-Semi-monthly email list for story lovers and story listeners-
-compliments of the Utah Storytelling Guild-
Welcome Message & Opportunities
If you know any events open to the public, then send to the Utah Storytelling Guild at usgmemo@gmail.com. Rachel Hedman is this email's coordinator. Submit events by the 1st and 15th of the month.
Like to volunteer and be a storyteller for the Dickens' Christmas Festival? Contact Jacqueline at (801) 599-2761 or email jacquelinejudd@gmail.com.
Youth Chapters (age 8-18) continue monthly in Ogden and Salt Lake City. Check out dates/times below or, for more info, email usgmemo@gmail.com.
For those on Facebook, the Utah Storytelling Guild is a group on it. You can also follow announcements from the guild on Twitter through utstoryguild.
Until we tell again-
Utah Storytelling Guild
Or individual meetings are listed amongst events below.
Event Listings
Event: USG--Bridgerland Chapter Meeting
Date/Time: Sat. Dec. 3rd, 9:00am-10:00am
Summerfest Office, 69 E. 100 N., Logan
Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: David Sidwell at dr.davidsidwell@gmail.com
Event: 1st-Person Interpretations--"Education in Zion"
Dates/Times: Only one for December and then resume to 2nd and 4th Mondays for January--Mon. Dec. 5th, 6:30pm--30-minutes geared for young families, 7:00pm--45-minutes geared for university students/older families
Featured Tellers: BYU Students/Gallery Educators
Focus: Mormon History-based to promote the gallery
Cost: Free, open to all--see recommended ages for each of the two sessions
Location: Joseph F. Smith Building (JSB) Atrium, 2nd floor on east side, BYU campus, Provo
Website/Contact: http://www.educationinzion.byu.edu or call Heather Seferovich at (801) 422-3451 or heather_seferovich@byu.edu with questions or set up free tour
Event: "The Amazing Chimney-Squeezing Fat Man" story-puppetry
Sponsor: Davis County Library System
Mon. Dec. 5th, 7:00pm at North Branch Library, Clearfield
Thurs. Dec. 8th, 5:00pm & 7:00pm at South Branch Library, Bountiful
Featured Tellers: Stephen Gashler and puppet friends
Cost: Free, open to all
North Branch Library, 562 S. 1000 E., Clearfield
South Branch Library, 725 S. Main St., Bountiful
Event: Fish Tales: Essayist/Storyteller Steve Law
Date/Time: Wed. Dec. 7th, 7:00pm
Featured Teller: Steve Law, presenting fish stories "The Worst Day of His Life" and "Perfect. Only Better"
Cost: Free, open to all
Orem Public Library (Storytelling Wing) at 58 N. State St., Orem
Event: Dickens' Christmas Festival--Salt Lake City
Dates/Times: Thur.-Sat., Dec. 8th-10th and Dec. 15th-17th, 10:00am-10:00pm
Featured Teller/Arts: Janine Nishiguchi in Victorian attire for one of the Fridays, other street performers and vendors, plus two theatre productions of "Scrooge" and "Oliver!"
Cost: $7.00/adult, $5.00/child (5-12), $5.00/seniors (65+), children under 3 are free
Utah State Fairpark at 200 N. 1000 W., Salt Lake City
Contact: For interest to volunteer as a storyteller or be a vendor, contact Jacqueline at (801) 599-2761 or email jacquelinejudd@gmail.com.
Event: Holiday Story Night (come in pajamas)
Date/Time: Mon. Dec. 12th, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Josh Johnson, Suzanne Lyday, Esther Daines, Laurel Pedersen
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Central Branch, 155 N. Wasatch Dr., Layton
Event: USG--Olympus Chapter Meeting
Date/Time: Wed. Dec. 14th, 6:00pm (Christmas party)
Julie Barnson's home in Riverton, email Joanna at jo2day@gmail.com for address/directions
Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: Joanna Huffaker at jo2day@gmail.com
Event: Youth Storytelling Chapter--Ogden (ages 8-18)
Sponsor: Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Thurs. Dec. 15th, 5:00pm-6:00pm (next Jan. 19th )
Adult Leaders--always 2: Kelly Quiroz and Karrie Poulter
Cost: Free, open to kids aged 8-18, permissions form to complete by guardian
Location: Polk Elementary School Library, 2615 Polk Ave., Ogden
Contacts: Kelly--(801) 645-0099, kellyquiroz@msn.com or Karrie--(801) 721-9770, karrie.poulter@gmail.com
Event: Youth Storytelling Chapter--Salt Lake (ages 8-18)
Sponsor: Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Thurs. Dec. 15th, 7:00pm-8:00pm (next Jan. 19th )
Adult Leaders--always 2: Julie Barnson and Holly Robison
Cost: Free, open to kids aged 8-18, permissions form to complete by guardian
Location: Murray Library, 166 E. 5300 S., Murray
Contacts: Julie--(801) 302-9418, julie.barnson@gmail.com or Holly--(801) 440-6857, robhollyb@gmail.com
Event: Echoes of Christmas, musical story of the Nativity
