If you know of any storytelling or story-related events open to the public, then send to Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com. |
Keep track of
special visits of storytellers from out-of-state through the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival almost each month. See details below or go to http://www.timpfest.org.
Anyone wishing to help judge (need 6-8 judges) for the Ogden School District Storytelling Festival on Wednesday, January 20, 2018 starting at 6:30pm at the Ben Lomond High School can contact Karl Behling at
kbstoryteller@gmail.com or call/text (801) 390-7163. More details on that Festival are below.
See the latest Story Crossroads newsletter by clicking here. This Volume 3, Issue 5 has the latest news including updates on upcoming House Concerts and 3rd Annual Festival, one Story Video of the Month that is "The
Art of Storytelling" through Pixar's perspective, a story from Bolivia and a story game to go with it, and Cap's Off to You to the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF). |
Storytelling Radio Shows Broadcasting from Utah |
Every Sunday at 8:30am, listen to the KPCW "The Story Mine" radio show hosted by David Bullock and Cathy Barker.
Listen at www.kpcw.org
Every Monday through Saturday at Noon (and rebroadcasts), listen to the BYU Radio--a Sirius Satellite radio 143--"The Apple Seed" storytelling radio show hosted by Sam Payne.
Listen at www.byuradio.org
Friday, January 12, 2018--Deadline to submit application to be considered a teller for the 12th Annual Clearfield Storytelling Festival on January 27, 2018 at 7:00pm. Contact Laurie Allen at funnygrandma258@yahoo.com or call (801) 773-7713.
Friday, January 26, 2018--Deadline to submit online application to be considered a "literary artist--performing" that is where storytellers fit for the June 21-24, 2018 Utah Arts Festival. You can go to uaf.org for the form and/or to ask questions.
Go to the Story Crossroads website
Event: 22nd Story Crossroads Fundraising House Concert Date/Time: Friday, January 5, 2018, 7:00pm-8:30pm Featured Story Artist: Idlewild Duo
(Dave & Carol Sharp Tales & Tunes of the Wild West: Outlaws, Skallywags &
Pioneers Dave and Carol Sharp present stories of their Pioneer ancestors to Utah and tales from the Old West, The Wild Bunch, Hand Cart Pioneers, Railroad Bishops, Spanish Gold, Songs of the Pioneers, Cowboy poetry, Barn Dance tunes, and Old Doctor Sharps Medicine show. Written and performed by Dave and Carol Sharp. Dave Sharp on Banjo, Mountain Dulcimer, Spoons, and
Vocals with Carol Sharp on Whistles, Bowed Psaltery, Tambourine, and a variety of Limber-jacks.
Suggested Donation: $15.00+/person, $25.00+/couple or family, though any amount welcomed, best for teens and
adults Location: Hedman Home, 4835 Sunset Park Lane, West Jordan, UT 84081 (RSVP for directions) RSVP: Call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 or email storycrossroads@gmail.com Details: Refreshments served Purpose: This fundraiser event is held so the Story Crossroads Festival remains strong (see www.storycrossroads.com, can also donate online whether or not you can attend)
Go directly to House Concert webpage on Story Crossroads site
Event: Bridgerland Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild Date/Time: Saturday, January
6, 2018, Noon Cost: Free, open to all USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual,
$40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page Location: Lucky Slice Pizza, 64 Federal Ave., Logan Contact: Ted Erekson at (435) 770-5294 or email nutmegco@gmail.com.
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: An Evening of Stories with Barbara McBride-Smith
Date/Time: Monday, January 8, 2018, 7:00pm Featured Teller: Barbara McBride-Smith Cost: Free, open to all Location: Highland Library, 5400 Civic Center Dr. #2, Highland, UT 84003
Go to the Timpanogos website
Event: Clinton City Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Friday, January 12, 2018, 7:00pm Featured Tellers: Professional Storytellers alongside selected community and youth tellers Cost: Free, open to all Location: Clinton Recreation Building, 1651 West 2300 North, Clinton, UT
Contact: Randy
Williams by calling (801) 628-9283 or emailing rationalrandy@gmail.com.
