Utah Storytelling--February to May

Published: Fri, 02/17/17

Utah Storytelling Events
semi-monthly email list for story lovers and story listeners

If you know of any events open to the public, then send to the Utah Storytelling Guild at usgmemo@gmail.com. Rachel Hedman is this email's coordinator.

The Story Crossroads Festival is now May 24, 2017 due to increased support and convenience for the feed-in festivals.  In the meantime, enjoy house concerts geared for teens and older through the Story Crossroads house concert fundraising series such as the one coming up on Friday, February 17th featuring the Hatch Academy of Magic & Music (Deceptionist Richard Hatch, Violinist Rosemary Kimura Hatch, Pianist Jonathan Hatch) at the Tobin Home in Ogden, UT.  Go to http://www.storycrossroads.com under "Events" and the "House Concert Fundraising Series."  Or go directly here:  https://storycrossroads.com/calendar/house-concert-fundraising-series/.  These can happen anywhere in the state.

Enjoy free storytelling residencies for youth and adults through the Murray Storytelling Festival and Story Crossroads.  See details below.

See the 12th issue of "Story Crossroads: The Newsletter" that features a story from Chile, a story game to go with the story, a story video of the month (part of Teaching Story Video Series), and a "Cap's Off to You" featuring a person who uses story in everyday to work life:  Billie Jones.  Read the newsletter here:

Storytelling Radio Shows Broadcasting from Utah
The Story Mine radio show

Every Sunday at 8:30am, listen to the KPCW "The Story Mine" radio show hosted by David Bullock and Cathy Barker.

The Apple Seed storytelling radio show

Every Monday through Saturday at Noon (and rebroadcasts), listen to the BYU Radio--a Sirius Satellite radio 143--"The Apple Seed" storytelling radio show hosted by Sam Payne.


Monday, March 6, 2017--Deadline to submit online application and $10 entry fee for Utah's Biggest Liar (with preliminary and final concerts).  See more here: http://timpfest.org/events/2017-utahs-biggest-liar-contest-entries/​​​​​​​

Wednesday, November 1, 2017--Deadline to submit online application and video to be considered for 2018 Story Crossroads Festival on May 23, 2018. See more here: https://storycrossroads.com/get-involved/be-a-story-artist-for-the-main-stage-event/.



Hatch Academy

Event:  12th Story Crossroads Fundraising House Concert

Date/Time:  Friday, February 17, 2017, 7:00pm-8:30pm

Featured Tellers/Theme:  Hatch Academy of Magic & Music with Deceptionist Richard Hatch, Violinist Rosemary Kimura Hatch, Pianist Jonathan Hatch--best for teens and adults

An Enchanted Evening: Magic, Music & Stories from India, China, Japan & Beyond

Suggested Donation:  $15.00+/person, though any teen or adult welcome, Books/CDs also available for purchase 

Location:  Tobin Home, 2064 East 6075 South, Ogden, UT

RSVP:  Call/text Shanna Tobin at (801) 547-5656 or email shannatobin@usa.net or call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 or email storycrossroads@gmail.com

Details:  Refreshments served

Purpose:  This fundraiser event is held so the Story Crossroads
Festival remains strong (see
www.storycrossroads.com, can also donate online whether or not you can attend)


Murray Heritage Senior Center

Event:  Murray Storytelling Residency for Adults

Sponsors/Partners:  City of Murray, Murray Public Library (part of Murray Storytelling Festival)

Dates/Times:  Mondays & Thursdays, January 23, 26, 30 & February 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20 from Noon-2:00pm and then with Judging on February 23 at Noon

Featured Teller/Presenter:  Carol Esterreicher

Cost: Free, open to all adults

Location:  Murray Heritage Center, #10 East 6150 South, Murray

Note:  A premier county festival, Story Crossroads, is held April 2017 at the Salt Lake County Viridian Event Center.  Murray will be selecting up to 15 finalists from the city festival to participate in this new event.


Murray Storytelling Festival Residencies

Event:  Storytelling Residencies through Murray Storytelling Festival (Youth & Adults)


Murray Library (Grades 2-12 and Adults-age groups separated where needed), Jan. 21, 28 & Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, Judging March 4, all from 1:00pm-3:00pm

Grant Elementary (Grades 2-6), Jan. 30 & Feb. 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 23, Judging March 3

Twin Peaks Elementary (Grades 2-6), Feb. 21, 22, 24, 27 & March 1, Judging March 3, 3:45pm-4:45pm on M-Th, 1:30pm-2:30pm on F

Featured Presenters:  Cherie Davis, Lora Schmidt, Suzanne Hudson, Jan C. Smith, Carol Esterreicher, Ginger Parkinson, Cassie Ashton, Nannette Watts 

Location Addresses:

​​​​​​​Murray Library, 166 E. 5300 S., Murray, UT

Grant Elementary, 662 W. Bulldog Cir., Murray, UT

Twin Peaks Elementary, 5325 S. 1045 E., Murray, UT

Cost:  Free, open to all (see residency for specific grades/ages) 

Registration:  Email mkirk@murray.utah.gov with name and workshop location.  Formal registration forms with a liability release statement must be completed at the first session.