Dates/Times: Thurs.-Sat. and Mon.-Wed., Dec. 15th-17th and Dec. 19th-21st, 7:00pm-9:00pm (30-40 min. continuous)
Featured Tellers: Volunteers from all over Utah, original songs by Clive Romney, produced by Bob and Virginia Baird
Cost: Free, though donations accepted and CDs sold to support this event each year for $10.00/copy
Location: Liberty Park, enter at North entrance at 900 S. 600 E., Salt Lake City
Event: USG-Ben Lomond Chapter Meeting
Date/Time: Wed. Dec. 21st, 6:00pm (Christmas party)
Shirley Huesgen's home in Clinton, email Laurie at funnygrandma258@yahoo.com for address/directions
Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: Laurie Allen at funnygrandma258@yahoo.com
Event: USG--Timp Tellers Chapter Meeting
Date/Time: Thurs. Jan. 5th, 7:00pm
Orem Public Library (Media Aud.) at 58 N. State St., Orem
Cost: Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact: Ginger Parkinson at gingerparkinson@gmail.com
Event: 4th Guild-Sponsored House Concert--open to public
Sponsor: Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time: Fri. Jan. 20th, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Featured Tellers: TBA, qualified tellers through Utah Storytelling Guild's professional development series
Audience: recommended for 12-year-olds+
Cost: Free, though donations accepted and storytelling items sold to support featured tellers
Location: Home in Riverton, email usgmemo@gmail.com for address/directions or call (801) 870-5799
Event: 8th Annual Farmington Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Sat. Jan. 21st, 10:30am-5:00pm
Featured Tellers: TBA, Professional storytellers and some selected community and youth tellers
Cost: $1.00/person (includes refreshments and make n' take craft)
Location: Community Arts Center at 120 S. Main St., Farmington
Event: 5th Annual Clearfield Storytelling Festival
Date/Time: Sat. Jan. 29th, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Tellers: Community and professional storytellers (audition/request slot by Jan. 10th through Clearfield City)
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Clearfield Community Center Little Theater at 140 E. Center St., Clearfield
Event: Timpanogos Storytelling Conference
Dates: Thurs.-Sat. Feb. 9th-11th, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Times: Thurs.--7:00pm-8:00pm; Fri.--8:00am-5:00pm with 7:30pm concert; Sat.--8:00am-5:30pm with 7:00pm concert
Keynotes: Donald Davis, Susan O'Halloran, Bil Lepp
Workshop Presenters/Tellers: Antonio Rocha, Mary Hamilton, Well Arts Institute, Rick Walton, Ilene Evans, John Graham, Donna Washington, Karla Huntsman, Kerry Patterson, Bill Ratner, Sherry Norfolk, Joe Folkman, Brandon Mull, Cassie Howard
Cost: Early Bird Full Conference--$135.00; $80.00 for single day; $45.00 for half-day plus evening concert tickets for Fri. are $10.00/each for $40.00/family of 5 and then Sat. evening concert tickets are $5.00/each
BYU Conference Center at 770 E. University Parkway, Provo
Orem Public Library at 58 S. State St., Orem (Thurs. night)
Orem High School at 175 S. 400 E., Orem (Fri. night)
Event: National Youth Storytelling Showcase
Sponsors: National Storytelling Network and Timpanogos Storytelling Institute (as part of Timpanogos Storytelling Conference)
Date/Time: Sat. Feb. 11th, 4:15pm-5:15pm
Emcee: Bil Lepp
Featured Tellers: Top 10 youth tellers from across the nation
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: BYU Conference Center at 770 E. University Parkway, Provo
Event: 16th Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Dates: Mon.-Wed. Feb. 27th-29th
Times: 9:30am-Noon each day with afternoon campus workshops and evening concerts
National Tellers: Eshu Bumpus, Motoko, Antonio Sacre', Kim Weitkamp
Utah Tellers: Laurie Allen, Cassie Ashton, Cathy Barker, Julie Barnson, Karl Behling, Daniel Bishop, David Bullock, Robert Daniel Cope, Cherie Davis, Suzanne Decaria, Joan Effiong, Stephen Gashler, Melva Gifford, Mark Gollaher, Mary Halverson, Pamela Hanks, Rachel Hedman, Bill Higley, Suzanne Hudson, Esther Phelps Jackson, Anneliese Konkol, George McEwan, Jean Andra Miller, Janine Nishiguchi, Katie Nuttall, Darius Ouderkirk, Ginger Parkinson, Virginia Rasmussen, Holly Robison, Clive Romney, Jan C. Smith, Nannette Watts, Sherrie West
Cost: Free, open to all--donations accepted
Monday--Davis Conference Center at 1651 N. 700 W., Layton
Tuesday & Wednesday--Eccles Conference Center (Peery's Egyptian Theater) at 2415 Washington Blvd., Ogden
www.utstoryguild.org * usgmemo@gmail.com * PO Box 160631, Clearfield, UT 84016 |