Go to the Clinton City website
Event: Olympus Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild Date/Time: Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 7:00pm (usually the 3rd Tuesday of the month) Cost: Free, open to all USG embership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page Location: Salt Lake City Library-Conference Room on 4th Floor, 210 East 400 South, Salt Lake City, UT Contact: John Adams at sha8spr1@comcast.net or
call (801) 824-4646
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: Farmington Bay Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild Date/Time: Thursday, January 18, 2018, 7:00pm-8:30pm (every 3rd Thursday of the month) Cost: Free, open to all USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at
www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page Location: Kaysville Library, 215 N. Fairfield Rd., Kaysville Contact: Julie Jensen at jensenathome@hotmail.com or call (801) 725-4254
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: Murray Storytelling Residencies, feeds into Murray Storytelling Festival and later into the county-level Story Crossroads Festival
Locations/Dates/Times: Murray Library, geared for Grades 2-12, Saturdays, Jan. 20-March 3 (excluding Feb 17), 1:00pm-3:00pm
Liberty Elementary, geared for Grades 2-6, Feb. 5 – March 1; Tuesdays/Thursdays, 3:15-5:00pm
Murray Heritage Center, geared
for Adults & Seniors, Feb. 26 – March 30, Mondays/Fridays, 10:00am-11:30am
Facilitators: Suzanne Hudson, Billie Jones, Cassie Ashton, Lora Schmidt, Jan C. Smith, Cherie Davis, Ginger Parkinson, Nannette Watts Cost: Free, open to all Contact: Anyone wishing to participate or ask questions can connect with
Lori Edmunds by calling (801) 264-2614 or emailing ledmunds@murray.utah.gov.
Go to the Murray City Cultural Arts Facebook page
Event: Story Crossroads Storytelling Residencies, feeds into Story Crossroads Festival (if desired) Locations/Dates/Times: Riverton Senior Center, geared for Adults & Seniors, starting in February 2018 or March at the latest with exact dates TBA, early afternoon once a
Taylorsville Senior Center, geared for Adults & Seniors, starting in February 2018, every other Mondays, 5:30pm-7:00pm, five sessions to have Basics covered, then the Story Taylors meet continuously every other Monday at same times, more
Other Locations to be determined by January 25, 2018 Facilitators: Judy Stanger, Jim Luter Cost: Free, open to all Contact: Anyone
wishing to participate or ask questions can connect with Rachel Hedman by calling/texting (801) 870-5799 or emailing storycrossroads@gmail.com.
Go to the Story Crossroads website
Event: Ogden School District Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 20, 2018, 6:30pm Featured Tellers: Youth Tellers that will then be judged and selected for the 22nd Annual WSU Storytelling Festival Cost: Free, open to all Location: Ben Lomond High School, 1080 9th Street, Ogden, UT
Contact: Anyone wishing to help judge can contact Karl Behling at kbstoryteller@gmail.com or call/text (801)
Go to the Ogden School District website
Event: An Evening of Stories with Kim Weitkamp
Date/Time: Monday, January 22, 2018, 7:00pm Featured Teller: Kim Weitkamp Cost:
Free, open to all Location: Lindon City Hall, 100 State St.,
Lindon, UT
Go to the Timpanogos website
Event: 12th Annual Clearfield City Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Saturday, January 27, 2018, 7:00pm Featured Tellers: Professional Storytellers alongside selected community and youth tellers Cost: Free, open to all Location: Clearfield Community Arts Center, 140 E. Center St., Clearfield, UT
Contact: Laurie Allen at funnygrandma258@yahoo.com or call (801) 773-7713--Ask about being one of those featured/selected tellers
Go to the Timpanogos website
Event: Timp Tellers Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild Date/Time: Thursday, February 1, 2018, 7:00pm Cost: Free, open to
all USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!"
