-Semi-monthly email list for story lovers and story listeners-
-compliments of the Utah Storytelling Guild-
Welcome Message & Opportunities
If you know any events open to the public, then send to the Utah Storytelling Guild at usgmemo@gmail.com. Rachel Hedman is this email's coordinator. Submit events by the 1st and 15th of the month.
November 2nd is Utah's StorySwap in celebration of Tellabration! This year the StorySwap is held in Farminton from 1:00pm - 6:00pm. More details below. Contact Suzanne Decaria at sdstorymom@gmail.com to volunteer and RSVP.
December 9th is the deadline to submit a workshop/performance proposal for the July 24-27, 2014 National Storytelling Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. More details at http://www.storynet.org.
Every Sunday at 8:30am, listen to the KPCW "The Story Mine" radio show hosted by David Bullock and Cathy Barker. More details and listen at http://www.kpcw.org.
Every Monday-Saturday at Noon and rebroadcasts, listen to the BYU Radio-an AM all talk station-"The Apple Seed" hosted by Sam Payne. More details and listen at http://www.byuradio.org.
For those on Facebook, the Utah Storytelling Guild is a group on it. You can also follow announcements from the guild on Twitter through utstoryguild.
Until we tell again-
Utah Storytelling Guild
Check out our website at http://www.utahstorytelling.org or call the President, Karl Behling, at (801) 390-7163 for more details about the Utah Storytelling Guild. Go to any of our free Chapter meetings listed below.
Event Listings
Event: Halloween Spooktacular--North Branch
Date/Time: Tues. Oct. 29th, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Rachel Hedman, Amy Sutton-Curtis, Josh Johnson
Cost: Free, open to anyone
Location: North Branch Library, 562 S. 1000 E., Clearfield Website: http://www.daviscounty.gov/library/
Event: Halloween Spooktacular--Kaysville Branch
Date/Time: Tues. Oct. 29th, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Janine Nishiguchi, Brooke Kowalczik, Laurel Pedersen
Cost: Free, open to anyone
Location: Kaysville Branch Library, 44 N. Main St., Kaysville
Event: Halloween Spooktacular--Centerville Branch
Date/Time: Tues. Oct. 29th, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Leslie McEwan, Karen Walch, Liz Evans, Kathy Bruckman, Rachel Creer
Cost: Free, open to anyone
Location: Centerville Branch Library, 45 S. 400 W., Centerville
Event: Halloween Spooktacular--Central Branch
Date/Time: Wed. Oct. 30th, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Ellen Peterson, Marilyn Getts, Janine Nishiguchi, Brad Maurer
Cost: Free, open to anyone
Location: Central Branch Library, 155 N. Wasatch Dr., Layton
Event: Halloween Spooktacular--Headquarters
Date/Time: Wed. Oct. 30th, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Karen Blair, Trudi Cooper, Laurel Pedersen
Cost: Free, open to anyone
Location: Headquarters Library, 133 S. Main St., Farmington
Event: Ogden and Salt Lake City Ghost Tours
Dates/Times: Thurs., Oct. 31st, various start times ranging from 5:00pm to 9:00pm so check website
Ogden Story Guides: Laurie Allen, Kristen Clay, Karen Kagie, Janine Nishiguchi
Salt Lake City Story Guides: Cassie Ashton, Kristen Clay, Cherie Davis, Becky Nalder, Nannette Watts
Cost: Ranges from $10.00 to $20.00 per person depending on age, deals, group, etc so check website, always best to purchase tickets a head of time
Types: Walking, Bus Tour, and Cemetery Tour (Salt Lake only)
Starting Locations:
Ogden Bus Tour--Parking lot north of the Union Station at 2501 S. Wall Ave., Ogden
Salt Lake Bus Tour--Behind the Rio Grande Building at 300 S. 500 W., Salt Lake City Website: http://www.storytours.com
Event: StorySwap, Utah's celebration of Tellabration!
