Welcome Message & Opportunities
If you know any events that are open to the public, then please email me. Deadline to submit is every 1st and 15th of the month.
As this service to send events is free, you may feel in a giving mood to donate. You can send donations to Rachel Hedman at PO Box 160631, Clearfield, UT 84016 or go to her website and donate through PayPal any amount--none too small--on her homepage at http://www.rachelhedman.com. Thanks!
Now to January 7, 2011 will be early bird registration for the Timpanogos Storytelling Conference on February 4-5, 2011. See http://www.timpfest.org.
January 10, 2011 will be the deadline for youth or adults to submit application to be considered for the Clearfield Storytelling Festival. See http://www.clearfieldcity.org.
Now to February 4, 2011 will be the days to submit applications/auditions for the June 2011 Utah Arts Festival. See http://www.uaf.org.
Now to March 1, 2011 will be the days to submit a recipe/story (written or video) for the Story Potluck charity event to occur end of April in Salt Lake City. Top entries will be in cookbook. Email usgmemo@gmail.com for details.
For those on Facebook, the Utah Storytelling Guild is a group on it. You can also follow announcements from the guild on Twitter through utstoryguild.
Until we tell again,
Rachel Hedman
Professional Storyteller
Utah Storytelling Guild President
Tel: (801) 870-5799
Email: info@rachelhedman.com
How-To Blog:
Family Famine Series Site:
"Year of the Adopted Family" Book:
Fan Page:
Reserve Rachel as your storyteller today!
Event Listings
Event: New Year's EVE on Temple Square with "Tall Tales for Children"
Date: Thursday, December 30th
Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Featured Tellers: Julie Barnson, Cherie Davis, Nannette Watts
Cost: Free, open to all (Other EVE events outside Temple Square will require a paid ticket)
Location: Temple Square Conference Center Theater in SLC, UT
Event: Glastonbury Duo-Seasonal Stories & Music
Date/Time: Fri. Dec. 31st from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Featured Tellers/Musicians: Glastonbury Duo (Dave & Carol Sharp)
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Solitude Ski Resort at 12000 Big Cottonwood Canyon in Solitude, UT
Event: Kaysville's First Night (with Storytelling)
Date: Friday, December 31st
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm (constant--rotating with Rachel as storyteller and library volunteers as readers)
Featured Teller: Rachel Hedman
Cost: Free, open to all--other First Night events surrounding area known as Kaysville City Hall Block
Location: Kaysville City Library at 44 N. Main St. in Kaysville, UT
Event: Utah Storytelling Guild Monthly Meetings
*Thursday, January 6th at 7:00pm--Timp Tellers, UT County
*Wednesday, January 12th 6:30pm (coaching) and 7:00pm (meeting)--Olympus, SL County
*Wednesday, January 19th at 6:30pm--Bridgerland, Logan/northern UT
*Wednesday, January 19th at 7:00pm--Ben Lomond, Ogden area
*Tuesdays or Wednesdays each month at 7:00pm--Dixie Tellers, St. George area (contact Adele for details at awilson@infowest.com)
Cost: Meetings free and open to all, yearly membership is $20.00/person and $30.00/family for other benefits
*Timp Tellers--Orem Public Library (Media Auditorium) at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT
*Olympus--Salt Lake City Library at 210 E. 400 S. in Salt Lake City, UT
*Bridgerland--Summerfest Office at 69 E. 100 N. in Logan, UT
*Ben Lomond--Weber County Library at 2464 Jefferson Ave. in Ogden
*Dixie Tellers--St. George, UT (contact Adele for details at awilson@infowest.com)
Event: 1st Guild-Sponsored House Concert
Host: Utah Storytelling Guild
Date: Friday, January 7th
Time: 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Julie Barnson, Holly Robison, Karl Behling, Pamela Hanks--4 USG tellers who qualified under the intense professional development series plus 1st of many celebrations in 2011 for USG's 20th Anniversary
Cost: Free and open to any adult
Story Items: Merchandise available for purchase afterwards
Location: Home in Springville, UT
RSVP: Ginger Parkinson, House Concert Coordinator, at (801) 491-0627 or gingerparkinson@gmail.com--exact address and directions will be given at that time
