Utah Storytelling--mid-February to April

Published: Fri, 02/17/12

Utah Storytelling Events

-Semi-monthly email list for story lovers and story listeners-
-compliments of the Utah Storytelling Guild-

Welcome Message & Opportunities
If you know any events open to the public, then send to the Utah Storytelling Guild at usgmemo@gmail.com.  Rachel Hedman is this email's coordinator.  Submit events by the 1st and 15th of the month.

March 1, 2012 is the deadline to submit recipes/stories for the 2nd Annual Story Potluck.  Go to http://www.storypotluck.org.

Enjoy the world's first 24/7/365 storytelling radio called "A World of Storytelling."  Go to http://www.aslanproductionstudio.com and you can download the free player at http://www.live365.com.

Youth Teller Groups (age 8-17)--free story classes--continue monthly in Ogden and Salt Lake City.  Check out dates/times below or, for more info, email usgmemo@gmail.com.
For those on Facebook, the Utah Storytelling Guild is a group on it.  You can also follow announcements from the guild on Twitter through utstoryguild.
Until we tell again-

Utah Storytelling Guild

Go to http://www.utstoryguild.org for free Chapter meetings. 
Or individual meetings are listed amongst events below.
Event Listings

Event:  16th Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Dates:  Mon.-Wed. Feb. 27th-29th
Times:  9:30am-Noon each day with afternoon campus workshops and evening concerts
National Tellers:  Eshu Bumpus, Motoko, Antonio Sacre', Kim Weitkamp
Utah Tellers:  Laurie Allen, Cassie Ashton, Cathy Barker, Julie Barnson, Karl Behling, Daniel Bishop, David Bullock, Robert Daniel Cope, Cherie Davis, Suzanne Decaria, Joan Effiong, Stephen Gashler, Melva Gifford, Mark Gollaher, Mary Halverson, Pamela Hanks, Rachel Hedman, Bill Higley, Suzanne Hudson, Esther Phelps Jackson, Anneliese Konkol, George McEwan, Jean Andra Miller, Janine Nishiguchi, Katie Nuttall, Darius Ouderkirk, Ginger Parkinson, Virginia Rasmussen, Holly Robison, Clive Romney, Jan C. Smith, Nannette Watts, Sherrie West
Cost:  Free, open to all--donations accepted
Monday--Davis Conference Center at 1651 N. 700 W., Layton
Tuesday & Wednesday--Eccles Conference Center (Peery's Egyptian Theater) at 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden    
Event:  "Telling Stories" Workshop with Eshu Bumpus and Motoko
Host:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Mon. Feb. 27th at 11:30am
National Teller:  Eshu Bumpus and Motoko
Cost:  Free, open to all--donations accepted
Location:  Weber State University--McKay Bldg. Moench Room (Room 16), Ogden

Event:  Seniors Concerts
Host:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Dates/Times:  Mon. Feb. 27th, 2:30pm and Wed. Feb. 29th, 1:30pm
Featured Tellers:  Mon.--Teresa Clark with Bill Higley; Wed.--Suzanne Hudson with Esther Phelps Jackson
Cost:   Free, open to all--donations accepted
Mon.--Apple Village Assisted Living Center, Layton
Wed.--Mountain Ridge Assisted Living Center, South Ogden

Event:  Bedtime Stories
Host:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Mon. Feb. 27th from 6:30pm-7:20pm
Featured Tellers:  Teresa Clark with Bill Higley and Virginia Rasmussen
Cost:   Free, open to all--donations accepted
Location:  Davis Conf. Center at 1651 N. 700 W. in Layton

Event:  Campfire Tales
Host:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Mon. Feb. 27th from 7:30pm-9:00pm
Featured Tellers:  Eshu Bumpus/Motoko, Antonio Sacre, Kim Weitkamp
Cost:   Free, open to all--donations accepted
Location:  Davis Conf. Center at 1651 N. 700 W. in Layton

Event:  1st-Person Interpretations--"Education in Zion"
Dates/Times:  2nd and 4th Mondays for February--Feb. 27th and continues to March, 6:30pm--30-minutes geared for young families, 7:00pm--45-minutes geared for university students/older families
Featured Tellers:  BYU Students/Gallery Educators
Focus:  Mormon History-based to promote the gallery
Cost:  Free, open to all--see recommended ages for each of the two sessions
Location:  Joseph F. Smith Building (JSB) Atrium, 2nd floor on east side, BYU campus, Provo
Website/Contact:  http://www.educationinzion.byu.edu or call Heather Seferovich at (801) 422-3451 or heather_seferovich@byu.edu with questions or set up free tour

