If you know of any storytelling or story-related events open to the public, then send to Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com.
See the latest Story Crossroads newsletter by clicking here. This Volume 4, Issue 4 that includes a Story Video of the Month with a minute and a half intro to the vision of Story Crossroads, a story from the Slavic lands and a
story game to go with it, and Cap's Off to You to Dave and Carol Sharp - Story Musicians, Visual Artists, and Supportive (in Tandem!) Spouses.
Storytelling Radio Shows Broadcasting from Utah
Every Sunday at 8:30am, listen to the KPCW "The Story Mine" radio show hosted by David Bullock and Cathy Barker.
Listen at www.kpcw.org
Every Monday through Friday from 6:00pm-8:00pm plus Saturdays from 5:00pm-6:00pm, on Sirius XM 143 and locally on 107.9 FM--"The Apple Seed" storytelling radio show hosted by Sam Payne.
Listen at www.byuradio.org
The Hutchings Museum is looking for volunteer storytellers to do historical and many other genres year-round with emphasis on April/May 2019. For more info, contact Cami Shoemaker at (801) 768-7361 or email c.shoemaker@hutchingsmuseum.education.
Saturday, March 9, 2019--
Tuesday, March 12, 2019--
Deadline for youth tellers from Kindergarten to 12th grade from Utah and beyond to submit video link and online application to be considered for National Youth Storytelling including for youth component of the Utah's Biggest Liar (that selects and showcases during Timpanogos Storytelling Festival). See more details
here: https://timpfest.org/events/2019-national-youth-storytelling-auditions/
Go to the Story Crossroads website for this newsletter's archive
Event: 34th Story Crossroads Fundraising House
Date/Time: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Story Artists: David and Carol Sharp
Theme: Tales of Haunted Japan
Restless Spirits that wander the snow covered passes, suicidal Geisha, Ghostly Cats, invisible Tengu and Mysterious Shamisen players. Accompanied by the sounds of Shakuhachi, Shamisen, Gong, drums, Ratchet, Ting-Sha and other percussion instruments. Dave and Carol Sharp are storytellers that have researched the folk legends of Japan and have written many of the original ideas
and Kabuki plays into storytelling form. Shakuhachi made by Dave Sharp and Haiku and Tanka composed in English are also recited with music accompaniment.
Suggested Donation: $15.00+/person, $25.00+/couple or family, though any amount welcomed, best for teens and adults
Location: Tobin Home, 2064 East 6075 South, Ogden, UT 84403
RSVP: Call/text Shanna Tobin at (801) 547-5656 or email storycrossroads@gmail.com
Details: Refreshments served and books and CDs will be available to purchase besides other story-related items
Purpose: This fundraiser event is held so the Story Crossroads Festival remains strong (see http://www.storycrossroads.com, can also donate online whether or
not you can attend)
Go directly to House Concert webpage on Story Crossroads site
Event: FREE Murray Storytelling Residencies/Workshops, feed into Murray Storytelling Showcase and later into the county-level Story Crossroads Festival
Come even when mid-way with workshops--you're invited!
Murray Library, geared for Grades 3-12, Saturdays,
Jan. 26-March 9, 1:00pm-3:00pm,
Murray Heritage Center, geared for Adults & Seniors, Feb. 25 – April 3, Mondays/Wednesdays only, 1:00pm-2:30pm
Facilitators: Suzanne Hudson, Billie Jones, Cassie Ashton, Lora Schmidt, Jan C. Smith, Cherie Davis, Ginger Parkinson, Nannette Watts
Cost: Free, open to all, more details at http://www.murray.utah.gov/1293/Murray-Storytelling-Showcase and click here for registration form
Contact: Anyone wishing to participate or ask questions can connect with Lori Edmunds by calling (801) 264-2614 or emailing ledmunds@murray.utah.gov.