Details:  Participants are encouraged to bring a story (3-7 minutes) to the first workshop but help will be provided for those who need assistance in finding a story.  Finalists will be chosen for the city-wide festival held on March 18.  Murray will be selecting finalists from our city festival to participate in the 2nd Annual county festival, Story Crossroads, in April 2017.  Please note that the Murray Boys/Girls Club is also having a residency but a parent is required to attend with the child for all sessions.  Email mkirk@murray.utah.gov for more details.


Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Olympus Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 7:00pm (usually the 3rd Tuesday of the month)

Cost: Free, open to all--bring potluck dish to share and perhaps a story for the season, feel free to bring family

USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Salt Lake City Library-Conference Room on 4th Floor, 210 East 400 South, Salt Lake City, UT

Contact:  John Adams at sha8spr1@comcast.net or call (801) 824-4646


Storytelling Residences for Adults--Story Crossroads

Event:  Free 8-hour Adult-Focused Storytelling Residency

Sponsors:  Taylorsville Senior Center, Story Crossroads

Purpose:  After learning storytelling for four 2-hour sessions once a week, the adults will be performance-ready.  Top tellers will be chosen to tell for Story Crossroads Festival on May 24, 2017 or outreaches before, during, or after the Festival.


Taylorsville Senior Center, 4743 S. Plymouth View Dr., Taylorsville, UT--Wednesdays/Mondays, February 22, 27 & March 1, 6, 2017 from 5:30pm-7:30pm

Featured Presenter:  Judy Stanger 

Cost: Free, open to adults aged 18-201

​Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call (801) 870-5799 or RSVP at the interested location by calling Taylorsville Senior Center at (385) 468-3370


WSU Storytelling Festival

Event:  21st Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival

Dates/Times:  Monday-Wednesday, February 27-28 & March 1, 2017, 10:00am to Noon on Monday and 9:30am to Noon for Tuesday-Wednesday with afternoon campus workshops or outreach concerts (such as the Story Slam, Symposium with Donald Davis, and Senior Center concerts), and evening concerts

Featured Tellers:  Antonio Sacre, Kim Weitkamp, Bil Lepp, Sam Payne, Omar & Lori Hansen

Associate Tellers:  Karl Behling, Steffani Raff, Clive Romney

Treasured Tellers:  Virginia Rasmussen, Phyllis J. Savage

Utah/Regional Tellers:  Laurie Allen, Kristen Clay, Cherie Davis, Suzanne Decaria, Anne & Dan Eastmond, Joan Effiong, Carol Esterreicher, Stephen Gashler, Wendy Gourley, Rachel Hedman, Suzanne Hudson, George McEwan, Jean Andra Miller, Janine Nishiguchi, Ginger Parkinson, Tamra Pratt, Holly Robison, David & Carol Sharp, Rene' Sheets, Jan C. Smith, Nannette Watts, Lynn Wing

Cost:  Free, open to all (only cost for those who wish to attend the Storytelling Festival Dinner at 6:30pm on Tuesday, Feb. 28th)


Monday-Tuesday--Eccles Conference Center (Peery's Egyptian Theatre), 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden

Wednesday--Davis Conference Center, 1651 N. 700 W., Layton


WSU Storytelling Festival

Event:  Weber State University SLAM workshop and concert with theme "Control"

Sponsors:  WSU Storytelling Festival, Weber State University Student Association

Dates/Times:  (go to one and/or both parts)

SLAM Workshop--Monday, February 27, 2017, Noon-1:00pm

SLAM Concert--Tuesday, February 28, 2017, Noon-1:00pm

Host:  Bill Wight

Tellers: YOU!  Anyone aged 18+ whose name is drawn to tell a 5-minute or less story on the theme "Control"  

Cost:  Free, open to all (prizes for top tellers)


Workshop--Fireplace Lounge in Student Union Building, Weber State University, Ogden, UT

Concert--Wildcat Theater in Student Union Building, Weber State University, Ogden, UT


Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Timp Tellers Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Thursday, March 2, 2017, 7:00pm