Event: Treehouse Troupe presents "Beauty and the Beast"
Host: Treehouse Museum
Dates: Saturdays, January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
Times: Each night is from 6:00pm-7:00pm (story show followed by Q&A)
Featured Tellers: Treehouse Troupe in story theatre style
Cost: $4.00/person if Treehouse member, $6.00/person if non-member, $25.00/family for season (family = children and 2 adults and could go towards this production as well as "The Fisherman" in March)
Location: Treehouse Museum at 347 22nd St. in Ogden, UT
Event: Applications Due for Clearfield Storytelling Festival
Deadline: Receive applications by Monday, January 10th
Featured Tellers: Any professional, community, or youth teller who wishes to participate in the Festival
Story Details: Told and NOT read, story no longer than 7 minutes, and could be poetry, cowboy poetry, folktale, tall tale, children's story, fairy tale, or original work appropriate for a family audience
Cost: Free, open to any age to participate
Location: Application found at the Clearfield City Building in the Community Services Department at 55 S. State St. in Clearfield, UT or going online at http://www.clearfieldcity.org
Event: Ginger Tales for Young Children
Date: Thursday, January 20th
Time: 10:30am & 11:30am
Featured Teller: Ginger Parkinson
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Springville City Library at 50 S. Main St. in Springville, UT
Event: 7th Annual Farmington Storytelling Festival
Date: Saturday, January 22nd
Time: 2:00pm-5:00pm
National Teller: Nannette Watts
Featured Tellers: Clive Romney and Brenna Barnson (Utah Storytelling Guild members), 6-8 youth tellers, and Alyssa Wood (community teller)
Cost: $1.00/person
Location: Community Arts Center at 120 S. Main St. in Farmington, UT
Event: 4th Annual Clearfield Storytelling Festival
Date: Saturday, January 29th
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Tellers: Professional, community, and youth tellers who auditioned and were invited
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Clearfield Community Center Little Theater at 140 E. Center St. in Clearfield, UT
Event: "Storytelling Basics: How to be a natural on stage and at home"--Workshop
Hosts: South Jordan Arts Council and The Gale Center of History and Culture
Date: Tuesday, February 1st
Featured Presenter: Rachel Hedman
Cost: Free, open to all ages
Location: The Gale Center of History and Culture at 10300 S. Beckstead Ln. in South Jordan, UT
Event: "Conversation with a Storyteller: Donald Davis"--an interview of a national storyteller
Host: Timpanogos Storytelling Conference
Date: Wednesday, February 2nd
Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm
Featured Teller: Donald Davis
Cost: Free, recommended for 12-year-olds+
Orem Public Library (Media Auditorium) at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT
Event: "Chaidentity: The Link Between Family History and Self Identity"
Host: Timpanogos Storytelling Conference
Date: Thursday, February 3rd
Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm
Featured Teller: Slash Coleman
Cost: Free, recommended for 12-year-olds+
Orem Public Library (Media Auditorium) at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT
Event: Timpanogos Storytelling Conference
Dates: Friday-Saturday, February 4th-5th
Times: 8:00am-5:00pm each day (pre-conference events and evening concerts listed separately)
Keynote National Tellers: Donald Davis, Diane Ferlatte, Andy Offutt Irwin, Bill Harley
Workshop Presenters/Performers: Slash Coleman, Rick Walton, Pippa White, Cassie Howard, David Hutchens, Brandon Sanderson, Barry Rellaford, Charles Holt, Chris Clark, Jan C. Smith
Early Bird Registration: Half day options available with Full conference for $135 if done before January 7th
Location: BYU Conference Center at 770 E. University Parkway in Provo, UT
Event: "Tales for a Midwinter Eve"
Host: Timpanogos Storytelling Conference
Date: Friday, February 4th
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Featured National Tellers: Donald Davis, Diane Ferlatte, Bill Harley
Cost: $10.00/person or $40.00 for a family of five
Location: Orem High School at 175 S. 400 E. in Orem, UT
Event: Utah Storytelling Guild Annual Membership Meeting--open to the public!
