastmond@gmail.com
Timp Tellers - Utah County, 2 Meeting Types with Workshop/Round Robins on 1st Thursdays of the Month at Orem Public Library and Work/Research on 3rd Thursdays at American Fork Library
Contact: Ginger Parkinson at (801) 400-3568 or email gingerparkinson@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website