Utah Storytelling--February-May

Published: Sat, 02/13/16

Utah Storytelling Events
semi-monthly email list for story lovers and story listeners

If you know of any events open to the public, then send to the Utah Storytelling Guild at usgmemo@gmail.com. Rachel Hedman is this email's coordinator.

Story Crossroads has two remaining residencies on February 13th and 20th with a teen one at the Magna Library and a family one at the Viridian Event Center.  There is even a 45-second film about it here:  https://youtu.be/ABqw3A92x2Y  See more details below.

Go to the 20th WSU Storytelling Festival on February 22nd-24th in the Ogden/Layton areas.  See the website for full schedule (http://www.weber.edu/storytelling/) or see details below.

Go to the Murray Storytelling Festival on Saturday, March 12th from 11:00am-4:00pm at the Murray High School.  See more details below.

See the 7th issue of "Story Crossroads: The Newsletter" that features a Celtic story, a story game to go with the story, story video, and a "Cap's Off to You" featuring someone who uses story in everyday to work life:  Julie Jensen.   Story Crossroads is a Salt Lake free and open festival launching April 15-16, 2016.  Read the newsletter here: http://archive.aweber.com/storytellingadv/BDNFy/h/Story_Crossroads_The.htm

Storytelling Radio Shows Broadcasting from Utah
The Story Mine radio show

Every Sunday at 8:30am, listen to the KPCW "The Story Mine" radio show hosted by David Bullock and Cathy Barker.

The Apple Seed storytelling radio show

Every Monday through Saturday at Noon (and rebroadcasts), listen to the BYU Radio--a Sirius Satellite radio 143--"The Apple Seed" storytelling radio show hosted by Sam Payne.


​​​Monday, March 14, 2016--Deadline to submit registration form/entry fee ($10) for the Utah's Biggest Liar on April 1, 2016 (http://www.timpfest.org)


Janine Nishiguchi

Event:  Free 8-hour Family-Focused Storytelling Residencies

Sponsor:  Story Crossroads

Purpose:  After learning storytelling for two 4-hour Saturdays, the family members will be performance-ready.  Top tellers will be chosen to tell for Story Crossroads Festival on April 15-16, 2016


Viridian Event Center, 8030 S. 1835 W., West Jordan

Saturdays, February 13 & 20, 2016 from 1:00pm-5:00pm

Featured Presenter:  John Adams

Cost: Free, open to all (children 7 or under are invited to do activities in another room of the library while older siblings and parents learn the art of storytelling)

Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call (801) 870-5799


Free Teen-Focused Storytelling Residency

Event:  Free 8-hour Teen-Focused Storytelling Residency

Sponsor:  Story Crossroads

Purpose:  After learning storytelling for two 4-hour Saturdays, the tweens/teens will be performance-ready.  Top tellers will be chosen to tell for Story Crossroads Festival on April 15-16, 2016


Magna Library, 2675 S. 8950 W., Magna

Saturdays, February 13 & 20, 2016 from 1:00pm-5:00pm

Featured Presenter:  Ted Erekson

Cost: Free, open to tweens/teens

Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call (801) 870-5799

Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Olympus Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 7:00pm (usually the 3rd Tuesday of the month)

Cost: Free, open to all

USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Conference Room C, Salt Lake City Library, 210 East 400 South, Salt Lake City

Contact:  John Adams at  sha8spr1@comcast.net or call (801) 824-4646

Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Ben Lomond Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 7:00pm

(usually 3rd Wednesday of the month)

Cost:  Free, open to all

USG Membership:  $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Weber County Library, 2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden

Contact:  Alan Griffin at agriffin5@yahoo.com or call (801) 731-1695

Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Farmington Bay Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Thursday, February 18, 2016, 7:00pm-8:30pm (every 3rd Thursday of the month)

Cost: Free, open to all

USG Membership: $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Kaysville Library, 215 N. Fairfield Rd., Kaysville

Contact:  Wayne Kartchner at wkartchner@gmail.com or call (801) 451-5724


WSU Storytelling Festival

Event:  20th Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival

Dates/Times:  Monday-Wednesday, February 22-24, 2016, 9:30am to Noon each day with afternoon campus workshops or outreach concerts (such as the Story Slam, Symposium with Donald Davis, and Senior Center concerts), and evening concerts

Sponsor:  Story Crossroads

Out-of-State Featured Tellers:  Donald Davis, Bill Harley, Carmen Deedy, Angela Lloyd