Event:  Grimms, Ph.D.
Host:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival, Anneliese Konkol Story Symposium
Date/Time:  Tues. Feb. 28th, 1:30pm-2:30pm
Featured Teller:  Janine Nishiguchi (Rumpelstiltskin tale)
Featured Panelists:  Dr. Rosemary Conover (Anthropology), Dr. David Byrd (German Studies)
Emcee/Organization:  Jean Andra Miller, Esther Phelps Jackson
Cost:  Free, open to all--geared for students/community
Location:  Weber State University main campus in Ogden at Stewart Hetzel-Hoellein Library Special Collections Room

Event:  Fundraiser Dinner & Story Concert for Weber State University Storytelling Festival)
Date/Time:  Tues., Feb. 28th, 6:30pm
National Tellers:  Eshu Bumpus, Motoko, Antonio Sacre, Kim Weitkamp
Cost:  $50.00/plate--covers food and rest supports the Festival--or $500.00/10-person table
Location:  Eccles Conf. Center/Peery's Egyptian Theater at 2415 Washington Blvd. in Ogden
Contact/Website:  Reserve through Judith Mitchell at (801) 626-6626 or go to http://www.weber.edu/storytelling/
Event:  Terrific Tuesday--Storytelling (Superstitions around Friday the 13th)
Date/Time:  Tues. Feb. 28th, 6:00pm
Featured Teller:  Carol Esterreicher
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Gale Center of History and Culture, 10600 S. Beckstead Ln., South Jordan
Event:  WSU Brown Bag Story Slam hosted by Antonio Sacre and Kim Weitkamp
Host:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Wed. Feb. 29th at 12:30pm
Featured Tellers:  Antonio Sacre, Kim Weitkamp, anyone who wishes to compete and win prizes
Cost:  Free, open to all--donations accepted
Location:  Weber State University Student Building in Food Court Area, Ogden

Event:  Utah StoryFest (also Scout Night!)
Host:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Wed. Feb. 29th at 6:30pm-7:20pm
Featured Tellers:  Holly Robison, Pamela Hanks, Clive Romney, Rachel Hedman, Ginger Parkinson
Cost:  Free, open to all--donations accepted; uniformed Scouts (Boys and Girls) will be entered into drawing
Location:  Eccles Conf. Center/Peery's Egyptian Theater at 2415 Washington Blvd. in Ogden

