Utah Storytelling--mid-November to February

Published: Fri, 11/16/12


Utah Storytelling Events

-Semi-monthly email list for story lovers and story listeners-
-compliments of the Utah Storytelling Guild-

Welcome Message & Opportunities
If you know any events open to the public, then send to the Utah Storytelling Guild at usgmemo@gmail.com.  Rachel Hedman is this email's coordinator.  Submit events by the 1st and 15th of the month.

Go to the annual StorySwap, Utah's Tellabration! event during the national celebration of story weekend held Friday-Saturday, November 16-17, 2012 in Salem, UT.  See details below or go to http://www.utstoryswap.org.

Enjoy the world's 24/7/365 storytelling radio called "A World of Storytelling."  Go to http://www.aslanproductionstudio.com and you can download the free player at http://www.live365.com.

For those on Facebook, the Utah Storytelling Guild is a group on it.  You can also follow announcements from the guild on Twitter through utstoryguild.
Until we tell again-

Utah Storytelling Guild

Go to http://www.utstoryguild.org for free Chapter meetings. 
Or individual meetings are listed amongst events below.
Event Listings

Event:  StorySwap, Utah's celebration of Tellabration! event
Sponsors:  Utah Storytelling Guild and Kneaders Bakery and Cafe
Dates/Times:  Fri.-Sat., Nov. 16th-17th
Fri.--All day telling stories in Utah County schools
Fri.--Night--concert, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Sat.--All day--workshops, concerts, open mics, starting from 8:45am-4:00pm
Keynote:  Sharon Rogers (during lunchtime)
Friday School Tellers:  April Johnson, Holly Robison, Paige Funk, Julie Barnson, David White, Rachel Hedman, Alan Griffin, John Salzman, Tamra Pratt, Rebecca Pendleton, Karl Behling, Pamela Hanks
Friday Night Tellers:  April Johnson, Karl Behling, Tamra Pratt, Rachel Hedman, Alan Griffin, ToriAnn Perkey
Featured Workshop Presenters:  Karl Behling, ToriAnn Perkey, Wendy Gourley, Alan Griffin, Nannette Watts, Cherie Davis, Rachel Hedman, Melva Gifford, Rebecca Pendleton, Julie Barnson, April Johnson
Location:  Foothills Elementary School, 412 South 810 East, Salem
Cost:  Free, donations accepted and merchandise available for purchase including Utah Storytelling Guild's CD, volume 2
Websites/Contacts:  http://www.utstoryswap.org and http://www.tellabration.org and email April Johnson at aprildj@comcast.net
Event:  3rd Annual Rich Legends and Melodies
Sponsor:  Rich County
Date/Time:  Fri. Nov. 16th & Sat. Nov. 17th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Featured Presenters:  
Anita Weston-long time resident of Garden City
· Pat Argyle- singer from Garden City
· Lerell Argyle -singer/musician from Randolph
· Kent Stuart- ranch hand and cowboy poet from Woodruff
· Clive J. Romney-songwriter/singer/musician
· Bonnie Romney- dancer and pioneer re-enactor
· Colton Hislop- cowboy poet from Laketown
· Fran Thomas-Autumn Wind from Garden City
· Daughters of the Utah Pioneers- Laketown
· Pete Cornia- cowboy poet from Randolph
· Bear Lake Fiddlers- fiddling children from all around
· McKay Willis-retired Air Force from Laketown
· Glen Thomson- retired US Army From Randolph
· Rich Middle School Choir and Mr. Williamson
· United States Veterans
Friday--Rich High School Auditorium, 25 S. 100 W., Randolph, UT
Saturday--Lake View Room, North of City Offices, Garden City, UT 
Cost:  Free, open to all
Event:  A Family Christmas Concert
Sponsor:  Timpanogos Storytelling Institute
Date/Time:  Wed.-Thurs. Nov. 28-29, 7:30pm
National Storyteller:  Kevin Kling
Symphony:  Utah Valley Symphony 
Location:  Covey Center for the Arts, 425 W. Center St., Provo
Cost:  $12.00/person, $10.00/student or senior
Event:  Bridgerland Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Sat. Dec. 1st, 10:00am (1st Saturdays)
Location:  Rotates with restaurants around Main Street, L
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults--buy own dinner
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)Contact:  Leah Adkins at LASTredDragon@yahoo.com or (435) 760-0412
Event:  Gingerbread Storytelling Day at Kneaders
Date/Time:  Mon. Dec. 3rd, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Featured Tellers:  Utah Storytelling Guild with 1-2 professional tellers (see name after location) for each of the 18 Kneaders Bakery & Cafe in Utah to promote gingerbread cookies
1.  1990 N. State St., Orem--ToriAnn Perkey
2.  295 West 1230 North, Provo--Ginger Parkinson
3.  742 E. Ft. Union Blvd., Midvale--Pamela Hanks
4.  962 South Jordan Prkwy, South Jordan--Claudene Gordon
5.  5083 West 13400 South, Riverton--Julie Barnson
6.  1384 E. State Road 92 (Highland Hwy), Lehi--Nannette Watts
7.  7713 S. Jordan Landing Blvd., West Jordan--Holly Robison
8.  1476 W. New Park Blvd., Suite 110, Park City--Daniel Bishop
9.  177 East 13800 South, Draper--Melva Gifford
10.  1050 North 500 East, North Salt Lake--Karl Behling
11.  480 W. Antelope Dr., Layton--Suzanne Decaria
12.  1484 N. Redwood Rd., Saratoga Springs--Rachel Hedman
13.  4833 Edgewood Dr., Suite 200, Provo--Cherie Davis
14.  1020 S. Main St., Heber--John Salzman
15.  28 S. State St., Suite 235, Salt Lake City--Janine Nishiguchi
16.  1953 Washington Blvd., Ogden--Alan Griffin
17.  9 N. Bluff St., St. George--LaRee Jones/Adele Wilson
18.  1675 N. Main St., Logan--Richard Hatch
Cost:  Free, open to all, though may want to buy some gingerbread
Event:  Timp Tellers Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Thurs. Dec. 6th (1st Thursdays)
Location:  Orem Public Library, 58 S. State St., Orem
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Ginger Parkinson at gingerparkinson@gmail.com
Event:  Dickens' Christmas Festival--Salt Lake City
Dates/Times:  All days of the week, Dec. 7th-15th, weekdays 4:00pm-9:00pm; weekends 10:00am-10:00pm
Featured Teller/Arts:  Storytellers in Victorian attire, other street performers and vendors, plus two theatre productions of "Scrooge" and "Oliver Twist"
Cost:  $7.00/adult, $5.00/child (5-12), $5.00/seniors (65+), children under 3 are free
Location:  Utah State Fairpark at 155 N. 1000 W., Salt Lake City
Contact:  For interest to volunteer as a storyteller or be a vendor, contact Jacqueline at (801) 599-2761 or email jacquelinejudd@gmail.com.

