If you know of any storytelling or story-related events open to the public, then send to Rachel Hedman at info@storycrossroads.org.
This email list will temporarily feature "stay at home" or "limited-sized" storytelling events and resources.
Story Crossroads will resume limited-sized/proper-distanced house concerts starting August 14, 2020. We are no longer in Code Red and Code Orange allows gatherings up to 20 people with safety measures. Check here: https://storycrossroads.org/HouseConcerts/
Many in-person events are postponed or cancelled. Please call, email, or check websites for updates.
Story Crossroads has Twitter (www.twitter.com/StoryCrossroads) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/StoryCrossroads). See the latest Story Crossroads newsletter by clicking here. This Volume 5, Issue 5 that includes three Story Videos of the Month with a story shared in American Sign Language by Peter Cook called "The Lizard Tale," an ASL/closed captioning announcement about Story
Crossroads Spectacular, and a promotion on "The Big Why Panel: Historical Storytelling meets Humanities." Included in the newsletter is also a story "Two Boys & Two Ropes" from Korea, a story game to go with it, and Cap's Off to Kathy Palermo, and Much More.
Every Monday through Friday from 6:00pm-8:00pm, on Sirius XM 143 and locally on 107.9 FM--"The Apple Seed" storytelling radio show hosted by Sam Payne.
Listen at www.byuradio.org
Now!--Open Call for Youth Tellers for TGIF Virtual Storytelling Festival
(every Friday throughout COVID-19)
If you have youth that might be interested (and with parent's permission) like to participate in one of the TGIF Virtual Storytelling Festivals, please forward to Sheila Arnold the names through sheilaarnold39@aol.com. Also, next week, Artists Standing Strong Together will be planning to do an online Youth Storyteller Competition (middle and high school), as well as a Youth Storyteller Showcase (all
ages). ASST will be hosting both the Competition and Showcase in late May - early June.
April 1, 2021 - Open Call for Youth Tellers for Story Crossroads (yes, changed from 2020)
Applications and video links are due to be considered as part of the 33 youth spots in connection with the 5th Annual Story Crossroads Festival on May 12, 2021. Youth must have worked on the story a minimum of six hours as this is not a typical audition and values the progress and practice with the story. Go here for more
details: https://storycrossroads.org/be-a-youth-teller-open-call/. You can also call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799.
Go to the Story Crossroads website for this newsletter's archive
Event: 14th Annual UMSL Student Storytelling Mini-Festival
Hosted by: St. Louis Storytelling Festival
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 6:00pm MDT or 7:00pm CDT
Cost: Free, open to all, donations accepted
Location: From your computer, Zoom, go by clicking here here
Details: The largest FREE one-night, university-teller story festival in America online on that night! MC'd by Ken Wolfe.
Go directly to the Facebook page of 14th Annual UMSL event
Regular Facebook Live with Bill Harley
Dates: Every Tuesday and Thursday during COVID-19, 11:00am-11:20am Mountain Daylight Time
Presenter: Bill Harley
Cost/Details: Free, open to all though tips most welcomed and available to donate on http://www.billharley.com/miniconcerts
Location: From your computer
Details: You can complete Birthday shout-outs or have Good Things announced by completing simple form found on this same webpage
Go directly to the webpage for Bill Harley's mini concerts
Event: Story Crossroads Spectacular - virtual experience (transformed from the live Story Crossroads Festival)
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2020, starting at 9:00am MDT with events all day, available as virtual field trip, enter drawing of featured professionals books and CDs by completing this Google Form found here: https://storycrossroads.org/virtually-attending/
Download printable schedule here: http://www.storycrossroads.org/spectacular
9:00am-9:20am MDT, “The Wandering Ones” interactive oral traditional character – Baba Yaga, multi-streamed to Twitch, YouTube, & Facebook
9:30am-10:30am MDT, Dave & Carol Sharp, “Celtic Stories & Songs” with Q&A at end, multi-streamed to Twitch, YouTube, & Facebook
11:00am MDT, YouTube Premiere of 2020 Youth/Community Tellers from feed-in festivals for Story Crossroads–pre-recorded videos combined together, closed captioning
1:00pm-2:30pm MDT, Workshop by Dr. Csenge Zalka from Hungary–“Down the Rabbit Hole: how to research folktales” through Zoom - Registration closes Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at Midnight MDT
3:00pm-4:30pm MDT, Workshop by Bruce Walker from Alabama–“The Power of Personal & Family Stories: how to research, perform, & tap into that power” through Zoom - Registration closes Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at Midnight MDT
6:30pm-6:50pm MDT, “The Wandering Ones” interactive oral traditional character – Shoemaker Elf, multi-streamed to Twitch, YouTube, & Facebook
7:00pm-8:00pm MDT, “The Gashler Family Storytelling Show” featuring Stephen, Ariah, Aspen, & Percy, multi-streamed to Twitch, YouTube, & Facebook
Cost/Details: Free for the performances and family-friendly material, donations accepted here: https://storycrossroads.square.site/, sliding scale cost for the workshops of $5-$50, suggested $25 and geared for teens/adults (professional development available)
Location: From your computer, various platforms for performances--Twitch, YouTube & Facebook; one platform--YouTube--for 11:00am preimere of pre-recorded stories; one platform for workshops--Zoom
Contact: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text Rachel Hedman with questions
Go directly to the Story Crossroads Spectacular webpage
Regular Facebook Live with Laura Packer
Dates: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday--so far through April 29 though could continue depending on COVID-19, 3:00pm-3:30pm Mountain Daylight Time
Presenter: Laura Packer
Cost/Details: Free, open to all though tips most welcomed and available to donate on https://www.paypal.me/laurapacker
Location: From your computer
Go directly to the Facebook page for Laura Packer
Event: Behind-the-Scenes Story Crossroads on Twitch