Event:  National Storytellers' Concert
Host:  Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Wed. Feb. 29th at 7:30pm-9:00pm
National Tellers:  Antonio Sacre, Kim Weitkamp, Eshu Bumpus, Motoko
Cost:  Free, open to all--donations accepted
Location:  Eccles Conf. Center/Peery's Egyptian Theater at 2415 Washington Blvd. in Ogden
Event:  2nd Annual Story Potluck, a charity event--Call for Entries!
Sponsors:  Utah Storytelling Guild, Utah Divison of Arts & Museums, Salt Lake City Arts Council
Wanted:  Recipes/Story--Your favorite recipe along with a true or original tale that involves that recipe (about 1-3 pages long)
Deadline:  March 1, 2012 by mail or by email up to midnight
Cost:  Free, open to all--writers, storytellers, everybody!
Send Entries To:
Utah Storytelling Guild
RE:  Story Potluck
PO Box 160631
Clearfield, UT  84016
Event:  Family Story Slam-Beta Test (in place of mtg.)
Host:  Timp Tellers, Utah Storytelling Guild 
Date/Time:  Thurs. March 1st, 7:00pm (slam)
Bring:  Funny 5-minute or less family story to compete or come to listen and possibly be a random judge, any age welcome to try
Orem Public Library (Media Aud.) at 58 N. State St., Orem
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Joanna Huffaker at jo2day@gmail.com with questions
Event:  Antonio Sacre Live
Date/Time:  Thurs. March 1st, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Featured Teller:  Antonio Sacre
Cost:  Free, recommended for 12-year-olds+
Location:    Orem Public Library (Storytelling Wing) at 58 North State St. in Orem
Website:  http://www.timpfest.org
Event:  Interactive Storytelling with Janine
Date/Time:  Fri. March 2nd, 4:00pm-4:50pm
Featured Teller:  Janine Nishiguchi
Cost:  Admission price to Museum--General Admission: $8.00/person; Senior Citizen (65+):  $6.00/person; Pre-registered Groups:  $7.50/person; Pre-registered School Groups:  $3.25/person; Members and Children 1 and under:  FREE
Location:  Discovery Gateway Children's Museum, 444 West 100 South, Salt Lake City
Event:  Bridgerland Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Sat. March 3rd, 9:00am-10:00am
Summerfest Office, 69 E. 100 N., Logan
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Leah Adkins at apq@pcu.net
Event: Farmington Bay Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Thurs. March 8th, 7:00pm (coaching), 7:30pm-8:45pm (meeting)
Centerville Library, 45 South 400 West, Centerville
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Janine Nishiguchi at janinethestoryteller@yahoo.com
Event:  Story@Home Conference-Storytelling, Blogging, Geneology
Sponsors:  Cherish Bound, Family Search, Ashton Foundation, Casual Blogger Network
Dates/Times:  Fri.-Sat. March 9-10, 2012, Thurs. evening and all day Fri. and Sat. (8:30am-4:30pm and evening performances)
Storytelling Presenters:  Syd Lieberman, Kim Weitkamp, Carol Rice
Story Slam Facilitators:  Cassie Ashton, Teresa Clark, Wendy Gourley, Rachel Hedman, Steffani Raff
Blogging Presenters:  Rustin Banks, C. Jane Kendrick, Elisa Scharton, DeNae Hardy, Heather Madder, Alison Moore Smith, Jana Parkin, Michael Reynolds, Leigh Anne Wilkes
Family History Presenters:  David E. Rencher, Michael J. Hall, Janet Hovorka, Annette Lyon
Cost:  $49.00/day (Fri.-Sat.) or $79.00 full conference, $7.00/ticket for Family Story Slam on Friday
Location:  Conference Center on Temple Square, Salt Lake City
Event:  Family Story Slam
Host:  Story@Home Conference
Theme:  Families are Funny
Date/Time:  Fri. March 9th, evening
Story Slam Facilitators:  Cassie Ashton, Teresa Clark, Wendy Gourley, Rachel Hedman, Steffani Raff
Featured Tellers:  5 slots drawn at event plus Syd Lieberman, Kim Weitkamp, Teresa Clark, and Steffani Raff
Cost:  $7.00/ticket for Family Story Slam on Friday
Interested to be in Telling/Drawing?--need 5-minute or less of one of your funny family stories, go to website for details
Beta Tests:  Olympus Chapter (Feb. 8th) and Timp Tellers (March 1st) will have Beta Testing of this story model, details in this listing
Location:  Conference Center on Temple Square, Salt Lake City
Event:  A Festival of Words
Hosts:  Briderland Storytelling Chapter (Utah Storytelling Guild), Briderland Literacy
Date/Time:  Sat. March 10th, 2:00pm-6:00pm
Featured Artists:  Call-out to Storytellers, Singers, Dancers, Visual Artists, Spoken Word--anyone working with words
Poetry/Essay Contest:  Theme from Benjamin Franklin's "Poor Richard's Almanack" and "Words" or any quotation taken from it, 30 lines max. for poems and no more than 750 words for essays in .pdf or .doc formats--adults and kids invited
Cost:  Free--open to all--donations accepted
Location:  Bullen Arts Center, 43 S. Main St., Logan
Website/Contact:  http://www.festivalofwords.wordpress.com or David Sidwell, Festival Director--dr.davidsidwell@gmail.com
Event:  "Abraham and Isaac: Sacrifice at Gettysburg"--Timpanogos Storytelling Media Event
Sponsor:  Timpanogos Storytelling Institute and BYUtv
Date/Time:  Mon. March 12th, 10:00am, need audience for professional taping and should last about 90 minutes
Featured Teller:  Syd Lieberman
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  BYUtv studio, BYU campus, Provo
Event:  Olympus Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Wed. March 14th, 6:30pm (coaching), 7:00pm (meeting)
Story Room, Salt Lake City Library, 210 E. 400 S., SLC
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Joanna Huffaker at jo2day@gmail.com with questions
Event:  Youth Teller Group-free classes-Ogden (ages 8-17)
Sponsor:  Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Thurs. March 15th, 5:00pm-6:00pm (next April 19th)
Adult Leaders--always 2:  Karrie Poulter and Debra Francis
Cost:  Free, open to kids aged 8-17, permissions form to complete by guardian
Location:  Polk Elementary School Library, 2615 Polk Ave., Ogden
Contact:  Karrie--(801) 721-9770, karrie.poulter@gmail.com

