Utah Storytelling--late-March to May

Published: Thu, 03/22/12

Utah Storytelling Events

-Semi-monthly email list for story lovers and story listeners-
-compliments of the Utah Storytelling Guild-

Welcome Message & Opportunities
If you know any events open to the public, then send to the Utah Storytelling Guild at usgmemo@gmail.com.  Rachel Hedman is this email's coordinator.  Submit events by the 1st and 15th of the month.

April marks a time for contests:  April 2nd (Utah's Biggest Liar) and April 6th (Patriotic Storytelling Contest for Youth).  See details below.

Enjoy the world's first 24/7/365 storytelling radio called "A World of Storytelling."  Go to http://www.aslanproductionstudio.com and you can download the free player at http://www.live365.com.

Youth Teller Groups (age 8-17)--free story classes--continue monthly in Ogden and Salt Lake City.  Check out dates/times below or, for more info, email usgmemo@gmail.com.
For those on Facebook, the Utah Storytelling Guild is a group on it.  You can also follow announcements from the guild on Twitter through utstoryguild.
Until we tell again-

Utah Storytelling Guild

Go to http://www.utstoryguild.org for free Chapter meetings. 
Or individual meetings are listed amongst events below.
Event Listings

Event:  "Stories Utah's Artful Gravestones Tell"
Sponsor:  Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts (quarterly breakfast social)
Date/Time:  Sat. March 24th, 9:00am-10:30am
Featured Presenter/Teller:  Carol Edison, former Utah Folk Arts Program Manager
Cost:  Free for UPHA members, $6.00 for others/guests--to RSVP, call Bonnie at (801) 209-8109 or Clive at (801) 706-1997 or email clive@upharts.org
Location:  1258 W. Pitchfork Rd., Murray

Event:  An Afternoon of Magic and Music in the Mansion (with storytelling)
Date/Time:  Saturdays, March 24th and April 14th, 2:00pm-3:30pm
Featured Magician/Teller:  Richard Hatch
Cost:  $10.00/adult, $8.00/under 12--Limited seating and sold out last time so go to http://www.HatchAcademy.com to reserve online
Location:  The Thatcher Young Mansion at 35 West 100 South, Logan
Website/Contact:  http://www.HatchAcademy.com or call 435-932-0017 or email richard@hatchacademy.com
Event:  Storytelling--"Celebrate 100 Years of Girl Scouts"
Sponsors:  Davis County Library and Girl Scouts of America
Date/Time:  Mon. March 26th, 7:00pm
Featured Tellers:  Provided by Girls Scouts
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  North Branch Library, 562 S. 1000 E., Clearfield
Event:  2nd Annual Road to Success Literacy Fundraiser
Major Sponsor:  Ken Garff Automotive-Road to Success
Cause:  $1 million towards literacy
Date/Time:  Wed. March 28th from 6:00am-7:00pm
Featured Tellers throughout Day:  Utah Storytelling Guild--Rachel Hedman, Ginger Parkinson, Clive Romney, Norene Jensen, Gary D. Hansen, Karl Behling, Janine Nishiguchi, Claudene B. Gordon, George McEwan, Elaine Brewster, and more
Cost:  Free, open to all--donations help $1 million goal for literacy
Location:  Union Pacific Grand Hall at 400 W. 100 S., Salt Lake City
Event:  Peter Cook Live!
Sponsor:  UVU ASL Club
Date/Time:  Wed. March 28th, 6:30pm (Doors open 30 min. prior)
National Teller:  Peter Cook, voice interpreter provided
Cost:  $6.00/adult; $5.00/student; $4.00/child; $3.00/senior citizen
Location:  Sanderson Community Center, 5709 S. 1500 W., Taylorsville

Event:  Utah's Biggest Liar Contest (youth slots still!)
Hosts:  Timpanogos Storytelling Institute, Orem Public Library, Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Times:  Mon. April 2nd at 6:00pm-7:00pm (youth), 7:00pm-8:30pm (adults)
Featured Tellers:  Adults and Kids from community--anyone welcome though need to register (FREE) to be on program
Cost:  Free, open to all
Register as Adult/Youth Teller:  April Johnson at (801) 473-9066 or aprildj@comcast.net
Story Details:  6 min. or less lie/tall tale told in unique & original way and judged on teller's stage presence and story development
Location:  Orem Public Library at 58 N. State St. in Orem

Event:  Bridgerland Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Probably Thurs. in April, being decided by group
Summerfest Office, 69 E. 100 N., Logan--may change soon
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Leah Adkins at apq@pcu.net
Event:  Timp Tellers Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Thurs. April 5th, 7:00pm
Orem Public Library, 58 N. State St., Orem
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Ginger Parkinson at gingerparkinson@gmail.com
Event:  1st-Person Interpretations--"Education in Zion"
Dates/Times:  Mon., April 9th--continues again for Fall Semester-30-minutes geared for young families, 7:00pm--45-minutes geared for university students/older families
Featured Tellers:  BYU Students/Gallery Educators
Focus:  Mormon History-based to promote the gallery
Cost:  Free, open to all--see recommended ages for each of the two sessions
Location:  Joseph F. Smith Building (JSB) Atrium, 2nd floor on east side, BYU campus, Provo
Website/Contact:  http://www.educationinzion.byu.edu or call Heather Seferovich at (801) 422-3451 or heather_seferovich@byu.edu with questions or set up free tour

Event:  Olympus Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Wed. April 11th, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Story Room, Salt Lake City Library, 210 E. 400 S., SLC
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Joanna Huffaker at jo2day@gmail.com