Dates/Times: Mondays, 9:00pm-10:00pm MDT, come for as much or as little as you like
Cost/Details: Free, open to all, shares business/marketing of Story Crossroads, informal chat, and always ends with a story, people without a free Twitch account can still watch though only those with a free Twitch account are able to type in the chat
Location: From your computer, Twitch
Contact: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text Rachel Hedman with questions
Go directly to the Story Crossroads Twitch
Event: 3rd TGIF Family Story Fest, a family-friendly virtual storytelling festival with storytellers from around the world
Date/Time: Friday, May 15, 2020, 2:00pm-8:00pm MDT OR 4:00pm-10:00pm EDT
Details: You may listen as short or long as you desire. This is the third virtual festival of this series, and we had responses that this was "excellent", "a great way to cook" and "perfect for giving a break for the kids and me." FREE registration encouraged - see the Zoom invite information below. Can be seen and heard on computer, iPad and by phone, and will also be live-streamed through Facebook or YouTube.
Storytellers include, but not limited to: Simon Brooks (NH), Via Goode (VA), Regi Carpenter (NY), Cindy Rivka Marshall (MA), Elaine Muray (NM), Brian “Fox” Ellis (IL), Ka’ren Muchie (MD), Rachael Harrington (NY), Judith Heineman Shuldiner (NY). Many other storytellers listed soon.
Register in advance for this webinar by clicking here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Cost/Details: Free, open to all, donations accepted
Contact: Email sheilaarnold39@aol.com with questions
Go directly to the Registration of Family Story Fest
Event: Facing the Dark: The Magician & The Devil in the Green Coat
Date/Time: Friday, May 15, 2020, 7:00pm-8:00pm MDT
Story Artists: Stories with Spirit--Rachel Ann Harding and Cooper Braun
Details: These are strange and dark times. And sometimes we need to face the darkness. Stories tell us dragons can be beaten, and light brought to the darkness.
For the first time, Stories with Spirit will be performing online. Join us wherever you are, from the comfort of your own home, as we walk into the dark woods and out the other side. This show (and the one to follow) is an experiment. An experiment in telling and audience. We will be telling just two stories, for about 45 minutes worth of performance. Both are relatively heavy stories, so please be prepared. In this strange time we need gravity as well as levity.
This show is rated PG-13, so please be advised.
The Magician - A wanderer finds love and family, only to have it torn away. The story asks us to consider what is magic, memory, and family?
The Devil in the Green Coat - Once upon a time, a young soldier returned to the shores of America, from the jungles of Vietnam. He met the devil and agreed to wear his coat for 7 years. Adapted from the Brothers Grimm, a story of PTSD, isolation, and what it takes to make love work.
This show is a Pay What You Can event. Please get your ticket (only one needed for each log in) and on the day of the show we will send you the Zoom log in for the event. During the event we will post links for paypal and venmo, if you feel that you can contribute.
10% of the proceeds of this show will be donated to Artists Standing Strong Together Storyteller Relief Fund (administered through the National Storytelling Network).
Register in advance for this Zoom performance
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom.
Go directly to the Registration of Family Story Fest
Event: "Down the Rabbit Hole: the how and why of researching stories"
90-minute VIRTUAL workshop
(5-hour version in-person will be available May 11, 2021)
Designed for Storytellers, Educators, Actors, Community Leaders, anyone interested in story - Professional Development available
In Connection With: Story Crossroads Spectacular
(in place of Festival in 2020)
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 1:00pm-2:30pm Mountain Daylight Time
Presenter: Dr. Csenge Zalka from Hungary
Cost/Details: Sliding Scale dependent on your financial status - Suggested $25 though Minimum $5,
send proof of payment to info@storycrossroads.org
Please complete form that you are virtually attending
Registration closes Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at Midnight MDT
Location: From your computer, will go through Zoom
Contact: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text Rachel Hedman with questions
Go directly to the webpage for Dr. Csenge Zalka's 90-minute virtual workshop
Event: "The Power of Personal & Family Stories: How to Research, Perform, & Tap into that Power"
90-minute VIRTUAL workshop
Designed for Storytellers, Educators, Family Historians, Actors, Community Leaders, anyone interested in story - Professional Development available
In Connection With: Story Crossroads Spectacular
(in place of Festival in 2020)
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 3:00pm-4:30pm Mountain Daylight Time
Presenter: Bruce Walker from Alabama
Cost/Details: Sliding Scale dependent on your financial status - Suggested $25 though Minimum $5,
send proof of payment to info@storycrossroads.org
Please complete form that you are virtually attending
Registration closes Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at Midnight MDT
Location: From your computer, will go through Zoom
Contact: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text Rachel Hedman with questions
Go directly to the webpage for Bruce Walker's 90-minute virtual workshop
Event: "The Big Why Panel - Historical Storytelling meets Humanities"
90-minute VIRTUAL panel
In Connection With: National Storytelling Network
Dates/Times: Sunday, May 31-Sunday, June 7 with PreConferences with Special Interest Groups on Saturday, May 30
Panelists/Presenters: to be announced - though confirmed Rachel Hedman, Sheila Arnold, and Jessica Piscitelli Robinson with moderator Tim Ereneta --many more to be announced soon, as these become available--will be available here: https://storynet.org/virtual-conference/
This will feature many of the things you love about our in-person conference: workshops, performances, and social time, as well as some special things we cannot normally do, like international performances. We will release specific details as they become available.
