Utah Storytelling--April to May

Published: Tue, 04/06/10

Utah Storytelling Events

Welcome Message and Opportunities
Enjoy the snow. . .or sun. . .as part of the April fooling and then throw in some surprises by attending any of the wonderful Utah storytelling events.

If you know any events that are open to the public, then please
email me.  Deadline to submit is every 1st and 15th of the month.

As this service to send events is free, you may feel in a giving
mood to donate. 
 You can send donations to Rachel Hedman at 
PO Box 160631, Clearfield, UT  84016 or go to her website and donate through PayPal any amount--none too small--on her homepage at http://www.rachelhedman.com.  Thanks!

May 25th, 2010 will be the 3rd Annual Youth Tall Tale Contest (K-12th grade) at the Gale Center of History and Culture in South Jordan.  Prizes for everyone who participates.  More details below.

May 29th, 2010  will be the first storytelling contest for any
retold tale from the online Saga of the Sanpitch -
http://www.tinyurl.com/sanpitch.  Entries must be in by May 14th.
Grand prize is $250 and event connects with the Scandinavian
Heritage Festival in Ephraim.  Go to http://www.upharts.org for

June 1, 2010 will be the deadline to submit workshop, showcase, and performance proposals for the 2011 Timpanogos Storytelling Festival the first weekend in February.  Go to http://www.timpfest.org for details.

Besides this email list, receive tips, trends, and storytelling games through the new monthly e-newsletter called "The Rachel Response: Storytelling Adventures".  You can sign-up for this free at the homepage of http://www.rachelhedman.com.  Go to http://aweber.com/b/1DGh1 for glimpse of April issue. 

For those on Facebook, the Utah Storytelling Guild is a group on
it.  You can also follow announcements from the guild on Twitter
through utstoryguild

Enjoy the newest blog entry "When Fools Rush In: 3 Ways to Boost Wisdom with Story Introductions" at 

Until we tell again,
Rachel Hedman
Professional Storyteller
Utah Storytelling Guild President
Tel:  (801) 870-5799
Email:  info@rachelhedman.com
How-To Blog:  http://www.storytellingadventures.blogspot.com
Family Famine Series Site:  http://www.familyfamine.com
"Year of the Family" Book:  http://www.yearofthefamily.com
Fan Page:  http://www.facebook.com/rachelfans
Reserve Rachel as your storyteller today!


Event Listings

Event:  Utah Storytelling Guild Monthly Meetings 
*Tuesday, April 13th at 6:30pm--Bridgerland, Logan and northern UT area
*Wednesday, April 14th at 6:30pm (coaching) and 7:00pm (meeting)--Olympus, Salt Lake County
*Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00pm (potluck party at Anneliese's home)--Ben Lomond, Ogden area
*Thursday, May 6th at 7:00pm--Timp Tellers, UT County

Cost:  Open to all, official membership is $20.00/person for year
Bridgerland-- American West Heritage Center at 4025 S. Hwy 89/91 in Wellsville, UT
Olympus--Story Room in SLC Library at 210 East 400 South in Salt Lake City, UT
Ben Lomond--Anneliese Konkol's home in Ogden, contact Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 for address
Timp Tellers--Orem Public Library (Media Auditorium) at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT  
Website:  http://www.utahstorytellingguild.org

Event:  Ginger Tales for Young Children  
Date:  Thursday, April 15th
Times:  10:30am and 11:30am
Featured Teller:  Ginger Parkinson
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Springville Library at 50 S. Main St. in Springville, UT
Websites:  http://www.springville.org/springvillelibrary/ or

Event:  Alpine School District Storytelling Showcase
In Connection With:  Timpanogos Storytelling Festival
Date:  Monday, April 19th

Time:  6:00pm

Featured Tellers:  All youth tellers invited to tell during 2010 Timpanogos Storytelling Festival during Labor Day weekend

Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Storytelling Wing of Orem Public Library at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT
Websites:  http://lib.orem.org
 and http://www.timpfest.org

Event:  85th Birthday Party for Fillmore Library (with Storytelling)  
Date:  Monday, April 26th
Times:  5:30pm-7:00pm
Featured Teller:  Suzanne Hudson
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Fillmore Library at 25 South 100 West in Fillmore, UT
Website:  http://www.fillmorelibrary.org

Event:  Mountain West Conference on the Arts
Date:  Thursday, May 13th
Time:  7:00am-4:00pm
Keynote:  Ben Cameron, Program Director of Arts at the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation in New York, NY
Featured Performer:  2010 Poetry-Out-Loud Utah State Champion
Featured Presenters:  Margaret Hunt, Richard Sline (PhD), Alex Caldiero, Rob Carney, Jean C. Howard, Jonathan Weidenhamer, Jessica Peterson, Jessica Ballard, Cynthia Yeo, Crystal Young-Otterstrom, Pete Codella, Brian Seethaler, Joel Long, Marce Blackerby, Ruth Lubbers, Raymond Tymus-Jones, Adam Sklute, Melva Tourangeau, Ben Bell, Rick Wray, Geralyn Dreyfous, Diana Major Spencer, David White, Fred Adams, Anna Campbell Bliss, Janet Gray

Cost:  $80.00/person, $55.00/student, $45.00 for Governor's Awards Luncheon only
Location:  Utah Cultural Celebration Center at 1355 West 3100 South in West Valley City, UT
Website/Contact:  Go to http://www.arts.utah.gov or contact Jason Bowcutt at jbowcutt@utah.gov or call (801) 236-7554

