If you know of any storytelling or story-related events open to the public, then send to Rachel Hedman at info@storycrossroads.org.
This is #GivingTuesday...and beyond...time. Consider storytelling nonprofits such as Story Crossroads (click here - Dec. 3-17, 2019), Timpanogos Storytelling, National Storytelling Network, and so many more.
Every Monday through Friday from 6:00pm-8:00pm, on Sirius XM 143 and locally on 107.9 FM--"The Apple Seed" storytelling radio show hosted by Sam Payne.
Listen at www.byuradio.org
Sample Article Headline
Legacy: Fables is a first-of-it’s-kind Adventure Studio where you can become the hero or villain of an epic tale. Our talented narrators guide the guests through a story but leave it to them to make the choices the protagonist would usually make. This can change the plot drastically and results in each guest to walk away with a story that is entirely
their own. Find @legacyfables on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Go to the Legacy: Fables website (studio located at 443 N. University Ave., Provo, UT)
Applications now Available - Clinton Storytelling Festival
Go to the Clinton City Board website (http://www.clintoncity.net) then "Boards & Commissions" on the left listing and then click on "Arts Board." Contact Randy Williams at rationalrandy@gmail.com or call 385-519-7646. Festival itself is on
Friday, January 10, 2020.
December 31, 2019 - Workshop Proposals due for Timpanogos Storytelling Conference
Go to http://www.timpfest.org for more details and the application to teach storytelling skills in connection with the Timpanogos Storytelling Conference and Festival on Thursday, September 10, 2020.
Applications now Available - Clearfield Storytelling Festival
Go to the Clearfield City website at http://www.clearfieldcity.org for an application or contact Laurie Allen at funnygrandma258@yahoo.com or call (801) 773-7713. Applications are due January 9, 2020. Festival itself is on Saturday,
January 25, 2020.
Go to the Story Crossroads website for this newsletter's archive
Event: In and Out of Trouble: A Family Concert with Bill Harley
Sponsors: POPS, Utah Humanities, Timpanogos Storytelling, Fairview City
Date/Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Peterson Dance Hall, 65 S. State St., Fairview City, UT
Go directly to the NowPlayingUtah page of Bill Harley event
Event: Timp Tellers Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild,
2 Meeting Types/Dates/Times/Locations per Month
Thursday, December 5, 2019, 7:00pm (usually 1st Thursday, none in September due to Timpanogos Storytelling Festival), focus on workshops, round robin performing, and recording
Location for "Workshop/Round Robins": Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem, UT
Thursday, December 19, 2019, 7:00pm (usually 3rd Thursdays), focus on work, research, split time to present depending on who is there
Location for "Work/Research": American Fork Library, Historical Archives Room, 64 South 100 East, American Fork, UT
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem
Contact: Ginger Parkinson at (801) 400-3568 or email gingerparkinson@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: Utah Winter Faire...with Storytelling
Dates/Times: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, December 6-8, 2019
Featured Story Artist: Julie Barnson
Cost: Ranges from $5-$50 depending on day(s) you choose and number in your group, kids aged 6 and under are always
Location: Legacy Events Center, 151 South 1100 West, Farmington, UT 84025
Go to the Utah Winter Faire website
Event: Ben Lomond Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 7:00pm (usually 2nd Wednesdays)
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Location: Main Library, 2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, UT, downstairs Room B
Contact: Douglas Dickson at libertystoryteller@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: 43rd Story Crossroads Fundraising House Concert
Date/Time: Thursday, December 12, 2019, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Story Artist: Paul Boruff
Theme: An Evening of Western Ballads with Paul Boruff
Experience the Old West with the tunes and tales of that time. Paul Boruff, a professional story musician, travels extensively performing everything from old west to folk to jazz. He has brought life to the sometimes-forgotten
history behind traditional music at museums, resorts, theaters and schools all over the West. He has produced several CDs that will also be available for purchase.