page Location: Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem Contact: Paige Funk at paigefunk@gmail.com or call (801) 762-7613
Go to the Utah Storytelling Guild website
Event: 22nd Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Dates/Times: Monday-Wednesday, February 26-28, 2018, 10:00am to Noon on Monday and 9:30am to Noon for Tuesday-Wednesday with afternoon campus workshops or outreach concerts (such as the Story Slam, Symposium, and Senior Center concerts), and evening concerts Out-of-State Tellers: Bil Lepp, Charlotte Blake Alston, Andy Offut Irwin, Daniel Morden
Treasured Tellers: Virginia Rasmussen, Phyllis J. Savage
Associate Tellers: Janine Nishiguchi, Karl Behling
Utah/Idaho Featured Tellers: Laurie Allen, Cathy Barker, Dale H. Boam, David Bullock, Rob Burns, Kristen Clay, Cherie Davis, Annie & Dan Eastmond (Harvest Home), Joan Effiong, Ted Erekson, Stephen Gashler, Alan Griffin, Rachel Hedman, Suzanne Hudson, Jim Luter, George McEwan, Jean Andra Miller, Ginger Parkinson, Jan C. Smith, Lynn Wing Cost: Free, open to all (only cost for those who wish to attend the Storytelling Festival Dinner at 6:30pm on Tuesday,
Feb. 27th) Locations:
Monday-Tuesday--Eccles Conference Center (Peery's Egyptian Theatre), 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden Wednesday--Davis Conference Center, 1651 N. 700 W., Layton
Go to the WSU Storytelling Festival website
Event: Story Slam Workshop with Bill Wight & the Slam Event
Sponsor: WSU Storytelling Festival, WSU Center for Engaged Learning, WSU Student Association
Slam Workshop-Monday, February 26, 2018, Noon to 1:00pm
Slam Event-Tuesday, February 27, 2018, Noon to 1:00pm
Featured Tellers: Randomly chosen people drawn the day of the event, you could put your name in, prizes to be had, tellers should be aged 18+
Details: Bring Your Own Story, 5 minutes or less, on the theme of Civility, geared for teens and adults
Cost: Free, open to all Locations:
Workshop-Weber State University Ogden campus, Student Union Building, Fireplace Lounge Slam Event-Weber State University Ogden campus, Student Union
Building, Wildcat Theater
Go to the WSU Storytelling Festival website
Event: WSU Story Symposium with Charlotte Blake Alston
Theme: Telling the Difficult Story
Sponsors: WSU Storytelling Festival,
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 1:30pm-2:30pm Featured Presenter/Teller: Charlotte Blake Alston
Cost: Free, open to all though best for teens and adults Location: Weber State University Ogden campus, Student Union Building, Wildcat Theater
Go to the WSU Storytelling Festival website
Event: WSU Storytelling Festival Fundraising Dinner
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 6:30pm Featured Tellers: Charlotte Blake Alston, Bil Lepp, Andy Offut Irwin, Daniel Morden
Cost: $60.00/plate, dress in Sunday best or better MUST RESERVE BY FEBRUARY 1, 2018 OR UNTIL SOLD OUT
Reservations: Call Jackie Shafer at (801) 626-7515 or email
Location: Timbermine Restaurant, 1701 Park Blvd., Ogden, UT
Go to the WSU Storytelling Festival website
Event: 14th Annual Vernal Storytelling Festival Dates/Times: Thursday-Friday, March 8-9, 2018, doors open at 6:30pm each night, concerts start at 7:00pm Featured Tellers: Donald Davis, Linda
Gorham Cost: Tickets will be available at Davis Food & Drug. Watch for online tickets link to be available soon.
Location: Vernal Middle School, 721 West 100 South, Vernal, UT
Go to a site about Vernal Storytelling Festival
Event: 2nd Annual Old Capitol Storytelling Festival Sponsors: Friends of the Territorial Statehouse and Museum, Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts, Great Basin National Heritage Area Dates/Times: Thursday-Saturday, Monday, March 22-24 & 26, 2018, with Thursday, Friday & Monday dedicated to performances in schools in Delta and then Saturday being the main
day Featured Tellers & Performers: Sam Payne, Clive Romney, Maurine Smith, Ken Verdoia Cost: $2.00/person on Saturday, March 24th Location: Saturday-Old Territorial Statehouse Museum, 50 W. Capitol Ave., Fillmore, UT
Video Link: https://youtu.be/KVorP56EVT4
Go to the Old Capitol Storytelling Festival Facebook page
Event: Murray Storytelling Festival Date/Time: Saturday, April 21, 2018, 11:00am-4:00pm Featured Tellers:
Youth and Community Tellers trained by Professional Facilitators Cost: Free, open to all Location: Murray High School, 5440 State St., Murray, UT
Go to the Murray City Cultural Arts Facebook page
Event: Choose-Your-Own-Path with Folktales Around the World (Audience votes which direction on the globe for the next
piece) Date/Time: Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 7:00pm-7:45pm Featured Teller: Rachel
Hedman Cost: Free, open to all Location: Gale Center of History and Culture, 10300 Beckstead Lane, South Jordan, UT
Go to the Gale Center of History and Culture website