Treasured Tellers:  Virginia Rasmussen, Phyllis J. Savage

Utah Tellers:  Laurie Allen, Karl Behling, Elaine Brewster, Cherie Davis, Joan Effiong, Ann Ellis, Ted Erekson, Mark Gollaher, Wendy Gourley, Omar & Lori Hansen, Rachel Hedman, Suzanne Hudson, Kathleen Lund, George McEwan, Jean Andra Miller, Janine Nishiguchi, Sam Payne, Debi Richan, David & Carol Sharp, David Sidwell, Jan C. Smith, Nannette Watts, Lynn Wing, Kate Young

Cost:  Free, open to all (only cost for those who wish to attend the Storytelling Festival Dinner at 6:30pm on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd)


Monday-Tuesday--Eccles Conference Center (Peery's Egyptian Theatre), 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden

Wednesday--Davis Conference Center, 1651 N. 700 W., Layton


WSU Storytelling Festival Fundraiser Dinner

Event:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival Fundraiser Dinner

Date/Time:  Tuesday, February 23, 2016, 6:30pm-9:00pm

Out-of-State Featured Tellers:  Donald Davis, Bill Harley, Carmen Deedy, Angela Lloyd

Cost:  $60.00/plate or $500.00/table (seats 8 people)

Location:  Timbermine Restaurant and Steakhouse, 1701 Park Blvd., Ogden

Contact:  Call Jackie Shafer at (801) 626-7515 or email  jackieshafer@weber.edu to reserve your seat and/or table


Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  USG Annual Membership Meeting, open to all

Date/Time:  Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 4:30pm (before 6:30pm concert next door at Davis Conference Center)

Featured Presenters:  Transition from Former USG President David Sidwell to Current USG President Janine Nishiguchi

Cost:  Free, open to all, though you can pay for your own meal though you do not have to eat there

Location:  Roosters Brewing Company & Restaurant, 748 Heritage Park Blvd., Layton, UT

Contact:  Call or text David Sidwell at (435) 764-2006 or email david.sidwell@ccsdut.org


Story Weavers (Canyon)

Event:  Canyons School District Storytelling Festival (Story Weavers)

Date/Time:  Thursday, February 25, 2016, 5:30pm-8:30pm, K-2nd grade tell from 5:30pm-6:45pm and 3rd-5th grade tell from 7:00pm-8:15pm 

Featured Presenters:  Youth tellers from the Canyons School District and the top ones will be invited to also tell for the Story Crossroads Festival on April 15-16, 2016

Cost:  Free, open to all

Location:  Professional Development Center, 9361 S. 300 E., Sandy, UT

Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Timp Tellers Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Thursday, March 3, 2016, 7:00pm

(usually 1st Thursday of the month)

Cost:  Free, open to all

USG Membership:  $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Ogden

Contact:  Paige Funk at paigefunk@gmail.com or call (801) 762-7613

Utah Storytelling Guild

Event:  Bridgerland Chapter of Utah Storytelling Guild

Date/Time:  Saturday, March 12, 2016 (usually 2nd Saturday of the month)

Cost:  Free, open to all

USG Membership:  $30.00/year for individual, $40.00/year for family, can be done through PayPal at www.utahstorytelling.org at "Join Us!" page

Location:  Old Ephraim Room in Logan Library, 255 N. Main St., Logan

Contact:  Leah Adkins at LASTredDragon@yahoo,com or call (435) 760-0412.


Murray Storytelling Festival

Event:  Murray Storytelling Festival

Sponsors:  City of Murray, Murray Public Library

Date/Time:  Saturday, March 12, 2016, 11:00am-4:00pm (new performance every hour on the hour)

Cost: Free, open to all

Featured Tellers:  Cassie Ashton, Julie Barnson, Cherie Davis, Carol Esterreicher, Ginger Parkinson, Jan C. Smith, Nannette Watts and top community tellers selected from residencies in schools and community venues

Location:  Murray High Little Theater & Choir Room, 5440 S. State, Murray


Utah's Biggest Liar image

Event:  Utah's Biggest Liars--Contest Entries (Youth & Adults)

Sponsors:  Orem Public Library & Timpanogos Storytelling Institute


Monday, March 14, 2016, Registration & Entry Fees Due

Saturday, March 19, 2016, 3:00pm-5:00pm, Preliminary Contest

Friday, April 1, 2016, 6:00pm for Youth & 7:00pm for Adults, Liars Finale Contest

Cost: Audiences--Free, open to all, Registrants--$10.00 that can be paid online

Location:  Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem

Details and Registration:  Go to http://www.timpfest.org to register as well as to receive more details on what makes a strong lie for this contest