Suggested Donation: $15.00+/person, $25.00+/couple or family, though any amount welcomed, best for teens and adults
Location: Lovell Home, 1842 28th Street, Ogden, UT 84403, best to contact Nikki Lovell for directions
RSVP: Call/text Nikki Lovell at (801) 710-1986 or email info@storycrossroads.org
Details: Refreshments served and storytelling books and CDs will be available to purchase
Purpose: This fundraiser event is held so the Story Crossroads Festival remains strong (see http://www.storycrossroads.org, can also donate online whether or not you can attend)
Go directly to House Concert webpage on Story Crossroads site
Event: "Holidaze"--The Bee True Stories from the Hive!, competitive storytelling for ages 21+ (partly to content, partly to drinks available)
Date: Thursday, December 12, 2019, Doors open at 6:00pm, stories start at 6:30pm and lasts towards 10:00pm, done each month on 2nd Thursdays
Featured Tellers: Ten storytellers picked at random from a hat has five minutes each to tell a true story on the theme of the night-"Holidaze: stories of stressful 'celebrations,' disastrous dinner parties, unfortunate family gatherings, and hilarious holiday mishaps"-without notes
Cost: $15.00/person, must be aged 21 or older, go to http://thebeeslc.org to purchase tickets, tickets on sale by November 29th at 10:00am
Location: Metro Music Hall, 615 West 100 South, Salt Lake City, UT
Go to The Bee website
Event: Bridgerland Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Saturday, December 14, 2019, 10:30am (usually 2nd Saturday of the month)
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Location: Old Ephraim Room, Logan Library, 255 N. Main St., Logan, UT
Contact: Leah Checketts at (435) 760-0412 or email LASTredDragon@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: A Night of Stories - 21st House Concert
Theme: A Holiday Concert of Magical Stories
Date/Time: Saturday, December 14, 2019, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: This series typically has any mixture of the following tellers--Ginger Parkinson, Steffani Raff, Cassie Ashton, Paige Funk, Jan C. Smith,
Lynn Wing
Cost: Free yet tip jar available, geared for teens and adults
Note: This is also in place of the Olympus Chapter Utah Storytelling Guild Christmas party.
Location: Ashton Home, 12471 White Rose Cr., Draper, UT 84020, please RSVP by calling/texting Cassie Ashton at (801) 859-5967
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild site for each of the featured tellers
Event: Farmington Bay Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Thursday, December 19, 2019, 7:00pm-8:30pm (every 3rd Thursday of the month)
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Location: Kaysville Library, 215 N. Fairfield Rd., Kaysville
Contact: Ray Howard at red@xmission.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: 44th Story Crossroads Fundraising House Concert
Date/Time: Friday, January 3, 2020, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Story Artist: Julie Barnson
Theme: George MacDonald's "The Light Princess"
George MacDonald is known for many literary works such as "The Princess and the Goblin." Julie Barnson honors this piece entitled "The Light Princess," which she has shared on many stages including the Utah Arts
Festival. The story deals with a hilarious and heart-warming princess with an enlightening curse. Being a long-time professional storyteller, Julie has produced this as a CD and it will be available for purchase.
Suggested Donation: $15.00+/person, $25.00+/couple or family, though any amount welcomed, best for teens and adults
Location: Hedman Home, 4835 Sunset Park Lane, West Jordan, UT 84081
RSVP: Call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 or email info@storycrossroads.org
Details: Refreshments served and storytelling books and CDs will be available to purchase
Purpose: This fundraiser event is held so the Story Crossroads Festival remains strong (see http://www.storycrossroads.org, can also donate online whether or not you can attend)
Go directly to House Concert webpage on Story Crossroads site
Come to any or all sessions, even when mid-way with workshops. However, best results come from being able to go to all of the four 2-hour sessions.
Event: 8-hour Storytelling Workshops for Adults
Fridays, January 10, 17, 24, 31, 2020
Master Story Facilitator: Rachel Hedman
Address: 12914 S. Redwood Rd., Riverton, UT
Mondays, February 24 & March 2, 9, 16, 2020
Master Story Facilitator: Jim Luter
Address: 10778 S. Redwood Rd., South Jordan, UT
Cost: Free, open to all, Click here for workshop handout as well as FAQs
Details: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text (801) 870-5799 stating your interest or any questions
Go directly to the Workshops page on Story Crossroads website
Event: 3rd Annual Clinton Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Friday, January 10, 2020, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Featured Story Artists: Several professional and community tellers (including youth)--to be considered you need to complete application at http://www.clintoncity.net. Contact Randy Williams at
rationalrandy@gmail.com or call 385-519-7646.