Event:  "Ring Around the Rose" Series presenting magic, music, dance, and stories
Date/Time:  Sat. Dec. 8th, 11:00am
Featured Deceptionist/Teller:  Richard Hatch
Featured Musicians:  Rosemary Hatch-violinist, Shannon Lee-pianist 
Featured Dancers:  Repertory Dance Theatre
Location:  Ross Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W. 300 South, Salt Lake City
Cost:  $5.00/person available through ArtTix (http://www.arttix.org or call the box office (801) 355-ARTS)
Website/Contact:  http://www.HatchAcademy.com or call (435) 932-0017 
or email richard@hatchacademy.com
Event:  Olympus Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Wed. Dec. 12th, 6:30pm (2nd Wednesdays)--Christmas Party Potluck
Suzanne's home in Draper, call or email Joanna for address/directions
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Details:  Bring a dish of your choice to share.  Get a book from your shelf or under $2.00 that a storyteller may find fun for the gift exchange.
Contact:  Joanna Huffaker at jo2day@gmail.com
Event:  Ben Lomond Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Wed. Dec. 12th, 6:30pm (most often 3rd Wednesdays)--Christmas Party Potluck
Location:   Suzanne's mother-in-law's house in Weber County, ask Jean for address/directions
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Details:  Bring a dish of your choice to share.  
Contact:  Jean Andra Miller at jamandr2m@gmail.com
Event:  Echoes of Christmas, musical story of the Nativity
Dates/Times:  Thurs.-Sat. and Mon.-Wed., Dec. 13th-15th and Dec. 17th-19th, 7:00pm-9:00pm (30-40 min. continuous)
Featured Tellers:  Volunteers from all over Utah, original songs by Clive Romney, produced by Bob and Virginia Baird
Cost:  Free, though donations accepted and CDs sold to support this event each year for $10.00/copy
Location:  Liberty Park, enter at North entrance at 900 S. 600 E., Salt Lake City

