Utah Storytelling Events Email List
Monthly listing of proper-distanced and virtual opportunities from Utah
If you know of any storytelling or story-related events open to the public,
then send to Rachel Hedman at info@storycrossroads.org.
We officially split off the Virtual Storytelling Email List from this original Utah Storytelling Events Email List.
Story Crossroads has many resources besides this free email list. Support us even more and enjoy many benefits including exclusive content and connections (articles, e-workbooks, Zoom hangouts), discounts with businesses, and reduced prices for Story Crossroads offerings like the upcoming Story Crossroads Academy with self-led tuition-based online storytelling courses. A full listing is found at storycrossroads.org/member.
Find @legacyfables on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Now!--Open Call for Youth Tellers for TGIF Virtual Storytelling Festival
If you have youth that might be interested (and with parent's permission) like to participate in one of the TGIF Virtual Storytelling Festivals, please forward to Sheila Arnold the names through sheilaarnold39@aol.com.
Now!--Open Call for Story Facilitators with the "All Things Story" Virtual Workshop Series
Interested in being a Story Facilitator and have a storytelling-related workshop in mind? You need to have taught it at least one time before AND have at least three years experience in your field. We welcome more than professional story artists. See details at http://www.storycrossroads.org/AllThingsStory or go
directly to the online application by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/AllThingsStory-app. Feel free to email info@storycrossroads.org.
April 23, 2021 - Open Call for Youth Tellers for Story Crossroads
Applications and video links are due to be considered as part of the 33 youth spots in connection with the 6th Annual Story Crossroads Festival on May 10-13, 2021. Live/proper-distanced and virtual spots available. Youth must have worked on the story a minimum of six hours as this is not a typical audition and values the progress and practice with the story. Go here for more details: https://storycrossroads.org/be-a-youth-teller-open-call/. You can also call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799.
Zoom Storytelling Workshops
Jan. 23-March 6, 2021
1pm-2pm Mountain Time
can still join if you miss first day
Geared for: grades 3-12
Hosted by Murray Library
Connected to Murray Storytelling Showcase that then feeds into Story Crossroads Festival
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Zoom Storytelling Workshops
Feb. 2-25, 2021 (Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays)
Geared for: grades 3-6, do not have to attend Liberty Elementary to participate
Hosted by Liberty Elementary, Murray
Connected to Murray Storytelling Showcase that then feeds into Story Crossroads Festival
The Incredible Science Behind the Power of Storytelling
Karl Behling
Saturday, February 6, 2021
9am-10:30am Mountain
Sliding Scale Tuition: $5 minimum, $25 suggested donation, on up to $50
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Weber State University Storytelling Festival
25th Anniversary -
25 Stories in 25 Days
February 22-March 18, 2021
Website being updated, more details to be shared on how to access soon
Zoom Storytelling Workshops
Feb. 24-March 26, 2021 (Wednesdays/Fridays)
1-2:30pm Mountain Time
Geared for: adults aged 18+
Hosted by Murray Senior Rec Center
Connected to Murray Storytelling Showcase that then feeds into Story Crossroads Festival
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Who Are You Anyway: A Deep Dive Into Creating Believable Characters
Saturday, March 6, 2021
9am-10:30am Mountain
Sliding Scale Tuition: $5 minimum, $25 suggested donation, on up to $50
8-hour Zoom Storytelling Course - FREE - for ages 18+
Mondays & Thursdays
March 15, 18, 22, and 25, 2021
1:00pm-3:00pm Mountain Time
Master Story Facilitator:
Special thanks to the South Jordan Community Center for encouraging and promoting this way of teaching storytelling.
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Down the Rabbit Hole: the how and why of researching stories
Dr. Csenge Zalka
Monday, May 10, 2021
9:30am-2:30pm Mountain
$100 tuition paid in full OR Payment Plans available to Feb. 1 , 2021 divided either by 4 times of $25 or 2 times of $50 with final payment due the day of the workshop
The Guild has a Virtual Chapter available to all members. Join when best for you on every 2nd Monday of the Month at 7:00pm Mountain as well as 3rd Wednesday of the Month at
10:00am Mountain.
You can email usgmemo@gmail.com or call/text Cassie Ashton at (801) 859-5967 or call/text Ginger Parkinson at (801) 400-3568 for the Zoom details.
Cache Valley
Leah Checketts at (435) 760-0412 or email LASTredDragon@gmail.com
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Ben Lomond -
Weber County
Douglas Dickson at libertystoryteller@gmail.com
Davis County
Gary Hansen at gary_d_hansen@msn.com
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Olympus -
Salt Lake County
Annie Eastmond, call/text (801) 859-9601 or email annieeastmond@gmail.com
Utah County
Ginger Parkinson at (801) 400-3568 or email gingerparkinson@gmail.com
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Dixie Tellers
Washington County/Southern Utah
John Harrison at (970) 778-5281 or email john@goharrison.net
Through the Non-Profit Rewards Program, Story Crossroads receives materials as well as continuous fundraising through Clever Octopus, which sells discounted art and craft supplies from 2250 South West Temple, South Salt Lake, 84115. After your purchase, you can place tokens in our Story Crossroads jar at their store location for continuous donations to us. Visit www.cleveroctopus.org for more information.
Tuesdays, 9am-9:30am Mountain
We have weekly live-streaming of behind-the-scenes of Story Crossroads.
Fridays, Noon-1pm Mountain
Join our informal video chats on Discord about storytelling-related topics. Find archived talking points from past discussions as well as future topics.