Event:  Youth Teller Group-free classes-Salt Lake (ages 8-17)
Sponsor:  Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Thurs. March 15th, 7:00pm-8:00pm (next April 19th)
Adult Leaders--always 2:  Julie Barnson and Holly Robison
Cost:  Free, open to kids aged 8-17, permissions form to complete by guardian
Location:  TBA, usually Murray Library but elsewhere for March meeting--contact Julie
Contact:  Julie--(801) 302-9418, julie.barnson@gmail.com
Event:  "Lost in Space" Read-A-Thon--North Branch (Clearfield)
Sponsor:  Davis County Library System
Date/Time:  Fri. March 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Featured Tellers:  Rachel Hedman, Suzanne Lyday
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  North Branch Library, 562 South 1000 East, Clearfield
Event:  "Lost in Space" Read-A-Thon--South Branch (Bountiful)
Sponsor:  Davis County Library System
Date/Time:  Fri. March 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Featured Tellers:  Janine Nishiguchi, Carrie Callister, Sabra Fisher
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  South Branch Library, 725 S. Main St., Bountiful
Event:  Salt Lake Freedom Film and Storytelling Festival
Date/Time:  Sat. March 17th, 9:00am-10:30pm (more in Oct., Nov.)
Featured Tellers:  Brian Jackson Fetzer, Rachel Hedman, Holly Robison, Julie Barnson, Janine Nishiguchi
Cost:  Morning, afternoon, and evening sessions available for $5.00/adult and $3.00/kid per session
If desired:  You can watch filming for free at 7:30am.  Paid sessions with live and watching films starts at 9:00am.
Location:  Fort Douglas Post Theater, University of Utah Campus, 245 S. Fort Douglas Blvd., Salt Lake City
Website/Contact:  http://www.slcstoryfest.wordpress.com or call (801) 532-2766
Event:  Ben Lomond Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Wed. March 21st, 7:00pm
Weber County Library, 2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Jean Andra Miller at jamandr2m@gmail.com
Event:  An Afternoon of Magic and Music in the Mansion (with storytelling)
Date/Time:  Saturdays, March 24th and April 14th, 2:00pm-3:30pm
Featured Magician/Teller:  Richard Hatch
Cost:  $10.00/adult, $8.00/under 12--Limited seating and sold out last time so go to http://www.HatchAcademy.com to reserve online
Location:  The Thatcher Young Mansion at 35 West 100 South, Logan
Website/Contact:  http://www.HatchAcademy.com or call 435-932-0017 or email richard@hatchacademy.com
Event:  Road to Success Utah Story Event
Major Sponsor:  Ken Garff Automotive-Road to Success
Cause:  $1 million towards literacy
Date/Time:  Wed. March 28th from 6:00am-6:00pm
Featured Tellers throughout Day:  Utah Storytelling Guild
Cost:  Free, open to all--donations help $1 million goal for literacy
Location:  Union Pacific Grand Hall at 400 W. 100 S., Salt Lake City

Event:  Utah's Biggest Liar Contest
Hosts:  Timpanogos Storytelling Institute, Orem Public Library, Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Times:  Mon. April 2nd at 6:15pm-7:00pm (youth), 7:00pm-8:30pm (adults)
Featured Tellers:  Adults and Kids from community--anyone welcome though need to register (FREE) to be on program
Cost:  Free, open to all
Register as Adult/Youth Teller:  April Johnson at (801) 473-9066 or aprildj@comcast.net
Story Details:  6 min. or less lie/tall tale told in unique & original way and judged on teller's stage presence and story development
Location:  Orem Public Library at 58 N. State St. in Orem
Event:  Storytelling with Steffani performance/workshop
Sponsors:  Magna Storytelling Festival and Salt Lake County Library System
Date/Time:  Mon. April 30th from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Featured Teller:  Steffani Raff
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Magna Library at 2700 South 8950 West, Magna
www.utstoryguild.org * usgmemo@gmail.com * PO Box 160631, Clearfield, UT  84016