Date: Saturday, February 5th
Time: 11:45am-12:40pm
Featured Presenters: USG Presidency and Wendy Gourley, Sponsored Member Program Coordinator
Cost: Free, open to the public
Location: BYU Conference Center at 770 E. University Parkway in Provo, UT--Lunch break during Timpanogos Storytelling Conference (do not have to be registered for conference to attend this meeting)
Event: National Youth Storytelling Showcase
Hosts: Timpanogos Storytelling Institute and National Storytelling Network
Date: Saturday, February 5th
Time: 3:00pm-5:00pm
Featured Tellers: Top 20-25 youth tellers from across the nation
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: BYU Conference Center at 770 E. University Parkway in Provo, UT
Event: "The Midwinter Finale Concert"
Host: Timpanogos Storytelling Conference
Date: Saturday, February 5th
Time: 7:00pm
Featured Tellers: Andy Offutt Irwin, Slash Coleman, Rick Walton, Pippa White, Cassie Howard, David Hutchens, Brandon Sanderson, Barry Rellaford, Charles Holt, Chris Clark, Jan C. Smith
Location: BYU Conference Center at 770 E. University Parkway in Provo, UT
Event: 15th Annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Dates: Tuesday-Thursday, February 22nd-24th
Times: 9:30am-Noon each day (campus workshops and evening concerts listed separate)
National Tellers: Bill Harley, Willy Claflin, Bil Lepp, Debi Richan
Utah Tellers: Laurie Allen, Julie Barnson, Karl Behling, Daniel Bishop, Carlos Camacho, Linnea/Paul Cardon, Cherie Davis, Suzanne Decaria, Carol Esterreicher, Mary Halverson, Pamela Hanks, Gary D. Hansen, Rachel Hedman, Bill Higley, Suzanne Hudson, Shirley Huesgen, Joanna Huffaker, Esther Phelps Jackson, Anneliese Konkol, George McEwan, Jean Andra Miller, Janine Nishiguchi, Katie Nuttall, Ginger Parkinson, Virginia Rasmussen, Clive Romney, Holly Robison, Jan C. Smith, Nannette Watts, Sherrie West, Wes/Emily Whitby, Bob Wood
University Tellers: Lisa Dovenbarger and Matt Glover
Cost: Free, open to all--donations accepted
Tuesday & Wednesday--David Eccles Conference Center Y Peery's Egyptian Theater at 2415 Washington Blvd. in Ogden, UT
Thursday--Davis Conference Center at 1651 N. 700 W. in Layton, UT
Event: Williams Tell Overture--Fundraiser Dinner & Story Concert for Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date: Tuesday, February 22nd
Time: 6:30pm
National Tellers: Bill Harley, Willy Claflin, Bil Lepp
Cost: $50.00/plate--covers food and rest supports the Festival--or $250.00/table
Location: David Eccles Conference Center Y Peery's Egyptian Theater at 2415 Washington Blvd. in Ogden, UT
Event: National Storytelling Concert--"Williams Tell"
Host: Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date: Wednesday, February 23rd
Time: 6:30pm
National Tellers: Bill Harley, Willy Claflin, Bil Lepp
Cost: Free, open to all--donations accepted
Location: David Eccles Conference Center Y Peery's Egyptian Theater at 2415 Washington Blvd. in Ogden, UT
Event: Cinderella, Ph.D.
Host: Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date: Thursday, February 24th
Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm
Featured Teller: Jean Andra Miller telling traditional French tale
Featured Panelists: Dr. Kathy Herndon (English), Dr. Rosemary Conover (Anthropology), Dr. Eric Amsel (Psychology)
Cost: Free, open to all--geared for students and community
Location: Weber State University main campus in Ogden at Stewart Hetzel-Hoellein Library Special Collections Room
Event: Bedtime Stories and Campfire Tales
Host: Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Date: Thursday, February 24th
Time: 6:30pm-9:00pm
Featured Tellers: National and Utah Tellers
Cost: Free, open to all--donations accepted
Location: Davis Conference Center at 1651 N. 700 W. in Layton, UT