Event: Farmington Bay Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Thurs. Dec. 13th, 6:30pm (2nd Thursdays)--Christmas Party Potluck
Janine's home in Bountiful, call or email for address/directions
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Details:  Bring a dish of your choice to share.  Get a book from your shelf or under $2.00 that a storyteller may find fun for the gift exchange.
Contact:  Janine Nishiguchi at janinethestoryteller@yahoo.com
Event:  Seasonal Stories with Idlewild and Pat Leary
Date/Time:  Sat. Dec. 15th, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Tellers/Musicians:  Dave & Carol Sharp
Puppeteer:  Pat Leary
Featured Stories/Songs:  The Fairy Tinker, Birdie Soup, King Halvar's Cat 
Location:  Chapman Library, 577 S 900 W, Salt Lake City
Cost:  Free, open to all
Event:  Nephitellers Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Thurs. Dec. 20th, 7:00pm-8:30pm (3rd Thursdays)
Nephi--Ask Rene' Sheets
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Rene' Sheets at rasheets99@msn.com
Event:  Davis School District Storytelling Festival
Connection:  Top youth tellers will be invited to Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Thurs. Jan. 17th, 2013, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Featured Storytellers:  Top  youth tellers from various schools of the Davis School District
Location:  Davis High School, 325 S. Main St., Kaysville
Cost:  Free, open to all
Details:  Several rooms and youth rotate, attending people can choose one room and enjoy the stories told
Event:  9th Annual Farmington Storytelling Festival
Sponsor:  Farmington City
Date/Time:  Sat. Jan. 19th, 2013, morning-afternoon
Featured Storytellers:  Professional storytellers, TBA
Location:  Community Arts Center, 120 S. Main St., Farmington
Cost:  $1.00/person, includes a make n' take project for kids as well as refreshments
Website/Contact:  http://www.farmington.utah.gov or contact Karl Behling at kbstoryteller@gmail.com 
Event:  Ogden School District Storytelling Festival
Connection:  Top youth tellers will be invited to Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Wed. Jan. 23rd, 2013, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Featured Storytellers:  Top  youth tellers from various schools of the Ogden School District
Location:  Ogden High School, 2828 Harrison Blvd., Ogden
Cost:  Free, open to all
Websites: http://www.ogdensd.org and 
Event:  Matine'e Enchante'e:  Magic and Music at the Mansion
Date/Time:  Sat. Jan. 26th, 2:00pm-3:00pm
Featured Deceptionist/Teller:  Richard Hatch
Featured Musicians:  Rosemary Hatch-violinist, Shannon Lee-pianist 
Location:  The Thatcher Young Mansion, 35 W. 100 S., Logan
Cost:  $10.00/adult, $8.00/under 12--Limited seating.  Go to http://www.HatchAcademy.com to reserve online
Website/Contact:  http://www.HatchAcademy.com or call (435) 932-0017 
or email richard@hatchacademy.com
Event:  6th Annual Clearfield Storytelling Festival
Sponsor:  Clearfield City
Date/Time:  Sat. Jan. 26th, 2013, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Featured Storytellers:  Professional storyteller mixed with community tellers who auditioned for slots
Location:  Clearfield Community Center Little Theater, 140 E. Center St., Clearfield
Cost:  Free, open to all
Website/Contact:  http://www.clearfieldcity.org or email Laurie Allen at funnygrandma258@yahoo.com for details or to be a storyteller