Go to the Murray Storytelling Residencies webpage on Murray City website
Event: Timp Tellers Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Thursday, February 7, 2019, 7:00pm
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Location: Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem
Contact: Ginger Parkinson at (801) 400-3568 or email gingerparkinson@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: A Night of Stories - 11th House Concert
Date/Time: Friday, February 8, 2019, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: This series typically has any mixture of the following tellers--Ginger Parkinson, Steffani Raff, Cassie Ashton, Paige Funk, Jan C. Smith,
Lynn Wing
Cost: Free yet tip jar available, geared for teens and adults
Location: Parkinson Home, 1001 North 800 East, Springville, UT, directions/tips shared when you RSVP by calling/texting Ginger Parkinson at (801) 400-3568
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild site for each of the featured tellers
Event: Bridgerland Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Saturday, February 9, 2019, 10:30am
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Location: Old Ephraim Room, Logan Library, 255 N. Main St., Logan, UT
Contact: Leah Checketts at (435) 760-0412 or email LASTredDragon@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: FREE 8-hour Storytelling Workshops, feed into the county-level Story Crossroads Festival
Locations/Dates/Times So Far:
Tuesdays, February 12, 19, 26 and stage performance on March 5, 2019
Master Story Facilitator: Jim Luter
Address: 10778 S. Redwood Rd., South Jordan, UT
Email storycrossroads@gmail.com or call/text (801) 870-5799 stating your interest or any questions
Mondays, March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019
Story Facilitators: James Wind/Judy Stanger
Address: 4743 Plymouth View Dr., Taylorsville, UT
Email storycrossroads@gmail.com or call/text (801) 870-5799 stating your interest or any questions
Wednesdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019
Story Facilitator: Donna Wood
Address: 12914 S. Redwood Rd., Riverton, UT
Email storycrossroads@gmail.com or call/text (801) 870-5799 stating your interest or any questions
Cost: Free, open to all, see the "Frequently Asked Questions" as well as "Successful Stories & May Festival" handouts by clicking here
Contact: Anyone wishing to participate or ask questions can connect with Rachel Hedman by calling/texting (801) 870-5799 or emailing storycrossroads@gmail.com
Go to the Story Crossroads 8-hour workshops web page
Event: Olympus Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 7:00pm (will be 2nd Tuesday of the month)
Cost: Free, open to all
USG membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
New Location: Millcreek Library, 2266 E. Evergreen Ave., Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Contact: Annie Eastmond at annieeastmond@gmail.com or call/text (801) 859-9601
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: Ben Lomond Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 7:00pm (usually 2nd Wednesdays)
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Location: Main Library, 2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, UT, downstairs Room B
Contact: Douglas Dickson at libertystoryteller@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: "First Date/Worst Date"--The Bee True Stories from the Hive!, competitive storytelling for ages 21+ (partly to content, partly to drinks available)
Date: Thursday, February 14, 2019, Doors open at 6:00pm, stories start at 6:30pm and lasts towards 10:00pm, done each month on 2nd Thursdays
Featured Tellers: Ten storytellers picked at random from a hat has five minutes each to tell a true story on the theme of the night "First Date/Worst Date: stories of swooning and swiping right, un/pleasant surprises, in/compatibility, and the trials and tribulations of dating in the modern world" without notes
Cost: $15.00/person, must be aged 21 or older, go to http://thebeeslc.org to purchase tickets, tickets on sale by January 31st at 10:00am
Location: Metro Music Hall, 615 West 100 South, Salt Lake City, UT
Go to The Bee website