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Clinton Recreation Building, 1651 West 2300 North, Clinton, UT
Go the Clinton City website
Event: FREE Murray Storytelling Residencies/Workshops, feed into Murray Storytelling Showcase and later into the county-level Story Crossroads Festival
Liberty Elementary, geared for Grades 3-6, Tuesdays/Thursdays only,
Jan. 16-Feb. 6, 2020, 3:15pm-4:45pm
You don't have to attend Liberty Elementary to participate
Murray Library, geared for Grades 3-12, Saturdays,
Jan. 25-March 7, 2020, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Murray Heritage Center, geared for Adults & Seniors, Tuesdays/Fridays only, Feb. 18-March 27, 2020, 10:00am-11:30am
Facilitators: Suzanne Hudson, Billie Jones, Cassie Ashton, Lora Schmidt, Jan C. Smith, Cherie Davis, Ginger Parkinson, Nannette Watts
Cost: Free, open to all, more details at http://www.murray.utah.gov/1293/Murray-Storytelling-Showcase and click here for registration form
Contact: Anyone wishing to participate or ask questions can connect with Lori Edmunds by calling (801) 264-2614 or emailing ledmunds@murray.utah.gov.
Go to the Weber State University Storytelling Festival website
Event: Olympus Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Tuesday, January 14, 2020, 7:00pm-8:30pm
(every 3rd Thursday of the month--December meeting was to support Dec. 14, 2019 House Concert at Ashton Home)
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Location: Millcreek Library, 2266 E. Evergreen, Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Contact: Annie Eastmond, call/text (801) 859-9601 or email annieeastmond@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: 3rd Annual Northern Utah Charter and Home Schools Storytelling Concert
Sponsored and Supported by the Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Friday, January 17, 2020, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Featured Story Artists: Youth storytellers from Charter Schools and Home School groups, K-12th grade
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Maria Montessori Academy, 2505 North 200 East, Ogden, UT
Go to the Weber State University Storytelling Festival website
Event: 14th Annual Clearfield Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Saturday, January 25, 2020, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Featured Story Artists: Several professional and community tellers (including youth)--to be considered you need to complete application and email no later than January 9, 2020 to Laurie Allen at funnygrandma258@yahoo.com or call (801) 773-7713. You can also go through the Clearfield City website at http://www.clearfieldcity.org.
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Clearfield Community Arts Center, 140 E. Center Street, Clearfield, UT
Go the Clearfield City website
Event: Registration Opens: "Down the Rabbit Hole: Intensive Research for Storyteller" 5-hour Intensive Workshop
In Connection With: Story Crossroads
Date/Time: Registration opens Friday, February 21, 2020 for the 5-hour Workshop to occur on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 from 9:30am-2:30pm, doors open at 9:00am
Presenter: Dr. Csenge Zalka from Hungary
Note: You can also email info@storycrossroads.org for a reminder email for when registration is open
Cost: $100.00/person, includes catered lunch, registration required, you can ask to be reminded by email by sending us an email now at info@storycrossroads.org
Contact: Email info@storycrossroads.org or call/text Rachel Hedman with questions
Go directly to the webpage for Intensives on Story Crossroads website
Event: 24th Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Dates/Times: Monday-Wednesday, February 24-26, 2020
Featured Story Artists: Kuniko Yamamoto, Bobby and Sherry Norfolk, and many more TBA
Cost: Free, open to all (except for cost of those going to the fundraising dinner on Tuesday night, February 25, 2020)
Monday-Tuesday--Eccles Conference Center (Peery's Egyptian Theatre), 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden
Wednesday--Davis Conference Center, 1651 N. 700 W., Layton
Go the Weber State University Storytelling Festival website
Event: Fundraising Dinner--24th Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Featured Story Artists: Kuniko Yamamoto, Bobby and Sherry Norfolk
Cost: $60.00/plate, dress in Sunday best or better
Reservations: If you are interested in joining us, please contact, Patricia Cieslak, Executive Assistant by email patriciacieslak@weber.edu or by phone 801-626-7515.
Location: Timbermine Restaurant, 1701 Park Blvd., Ogden, UT
Go the Weber State University Storytelling Festival website