Event: Farmington Bay Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Thurs. April 12th, 7:00pm (coaching), 7:30pm-8:45pm (meeting)
Kaysville Library, 44 N. Main St., Kaysville
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Janine Nishiguchi at janinethestoryteller@yahoo.com
Event:  Youth Teller Group-free classes-Ogden (ages 8-17)
Sponsor:  Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Wed. April 18th, 6:00pm-7:00pm (next May 16th)
Adult Leaders--always 2:  Debra Francis and Karl Behling
Cost:  Free, open to kids aged 8-17, permissions form to complete by guardian
Location:  Weber County Library, 2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden
Contact:  Debra--

Event:  Ben Lomond Chapter Meeting-Utah Storytelling Guild
Date/Time:  Wed. April 18th, 6:00pm (youth) 7:00pm (adults)
Weber County Library, 2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden
Cost:  Free, open to 8-yr-olds+-adults
Yearly Utah Storytelling Guild Membership:
$20.00/individual or $30.00/family
(all 8-yr-olds+ in same household)
Contact:  Jean Andra Miller at jamandr2m@gmail.com
Event:  Providence Founder's Day--HAMS (Heritage, Arts, Music, Stories)
Sponsors:  Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts, Cache Valley and many other sponsors 
Dates/Times:  Fri.-Sat. April 20th-21st, Fri.--6:00pm-9:00pm; Sat.--8:00am-7:00pm
Featured Tellers/Musicians:  Willow Valley String Band, Willow Valley Singers, Ghosts of Gardner Village, Sam Payne, Clive Romney, Dave Lemmon, Larry Slade, Marlow Adkins, Ted Erekson, Leah Adkins, David Sidwell, Sassafras
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Old Rock Church, 10 S. Main St., Providence
Website/Contact:  http://www.upharts.org or call (435) 752-3432
Event:  Annie Oakley--Hittin' the Bullseye with Stories
Date/Time:  Tues. April 24th from 7:00pm-7:45pm
Featured Teller:  Annie Oakley (presented by Rachel Hedman)
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Gale Center of History and Culture, 10300 S. Beckstead Ln., South Jordan
Event:  Utah Storytelling Guild Board mtg.-open to all!
Date/Time:  Wed. April 25th, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Agenda:  Realignment of Youth Teller Groups; Sound Equipment Benefit; Story Potluck
Cost:  Free, open to all--USG members and guests...like you
Location:  1770 S. 500 E., Kaysville (bring treat if you want)
Event:  Storytelling Showcase--Aesop's Fables
Date/Time:  Fri. April 27th, 10:45am-11:15am
Featured Teller:  Carol Esterreicher
Cost:  Free, seniors combine with elementary students, all ages invited and art project by Lori Warner to follow 
Location:  Midvale Senior Center, 350 Park St. (7610 S.), Midvale
Website/Contact:  Call Judith Neihart at (801) 566-6590 or go to http://www.carolstories.com
Event:  Storytelling with Steffani performance/workshop
Sponsors:  Magna Storytelling Festival and Salt Lake County Library System
Date/Time:  Mon. April 30th from 7:00pm-8:00pm
Featured Teller:  Steffani Raff
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Magna Library at 2700 South 8950 West, Magna

Event:  Mountain West Arts Conference
Sponsor:  Utah Division of Arts and Museums
Date/Time:  Thurs. May 3rd, 7:00am-3:45pm
Keynote:  Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, neuroscientist and human development psychologist (creating art that represents our emotions)
Cost:  Full-Day Registration = $95.00; Student and Group Rates available; Governor's Awards Luncheon Only = $55.00
Location:  Utah Cultural Celebration Center, 1355 W. 3100 S., West Valley City
Event:  2nd Annual Story Potluck--Fundraiser Dinner/Concert, charity event
Sponsors:  Utah Storytelling Guild, Utah Divison of Arts & Museums, Salt Lake City Arts Council
Date/Time:  Tues. May 15th, 6:30pm (Doors open at 6:00pm)
Story Chefs/Tellers:  TBA, submissions being judged
Cost:  $10.00/person to include dinner and concert, cookbooks will also be for sale and a silent auction
Location:  Division of Services--Center for Blind and Visually Impaired (DSBVI), 250 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City
Send Ticket Payment To:
Utah Storytelling Guild
RE:  Story Potluck
PO Box 160631
Clearfield, UT  84016
Event:  5th Annual Youth Tall Tale Contest, grades K-12
Sponsors:  Utah Storytelling Guild (Olympus), Gale Center of History and Culture
Date/Time:  Tues. May 29th from 6:00pm-7:30pm
Featured Tellers:  Any youth from Kindergarten to High School
Story Length for Youth Teller:  3-10 minutes of an original or classic tall tale
Cost:  Free, open to all--general public invited
Prizes:  Winner will receive family pass to Timpanogos Storytelling Festival that occurs every Labor Day weekend ($120 value), while everyone who participates will receive goodies and certificates
Overview:  Pioneers and frontiersmen of the 1820-1860 entertained themselves by jumping into the fantastic through a tall tale.  Whether hearing about the giant logger Paul Bunyan or the man-cub turned cowboy Pecos Bill, there were always elements of historical or natural truth.  The tales reflected the awe and hope that the people had for the vast forests, the magnificent mountains, and the immense desserts of the West.
Judges will look for the following in your story--
*  Talking to and connecting with the audience
*  Hero shows strength and skills with exaggeration and/or humor
*  Story explains how at least one thing came to be (Ex. Great Salt Lake, Wasatch Mountains, seagulls, etc.)
Location:  Gale Center of History and Culture, 10300 S. Beckstead Ln., South Jordan
Contact:  Rachel Hedman at info@rachelhedman.com or (801) 870-5799 for a time slot and/or questions.

www.utstoryguild.org * usgmemo@gmail.com * PO Box 160631, Clearfield, UT  84016