Event: Farmington Bay Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Thursday, February 21, 2019, 7:00pm-8:30pm (every 3rd Thursday of the month)
Cost: Free, open to all
USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page
Location: Kaysville Library, 215 N. Fairfield Rd., Kaysville
Contact: Darrell Mangum at dinutah@gmail.com
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: 23rd Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Dates: Monday-Wednesday, February 25-27, 2019, 10:00am to Noon on Monday and 9:30am to Noon for Tuesday-Wednesday with afternoon campus workshops or outreach concerts (such as the Story Slam, Symposium, and Senior Center concerts), and evening concerts
Featured Out-of-State Tellers: Noa Baum, Jasmin Cardenas, Antonia Rocha, Ed Stivender
Treasured Tellers: Virginia Rasmussen, Phyllis Savage
Associate Teller: Karl Behling
Regional Tellers: Ted Erekson, Cassie Ashton, Idlewild (Tandem--David and Carol Sharp), Mary Louise Hughes, Elaine Brewster, Harvest Home (Tandem--Dan and Annie Eastmond), Lynn Wing, Wayne McKay, Melva Gifford, Tamra Pratt, Laurie Allen, Kristen Clay, Suzanne Hudson, Bradley Mackay, Billie Jones, Nannette Watts, Ginger Parkinson, Ann Ellis, Rachel Hedman, Alan Griffin, Rob Burns, Janine Nishiguchi, Joan Effiong
Cost: Free, open to all (only cost for those who wish to attend the Storytelling Festival Dinner at 6:30pm on Tuesday, Feb. 26th)
Monday-Tuesday--Eccles Conference Center (Peery's Egyptian Theatre), 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden
Wednesday--Davis Conference Center, 1651 N. 700 W., Layton
Go to the Weber State University Storytelling Festival website
Event: Stories on the Ledge
Sponsor: WSU Storytelling Festival, Moyes College of Education and Diversity & Inclusion Programs
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 26, 2019, Noon-1:00pm
Host: Sam Payne
Theme: Stories from My Culture
Cost: Free, geared for teens and adults
Location: Shepherd Union Building,
3848 Harrison Blvd., Weber State University campus, Ogden, UT
Go directly to Facebook event webpage
Event: WSU Educational Storytelling Seminar: Creating Culturally Appropriate Thai Stories: Lesson Learned
Sponsor: WSU Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 1:00pm-2:00pm
Presenters: Dr. David R. Byrd, Dr. DeeDee Mower, Dr. Nadia Wrosch, Ariel Brown, Thomas Bowker, Anneli Byrd
Cost: Free, geared for teens and adults
Location: Sky Room, 4th Floor,
Shepherd Union Building, 3848 Harrison Blvd., Weber State University campus, Ogden, UT
Go directly to WSU Storytelling Festival program on website
Event: WSU Storytelling Symposium: A Land Twice Promised-An Israeli Woman's Quest for Peace
Sponsor: WSU Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 3:30pm-5:30pm
Story Artist/Presenter: Noa Baum
Cost: Free, geared for teens and adults
Location: Wildcat Theater, Main
Floor, Shepherd Union Building, 3848 Harrison Blvd., Weber State University campus, Ogden, UT
Go directly to WSU Storytelling Festival program on website
Event: WSU Storytelling Festival Fundraising Dinner
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 6:30pm
Featured Tellers: Noa Baum, Jasmin Cardenas, Antonia Rocha, Ed Stivender
Cost: $60.00/plate, dress in Sunday best or better
Reservations: If you are interested in joining us, please contact, Patricia Cieslak, Executive Assistant by email patriciacieslak@weber.edu or by phone 801-626-7515 by February 14, 2019.
Location: Timbermine Restaurant, 1701 Park Blvd., Ogden, UT
Go to the WSU Storytelling Fundraising webpage
Event: 2nd Annual Old Capitol Storytelling Festival
Dates/Times: Tuesday-Sunday, March 5-10, 2019, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Story Artists: Clive Romney, Sam Payne, Suzanne Christensen, Ken Verdoia Nino Reyos, and special guests One Voice Children's Choir
Cost: TBA, open for all ages
Locations: Fillmore, UT and even stretches to Ely, NV, more details to be shared soon
Go directly to Old Capitol Storytelling Festival website
Event: 11th Annual Utah's Biggest Liar
Liars Preliminary Contest-Adults
Saturday, March 9, 2019; 2:00pm-5:00pm
Storytelling Wing, Orem Public Library
Come watch this first round of competition and see if your favorites get picked for the final night! The event is free and open to the public.