Date/Time: Sat. Nov. 2nd, 1:00pm-6:00pm (story-building activities, games, slams as well as a concert from 5:00pm-6:00pm)
Featured Tellers: Utah Storytelling Guild professional tellers
Cost: $5.00/person all day or $1.00 for the evening concert only
Potluck for Lunch: Bring a dish to share for a late lunch starting at 1:00pm
Location: Community Arts Center, 120 S. Main St., Farmington Website: http://www.utahstorytelling.org
Volunteer or RSVP: Suzanne Decaria at sdstorymom@gmail.com or (801) 668-7544
Event: Storytelling at Station Park (every 1st Monday)
Dates/Times: Every 1st Monday, next ones Nov. 4th and Dec. 2nd from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Featured Teller: Karl Behling
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Station Park, 320 N. Station Parkway, Farmington Website: http://www.shopstationpark.com
Event: Timp Tellers Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Thurs. Nov. 7th, 7:00pm (usually 1st Thursdays)
Location: Orem Public Library, 58 S. State St., Orem
Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership: $30.00/individual or $40.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: ToriAnn Perkey at taperkey@hotmail.com
Event: Nephitellers Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Thurs. Nov. 7th, 7:00pm-8:30pm (usually 1st Thursdays)
Location: Nephi Public Library, 21 West 100 North, Nephi Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership: $30.00/individual or $40.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: Rene' Sheets at rasheets99@msn.com
Event: Bridgerland Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Sat. Nov. 9th, morning (usually 1st Saturdays but different due to StorySwap being on Nov. 2nd)
Location: Shaffer House Bakery, 1045 N. Main St. Suite A, Logan Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults--buy own meal
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership: $30.00/individual or $40.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: Leah Adkins at LASTredDragon@yahoo.com or (435) 760-0412
Event: "Telling Centerville's Story" (every 2nd Tues. of month)
Date/Time: Tues. Nov. 12th, 6:30pm-8:00pm (next one Dec. 10th)
Featured Tellers: George McEwan, Karl Behling, Wayne Kartchner
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Thomas Whitaker Museum, 168 N. Main St., Centerville Website: http://www.centervilleut.net/museum.main.html
Event: Farmington Bay Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Thurs. Nov. 14th, 7:00pm (usually 2nd Thursdays)
Location: Kaysville Branch Library, 44 North Main Street, Kaysville Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership: $30.00/individual or $40.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Event: Ben Lomond Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Wed. Nov. 20th, 7:00pm
Location: Weber County Library, 2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden
Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership: $30.00/individual or $40.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: Jean Andra Miller at jamandr2m@gmail.com
Event: Olympus Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Wed. Nov. 20th, 7:00pm (3rd Wednesdays)
Location: Murray Library, 166 E. 5300 South, Murray
Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership: $30.00/individual or $40.00/family(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: Lorianne Ouderkirk at lfouderkirk@yahoo.com
Event: John McCutcheon in Concert
Date/Time: Sat. Nov. 23rd, 7:00pm
Out-of-State Teller: John McCutcheon
Location: Orem High School, 175 S. 400 E., Orem Website: http://www.timpfest.org
Event: Dixie's Tellabration!
Date/Time: Sat. Nov. 23rd, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Dixie Tellers of Utah Storytelling Guild and possible special guests
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: St. George Opera House, 212 N. Main St., St. George
Contact/Website: For tickets or interest, call Adele Wilson at (435) 628-3504 or email awilson@infowest.com. See the USG site at http://www.utahstorytelling.org.
Event: Thanksgiving History and Customs--Storytelling Make n' Take Program with Carol
Date/Time: Tues. Nov. 26th, 6:00pm
Featured Teller: Carol Esterreicher
Cost: Free, open to all
Event: "Peter and the Wolf and other Story Music"
Date/Time: Mon. Dec. 30th, 7:00pm
Featured Performers: Aspen Winds woodwind quintet and Rachel Hedman (storyteller)
Cost: Free, open to all and part of the EVE Celebration
Location: Assembly Hall on Temple Square, 50 E. North Temple, Salt Lake City Websites: http://www.visittemplesquare.com and http://www.aspenwinds.org
www.utahstorytelling.org * usgmemo@gmail.com * PO Box 160631, Clearfield, UT 84016 |