We will have some free events, such as our annual member meeting, the ORACLE awards ceremony, and other special events. Workshops, most performances, and some special events will have fees. The detailed registration form will be coming soon.
For those who cannot attend all or part of the conference, NSN will be recording sessions. We are beginning to build a digital library of resources that will help storytellers learn and grow from their own homes, on their own schedules.
Go directly to Virtual Storytelling Conference & Festival webpage
Event: "The Big Why Panel - Historical Storytelling meets Humanities"
90-minute VIRTUAL panel
In Connection With: Story Crossroads Spectacular, funding from Utah Humanities
Date/Time: Saturday, June 20, 2020, 9:00am-10:30am Mountain Daylight Time
Panelists: Dr. Caroliese Frink Reed, Sheila Arnold, Darci Tucker, Brian "Fox" Ellis
Cost/Details: Free, open to all though geared for teens and adults - people submit questions ahead of time to info@storycrossroads.org OR in the moment by comment on one of the three Platforms
Historical storytelling and presentations were part of a movement starting in the 1870s, not long after the Civil War when the nation was divided. People needed a way to connect and be unified again by seeing and hearing people’s stories that may or may not share the same views. We would then compare to how popular this method is today and what we can expect of this in the future. How will we be
able to “walk in their shoes” as is the meaning of Chautauqua storytelling?
Location: From your computer, will go through Zoom but the general public will access through it being Multi-streamed to Twitch (http://www.twitch.tv/storycrossroads), YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/storycrossroads), and Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/storycrossroads)
Contact: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text Rachel Hedman with questions
Go directly to The Big Why Panel webpage on Story Crossroads
Normally, Chapter meetings are held in libraries throughout Utah and are free and open to anybody.
There is talk among the Guild Board, including the Chapter Presidents, of whether to pause on meetings or to have virtual options. You can email usgmemo@gmail.com or call/text Cassie Ashton at (801) 859-5967.
Chapters and When/Where Typically Meet
(North to South)
Bridgerland - Cache Valley, 2nd Saturdays of the Month, Logan Library
Contact: Leah Checketts at (435) 760-0412 or email LASTredDragon@gmail.com
Ben Lomond - Weber County, 2nd Wednesdays of the Month, Main Library in Ogden
Contact: Douglas Dickson at libertystoryteller@gmail.com
Farmington Bay - Davis County, 3rd Thursdays of the Month, Kaysville Library
Contact: Email Gary Hansen at gary_d_hansen@msn.com
Olympus - Salt Lake County, 2nd Tuesdays of the Month, Millcreek Library
Contact: Annie Eastmond, call/text (801) 859-9601 or email annieeastmond@gmail.com
Timp Tellers - Utah County, 2 Meeting Types with Workshop/Round Robins on 1st Thursdays of the Month at Orem Public Library and Work/Research on 3rd Thursdays at American Fork Library
Contact: Ginger Parkinson at (801) 400-3568 or email gingerparkinson@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
This event is being postponed. Originally, it happens close to the Monday closest to April 1st. Receive more details and learn how to register through April Johnson by
calling/texting (801) 473-9066 or emailing aprildj8@gmail.com (story must be under 6 minutes).
Message from April Johnson and Mikaela Hansen, Storytelling Contest Coordinators:
We anticipate holding the contest once it is safe and permissible to do so. Please continue working on your stories! Consider using the extra time you spend at home spinning some excellent tall tales and rehearsing with your families.
Go to the Orem Public Library website
Message from The Bee:
Due to concerns over the spread of COVID-19 and Coronavirus, we will not be hosting live events for the forseeable future. We are super sad about
this and remain committed to preserving and protecting the health and wellness of our community, especially the most vulnerable among us.
While physcial distancing is something we are being called to do, we are steadfastly committed to staying closely connected in other ways and will be exploring options to facilitate this in the days and weeks
to come.
If you'd like us to stay in touch with you and let you know how our plans are coming together, sign up for our email list and/or follow us on Instagram (@thebeeslc).
Please note: They are looking to still offer their workshops for adults through an online way if there is enough interest expressed.
Go to The Bee website