Click here for the Adult registration form.
Liars Preliminary Contest-Youth
For youth to audition for the Utah’s Biggest Liars Contest, we are sending applicants through the Youth Storytelling audition process. This application requires a video recording of their story as their audition. Applications need to be filled out by Monday, March 12 and your video recording will be sent to our first round of judges for review.
Click here for the Youth registration form.
Liars Finale Contest
Monday, April 1, 2019
5:30 PM-Youth Contest, Media Auditorium, Orem Public Library
7:00 PM-Adult Contest, Storytelling Wing, Orem Public Library
Go directly to the Utah's Biggest Liar web page
Event: A Night of Stories - 12th House Concert
Date/Time: Saturday, March 9, 2019, 7:00pm
Theme: Tales of Luck
Featured Tellers: This series typically has any mixture of the following tellers--Ginger Parkinson, Steffani Raff, Cassie Ashton, Paige Funk, Jan C. Smith,
Lynn Wing
Cost: Free yet tip jar available, geared for teens and adults
Location: Wing Home, 160 East 400 North, Payson, UT, directions/tips shared when you RSVP by calling/texting Lynn Wing at (608) 780-1833
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild site for each of the featured tellers
Event: 35th Story Crossroads Fundraising House Concert
Date/Time: Friday, March 15, 2019, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Story Artists: Annie and Dan Eastmond also known as Harvest Home
Theme: Celtic Stories
Suggested Donation: $15.00+/person, $25.00+/couple or family, though any amount welcomed, best for teens and adults
Location: Jordan Villas Clubhouse, co-hosted by Jim Luter and John Adams, 9339 S. Jordan Villa Dr., West Jordan, UT 84088
RSVP: Call/text Jim Luter at (801) 652-8044 or email storycrossroads@gmail.com
Details: Refreshments served and storytelling books and CDs will be available to purchase
Purpose: This fundraiser event is held so the Story Crossroads Festival remains strong (see http://www.storycrossroads.com, can also donate online whether or
not you can attend)
Go directly to House Concert webpage on Story Crossroads site
Event: 16th Annual Vernal UTAH's Storytelling Festival
Dates/Times: Thursday-Friday, March 21-22, 2019, 7:00pm
Featured Story Artists: Elizabeth Ellis, Bil Lepp, Lori Olmstead
Cost: THURSDAY NIGHT IS FREE, then Friday night is $3.00/student, $5.00/general or $10.00/family, buy tickets online
by clicking here or also available at the door at Davis Food and Drug
Location: Vernal Middle School, 721 West 100 South, Vernal, UT 84078
Go directly to Vernal UTAH's Storytelling Festival Facebook page
Event: A Night of Stories - 13th House Concert
Date/Time: Saturday, April 13, 2019, 7:00pm
Theme: Mythology Tales of Long Ago
Featured Tellers: This series typically has any mixture of the following tellers--Ginger Parkinson, Steffani Raff, Cassie Ashton, Paige Funk, Jan C. Smith,
Lynn Wing
Cost: Free yet tip jar available, geared for teens and adults
Location: Funk Home in Lehi, receive exact address and directions when you RSVP by calling/texting Paige Funk at (801) 762-7613
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild site for each of the featured tellers
Event: Murray Storytelling Showcase
Feeds Into: Story Crossroads Festival
Date/Time: Saturday, April 20, 2019, 11:00am-4:00pm
Featured Story Artists: Participants in the Murray Storytelling Showcase are
chosen from our various storytelling residencies at the Murray Library, the Murray Senior Recreation Center, Liberty Elementary after-school and in designated school classrooms.
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Murray Library, 166 East 5300 South, Murray, UT
Go directly to Murray Storytelling Showcase