Event:  2nd Annual Story@Home Conference
Sponsors:  Cherish Bound, Family Search, Ashton Family Foundation
Focus:  Blogging, Family History, Storytelling
Date/Time:  Fri.-Sat. Feb. 1-2, 2013, 9:00am-8:30pm on Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm on Saturday
Hosts:  Carol Rice, Steve Anderson
Main Stage/Keynote:  Dan Poffenberger, Karen Ashton, Kim Weitkamp, Bob Evans, Jyl Pattee, Bil Lepp, Laurel Christensen, Hunter Sebresos
Workshop Presenters:  Nicole Carpenter, Ken & Katie Craig, Taralyn Clark, Teresa Clark, Jean-Francois de Buren, Jenny Eckton, Valerie Elkins, Tauni Everett, Gary T. Wright, Christopher McAfree, Paul Nauta, Shantel Park, Amy Price, Christopher Robbins, Stephanie Sorensen, Leigh Anne Wilkes, Shantel Bancroft Gardner, Mike Hall, DeNae Handy, Stephanie Hansen, Emily Hill, Veronica Johnson
Story Slam Guests/Professionals:  Clive Romney (pre-show), Ginger Parkinson, Jan C. Smith, Kim Weitkamp
Friday events--LDS Conference Center Theater, 60 W. North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
Saturday events--Joseph Smith Memorial Building, 15 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
Cost:  $79.00 for full weekend, $49.00/day, or TimpCombo for $174.00 that includes Story@Home Conference as well as Timpanogos StoryWorks Conference
Event:  Timpanogos StoryWorks Conference
Dates:  Thurs.-Sat. Feb. 7th-9th, 2013
Times:  Thurs.--7:00pm-8:00pm; Fri.--8:00am-5:00pm with 7:30pm concert; Sat.--8:00am-5:30pm with 7:00pm concert
Keynotes:  Charlotte Blake Alston, Bill Harley, Laura Simms
Workshop Presenters/Tellers:  TBA
Cost:  Early Bird Full Conference--$135.00; $80.00 for single day; $45.00 for half-day plus evening concert tickets for Fri. are $10.00/each for $40.00/family of 5 and then Sat. evening concert tickets are $5.00/each 
or TimpCombo for $174.00 that includes Story@Home Conference as well as Timpanogos StoryWorks Conference
BYU Conference Center at 770 E. University Parkway, Provo
Orem Public Library at 58 S. State St., Orem (Thurs. night)
Orem High School at 175 S. 400 E., Orem (Fri. night)
Event:  National Youth Storytelling Showcase
Sponsors:  National Storytelling Network and Timpanogos Storytelling Institute (as part of Timpanogos Storytelling Conference)
Date/Time:  Sat. Feb. 9th, 4:15pm-5:15pm
Emcee:  Charlotte Blake Alston
Featured Tellers:  Top 10 youth tellers from across the nation
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  BYU Conference Center at 770 E. University Parkway, Provo
Websites:  http://www.timpfest.org and
Event:  17th Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Dates:  Mon.-Wed. Feb. 25th-27th, 2013
Times:  9:30am-Noon each day with afternoon campus workshops and evening concerts
National Tellers:  David Novak, Beth Horner, Megan Hicks, Kevin Cordi
Utah Tellers:  Laurie Allen, Cassie Ashton, Cathy Barker, Julie Barnson, Karl Behling, Daniel Bishop, David Bullock, Cherie Davis, Suzanne Decaria, Joan Effiong, Carol Esterreicher, Stephen Gashler, Pamela Hanks, Richard Hatch, Rachel Hedman, Bill Higley, Suzanne Hudson, Esther Phelps Jackson, Billie Jones, Kira Larkin, Kathleen Lund, George McEwan, Jean Andra Miller, Janine Nishiguchi, Kate Nuttall, Ginger Parkinson, Aleksa Poulter, Tamra Pratt, Virginia Rasmussen, Holly Robison, Sharon Rogers, Clive Romney, Rene' Sheets, David Sidwell, Jan C. Smith, Nannette Watts
Cost:  Free, open to all--donations accepted
Monday & Tuesday--
Eccles Conference Center (Peery's Egyptian Theater) at 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden   
Wednesday--Davis Conference Center at 1651 N. 700 W., Layton

www.utstoryguild.org * usgmemo@gmail.com * PO Box 160631, Clearfield, UT  84016