(usually 1st Thursday of the month)

Cost:  Free, open to all

USG Membership:  $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem

Contact:  Paige Funk at paigefunk@gmail.com or call (801) 762-7613


Utah's Biggest Liars Contest

Event:  Utah's Biggest Liars Contest

Sponsors:  Timpanogos Storytelling Institute, Utah Division of Arts and Museums, National Endowment for the Arts


Monday, March 6, 2017, Registration & Entry Fees Due

Saturday, March 11, 2017, 2:00pm-5:00pm, Preliminary Contest

Monday, March 27, 2017, 6:00pm (youth), 7:00pm (adults), Final Concert

Featured Tellers:  Could be YOU!  Youth and adults are welcome to apply and compete.

Cost:  Audiences--Free, open to all, Registrants--$10.00 that can be paid online

Location:  Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem, UT

Details and Registration:  Go to http://www.timpfest.org to register as well as to receive more details on what make a strong lie for this contest (story must be under 6 minutes)


Storytelling Residences for Adults--Story Crossroads

Event:  Free 8-hour Multi-Generations Storytelling Residency

Sponsors:  River's Bend Senior Center, Story Crossroads

Purpose:  After learning storytelling for four 2-hour sessions once a week, the youth (aged 8+) and adults will be performance-ready.  Top tellers will be chosen to tell for Story Crossroads Festival on May 24, 2017 or outreaches before, during, or after the Festival.


River's Bend Senior Center, --1300 West 300 North, Salt Lake City

Tuesdays & Thursdays, March 7, 9, 14, 16 from 6:00pm-8:00pm

Presenter:  Rachel Hedman 

Cost: Free, open to youth and adults aged 8-201 (youth must come with at least one adult)

​Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call (801) 870-5799 though to RSVP is to call the River's Bend Senior Center at (385) 468-3015


Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Ben Lomond Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 7:00pm

(usually 2nd Wednesday of the month)

Cost:  Free, open to all

USG Membership:  $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Southwest Branch Library, 2039 W. 4000 S., Roy

Contact:  Douglas Dickson at libertysmasterstoryteller@gmail.com or call (801) 430-3881


Vernal Storytelling Festival

Event:  VernalUTAH's Storytelling Festival

Dates/Times:  Thursday-Friday, March 9-10, 2017, all day and evening concerts, more specifics TBA

Featured Tellers:  TBA 

Cost:  TBA

Location:  Vernal Middle School, 721 West 100 South, Vernal, UT


Cache Valley Story Swap (monthly open mic)

Event:  Cache Valley Story Swap (monthly open mic)

Date/Time:  Thursday, March 9, 2017 (usually on 2nd Thursday though sometimes other days)

Cost:  Free, open to all

Location:  Bonneville Room in Logan Library, 255 N. Main St., Logan

Contact:  Call Jason Cornelius at (435) 716-9143 or email him at jason.cornelius@loganutah.org


Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Bridgerland Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Saturday, March 11, 2017, 10:30am (usually 2nd Saturday of the month)

Cost:  Free, open to all

USG Membership:  $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Old Ephraim Room in Logan Library, 255 N. Main St., Logan

Contact:  Leah Checketts at LASTredDragon@yahoo.com or call (435) 760-0412.


Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Farmington Bay Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Thursday, March 16, 7:00pm-8:30pm (every 3rd Thursday of the month)

Cost: Free, open to all

USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Kaysville Library, 215 N. Fairfield Rd., Kaysville

Contact:  Wayne Kartchner at wkartchner@gmail.com or call (801) 451-5724


Davis County Library

Event:  Celebrations Around the World Spring Read-a-thon (with Storytelling)

Date/Time:  Friday, March 17, 2017, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Featured Tellers:  Janine Nishiguchi, Rachel Hedman, Carrie Murphy 

Cost:  Free, open to all


North Branch Library, 562 S. 1000 E., Clearfield, UT

Central Branch Library, 155 N. Wasatch Dr., 25 S. Layton, UT

South Branch Library, 725 S. Main St., Bountiful, UT


Murray Storytelling Festival

Event:  4th Annual Murray Storytelling Festival

Date/Time:  Saturday, March 18, 2017, 11:00am-4:00pm

Featured Tellers:  Youth & Adult Community Tellers selected from residencies held December 2016-early March 2017 plus the professional storytellers--Cherie Davis, Lora Schmidt, Suzanne Hudson, Jan C. Smith, Carol Esterreicher, Ginger Parkinson, Cassie Ashton, Nannette Watts 