Event:  3rd Annual Youth Tall Tale Contest, grades K-12  
Date:  Tuesday, May 25th
Time:  7:00pm

Featured Tellers:  Any youth from Kindergarten to High School

Story Length per Participant:  3-10 minutes of an original or classic tall tale

Cost:  Free, open to all--general public invited
RSVP:  Walk-ins are welcome, though it is preferred to contact Rachel (info below) for slot     
Prizes:   Winner will receive family pass to Timpanogos Storytelling Festival that occurs every Labor Day weekend ($100 value), while everyone who participates will receive other prizes, goodies, and certificates     
Overview:  Pioneers and frontiersmen of the 1820-1860 entertained themselves by jumping into the fantastic through a tall tale.  Whether hearing about the giant logger Paul Bunyan or the man-cub turned cowboy Pecos Bill, there were always elements of historical or natural truth.  The tales reflected the awe and hope that the people had for the vast forests, the magnificent mountains, and the immense deserts of the West.      
Judges will look for the following in your story: Talking to and connecting with the audience; Hero shows strength and skills with exaggeration and/or humor; Story explains how at least one thing came to be (Ex. Great Salt Lake, Wasatch Mountains, seagulls, etc.)
Location:  The  Gale Center of History and Culture at 10300 Beckstead Lane in South Jordan, UT     
Website/Contact:  http://www.galecenter.org and reach Rachel Hedman at info@rachelhedman.com or (801) 870-5799  

Event:  33rd Annual Scandinavian Heritage Festival  
Dates:  Thursday-Saturday, May 27th-29th (Storytelling on 28th and 29th)
Times:  5:30pm to 9:00pm on Thursday; 9:00am to 8:00pm on Friday; 7:00am to 9:00pm on Saturday
Featured Tellers:  Shirley Bahlmann, Ivo Peterson and others TBA
Cost:  Free, except for food or crafts to buy at booths
Location:  Most at Snow College Campus at 150 E. College Ave. (100 North) or Pioneer Park (enter at about 50 N. 100 W.) in Ephraim, UT
Contact/Website:  http://www.scandinavianheritagefestival.com/ or call Ephraim City at (435) 283-4631

Event:  Saga of the Sanpitch Writing & Telling Story/Poetry Contest
Entry Deadline:  Friday, May 14th with $10.00 entrance fee
In-Person Finals:  Saturday, May 29th at 11:00am
Featured Teller:  Any youth or adult who wants to enter/compete

Cost:  $10.00 entrance fee as participant
Grand Prize:  $250 to winner
Location:  Part of Scandinavian Heritage Festival at Snow College Campus at 150 E. College Ave. (100 North) or Pioneer Park (enter at about 50 North 100 West) in Ephraim, UT
Websites:  http://www.tinyurl.com/sanpitch (online sources for stories), http://www.upharts.org and 

Event:  Root and Wing Retreat (Utah Storytelling Guild event)
Host:  Timp Tellers in Utah County
Dates:  Friday-Saturday, June 11th-12th
Times:  All day Friday and Saturday

Featured Presenters:  TBA
Featured Topics:  How to Write Powerful Biographies, Marketing, and Advanced Story Crafting Skills
Cost:  Must be due-paying Utah Storytelling Guild member--free if Timp Teller otherwise might have small cost per person (no more than $10.00)
Location:  TBA, will be in Utah County
Contact/Website:   Call Ginger Parkinson at (801) 491-0627 or email her at gingerparkinson@gmail.com.  You can also go to http://www.utahstorytellingguild.org

Event:  Story Camp (Ages 8-12)  
Dates:  Tuesday-Friday, June 1st-4th
Time:  9:00am-1:00pm each day
Featured Presenters/Tellers:  Cherie Davis and Nannette Watts
Cost:  $25.00 if from Orem, $100.00 if from outside Orem
Location:  Orem Public Library at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT
Contact:  Call Cherie Davis at (801) 318-7197 or Nannette Watts at (801) 362-4411

Event:  "Critter Tunes and Tales", University of Utah Storytelling Course  
MTWThF--June 21st-June 25th, 2010 from 10:00am-Noon--Bountiful Site
MTWThF--June 21st-June 25th, 2010 from 1:30pm-3:30pm--SLC Site
Course Number:  YEMUS 100, section 1 or section 2
Instructor:  Brian Jackson Fetzer

Cost:  Tuition of $84.00 + Special Fee of $14.00 for Total $99.00
Age:  Course for any age--youth or adult, material learned best to use with 5-7-year-olds
Locations:  Bountiful and Salt Lake City sites of University of Utah
Website/Contact:  http://www.utah.edu or questions go to Youth Education at (801) 581-6984

Event:  33rd Annual Utah Arts Festival  
Dates:  Thursday-Sunday, June 24th-June 27th
Time:  Noon to 11:00pm each day
Featured Tellers:  TBA
Cost:  $8.00/adult, $5.00/senior (65+), Free for children 12 and under, $25.00 for 4-Day Festival Pass, go to website for other rate deals/discounts
Location:  Library Square at 200 East 400 South in Salt Lake City, UT plus the Festival stretches from 300 East to the City & County Bldg and from 400 South to 500 South
Website:  http://www.uaf.org