Showcase of the Around the World: The Tellable, Edible Art Project

Event:  Showcase of the Around the World:  The Tellable, Edible Art Project

Sponsors/Partners:  Salt Lake City Arts Council, Bad Dog Arts, Glendale Community Learning Center, Utah Storytelling Guild, Story Crossroads

Date/Time:  Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 7:00pm

Cost: Free, open to all

Featured  Presenters:  Youth exhibit the three art skills learned through the "Around the World:  The Tellable, Edible Art Project" of storytelling, visual arts, and the culinary art

Location:  Glendale Library, 1375 W. Concord St., Salt Lake City, UT


Kevin Kling

Event:  An Evening of Story with Kevin Kling (Moab)

Sponsors:  Utah Division of Arts and Museums, WESTAF, National Endowment of the Arts, & Timpanogos Storytelling Institute

Date/Time:  Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Cost: Free, open to all

Featured Teller:  Kevin Kling

Location:  Grand County High School, 608 Fourth E Street, Moab


Kevin Kling

Event:  An Evening of Story with Kevin Kling (Orem)

Sponsors:  Orem Public Library & Timpanogos Storytelling Institute

Date/Time:  Friday, March 18, 2016

Cost: Free, open to all

Featured Teller:  Kevin Kling

Location:  Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem


Youth Tell Off

Event:  Youth Tell Off

Sponsor:  Cache Valley Storytelling Festival

Date/Time:  Saturday, April 2, 2016, Time TBA

Cost: Free, open to all

Featured Tellers:  Youth tellers from the training workshops showcase and are then selected to tell at the Cache Valley Storytelling Festival in June 9-11, 2016

Location:  Logan Library, 255 N. Main St., Logan


Story Blasting

Event:  Story Blasting

In Connection With:  Story Crossroads

Reason:  Have fun telling stories in the neighborhood while letting people know that the Story Crossroads Festival will be free and coming up April 15-16, 2016

Date/Time:  Wednesday, April 6, 2016, meet at Viridian Event Center Lobby at 6:00pm and then split as partners to Salt Lake County neighborhoods for door-to-door storytelling

Cost: Free, open to all

How to Get Involved:  Send an email to storycrossroads@gmail.com or call/text Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 to RSVP to be a Story Blaster.  You will need at least one 1-minute or 2-minute story to share with people.

Starting & Ending Location:  Lobby of the Viridian Event Center, 8030 South 1825 West, West Jordan, UT


Story Crossroads

Event:  Story Crossroads Festival

Sponsors:  Utah Storytelling Guild, Utah Division of Arts and Museums, National Endowment of the Arts, WESTAF, Salt Lake City Arts Council, Nubian Storytellers of Utah Leadership, Utah Humanities & Story Crossroads


Friday, April 15, 2016, 9:00am-Noon and then 7:00pm-9:00pm (Outreaches in Afternoon)

Saturday, April 16, 2016, 9:30am-9:00pm

Featured Tellers:  Christopher Agostino (Agostino Arts), Joseph Sobol, Baba Jamal Koram

Professional Story Artists:  Carol Esterreicher, Cherie Davis, Chris Dokos Greek Band, Clive Romney, Glastonbury Duo (David & Carol Sharp), David Bullock, Dustin Loehr, Elaine Muray, George McEwan, Ginger Parkinson, Grupo de Danza Nuevas Raices, Holly Robison, Jan C. Smith, Janine Nishiguchi, Joan Effiong, Julie Barnson, Julius Chavez, Karl Behling, Lynn Wing, Mark Gollaher, Nannette Watts, Nino Reyos, Paola Cespedez, Paul Boruff, Richard Hatch, Sam Payne, Stephen Gashler, Suzanne Hudson, Tausala Performing Arts

Plus 80 Community Tellers on Stage (youth, adults, seniors)

Cost: Free, open to all

Location:  Viridian Event Center, 8030 South 1825 West, West Jordan, UT


Contact:  Rachel Hedman at storycrossroads@gmail.com or call (801) 870-5799


Donald Davis

Event:  An Evening of Storytelling with Donald Davis

Sponsors:  Utah Division of Arts and Museums, National Endowment of the Arts & Timpanogos Storytelling Institute

Date/Time:  Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Cost: Free, open to all

Featured Teller:  Donald Davis

Location:  Provo Library, 550 N. University Ave., Provo


Story Weavers

Event:  Jordan School District Storytelling Festival (Story Weavers)

Date/Time:  Wednesday, May 11, 2016, Time TBA 

Featured Presenters:  Youth tellers from the Jordan School District and the previous year top ones will be invited to also tell for the Story Crossroads Festival on April 15-16, 2016

Cost:  Free, open to all

Location:  South Jordan Middle School, 10245 S. 2700 W., South Jordan, UT