Cost:  Free, open to all

Location:  Murray High School (Little Theater and Choir rooms), 5440 S. State Street, Murray, UT


Story Weavers image

Event:  Story Weavers Festival-Canyons School District

Date/Time:  Wednesday, March 22, 2017, 5:30pm-6:45pm (K-2nd grades) & 7:00pm-8:15pm (3rd-5th grades)

Featured Tellers:  Top youth tellers from the Canyons School District, top ones will then be invited to the Story Crossroads Festival 

Cost:  Free, open to all

Location:  Canyons School District Administrative Building (East), 9361 South 300 East, Sandy, UT


Fillmore Storytelling Festival

Event:  Fillmore Storytelling Festival (Inaugural Year)

Dates/Times:  Thursday-Friday, March 23-24, 2017, times TBA

Featured Tellers:  Professional storytellers and top youth tellers of the area TBA 

Cost:  TBA

Location:  Fillmore, UT (specific location TBA)


Story Crossroads Festival

Event:  Sea-Glass Storytelling: Improve Your Personal Storytelling (Experienced Beginners+)

Sponsors/Funders:  Utah Storytelling Guild, National Endowment for the Arts, Utah Division of Arts and Museums, Nubian Storytellers of Utah Leadership (NSOUL), Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), City of Murray, South Jordan Arts Council

Date/Time:  Monday, May 22, 2017, 10:00am-3:00pm with lunch included

Featured Teller/Presenter:  Sean Buvala

Cost:  $100.00/person, pay all at once or payment plan over the course of 2-4 months

Location:  Nishiguchi Home, 742 South 850 East, Bountiful, UT

Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call/text 801-870-5799

Details:  Register online that opens February 20th, limited space--you can see more on this Intensive Workshop at http://www.seaglassstorytelling.com.


Mara Menzies

Event:  Story Crossroads Pre-Festival Concert with Mara Menzies

Sponsors/Funders:  Utah Storytelling Guild, National Endowment for the Arts, Utah Division of Arts and Museums, Nubian Storytellers of Utah Leadership (NSOUL), Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), City of Murray, South Jordan Arts Council

Date/Time:  Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 7:00pm-7:45pm

Featured Teller:  Youth Teller then Mara Menzies from Scotland

Cost:  Free, open to all

Location:  Blind Center, 250 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT

Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call/text 801-870-5799

Details:  Schedule is on the website and available as a downloadable pdf


Story Crossroads Festival

Event:  2nd Annual Story Crossroads Festival

Sponsors/Funders:  Utah Storytelling Guild, National Endowment for the Arts, Utah Division of Arts and Museums, Nubian Storytellers of Utah Leadership (NSOUL), Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), City of Murray, South Jordan Arts Council

Dates/Times:  Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 9:00am-Noon & 6:00pm-9:00pm with outreaches and learning opportunities starting Monday-Tuesday, May 22-23 and then Thursday, May 25

Featured Tellers:  Mara Menzies, Loren Niemi, Sean Buvala

Story Artists:  Alan Griffin, Billie Jones, Dale Boam, Jan C. Smith, Janine Nishiguchi, Joan Effiong, Karl Behling, Laurie Allen, Lynn Wing, Rachel Ann Harding, Suzanne Hudson, Ted Erekson

Cost:  $1.00/student or senior & $3.00/adult--covers for all parts of the Festival

Location:  Murray City Park, 296 E. Murray Park Ave., Murray, UT

Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call/text 801-870-5799

Details:  Schedule is on the website and available as a downloadable pdf


Story Crossroads Festival

Event:  The Big Secret Story Concert (Story Crossroads annual tradition staring in 2017, geared for teens and adults)

Sponsors/Funders:  Utah Storytelling Guild, National Endowment for the Arts, Utah Division of Arts and Museums, Nubian Storytellers of Utah Leadership (NSOUL), Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), City of Murray, South Jordan Arts Council

Date/Time:  Thursday, May 25, 2017, 7:00pm-9:00pm

Featured Tellers:  3 community adult tellers and then presenting Loren Niemi's "Fata Morgana" piece

Cost:  Free, open to teens and adults, light refreshments provided

Location:  Gale Center of History and Culture, 10300 Beckstead Ave., South Jordan, UT

Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call/text 801-870-5799

“Fata Morgana” is pure storytelling existing somewhere in the realm of magic realism and urban legend in which the audience chooses which of the four principal characters to begin with – the baker, the contessa, the mapmaker or the widow – and Loren Niemi tells from there. At the half way point, three of the four are in Fata Morgana (literally the term refers to a kind of desert mirage) and the audience chooses who will leave, which in turn determines which of five possible endings the story will arrive at.