Date: Tuesday, August 10th
Time: 11:00am
Featured Teller: Carol Esterreicher
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Calvin S. Smith Library at 810 East 3300 South in Salt Lake City, UT
Event: "Sunset, Stories, Stars and S'more: A Camping Adventure in the Garden"
Host: Red Butte Garden
Dates: Friday-Saturday, August 13th-14th (storytelling on 13th)
Times: Friday at 5:30pm to Saturday 8:30am (storytelling at 8:30pm)
Featured Teller: Rachel Hedman
Registration Cost: Members-$20.00/person, Non-members-$25.00/person, Children under the age of 3 do not need a ticket for this event
Location: Red Butte Garden at 300 Wakara Way in Salt Lake City, UT
Event: Timpanogos Storytelling Festival Youth Performers
Dates: Mondays and Tuesday--August 23, 30, and 31
Times: 7:00pm each of the three nights
Featured Tellers: Different youth tellers who will also be performing for the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival during Labor Day weekend
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Storytelling Wing of Orem Public Library at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT
Event: 2nd Annual Children's Book Festival with Storytelling
Date: Saturday, August 28th
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm (storytelling from 12:30pm-1:00pm)
Featured Teller: Julie Barnson
Cost: Free, open to all--except brunch from 10:00am-Noon has $20.00/person fundraising tickets
Location: Tooele City Park at 200 W. & Vine St. in Tooele, UT
Event: Magna Main Street Arts Festival (merged with OHPAA Storytelling Festival)
Date: Saturday, August 28th
Time: Afternoon/Evening--4 hours
Featured Tellers: Laurie Allen, Julie Barnson, Karl Behling, Rachel Hedman, Ginger Parkinson, Steffani Raff, Holly Robison, Clive Romney
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: The Historic Empress Theatre at 9104 W. 2700 S. in Magna, UT
Event: Storytelling Superstars!
Date: Monday, August 30th
Time: 7:00pm
Featured National Tellers: Antonio Sacre and Andy Offutt Irwin
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Wheeler Farm at 6351 S. 900 E. in Salt Lake City, UT
Event: 21st Annual Timpanogos Storytelling Festival
Dates: Thursday-Saturday, September 2nd-4th
Times: Thursday = 10:00am to about 9:00pm (workshops and evening concert), Friday = 9:00am to about 10:00pm (concerts all day and night), Saturday = 9:00am to about 10:00pm (concerts all day and night)
Featured National Tellers: Eshu Bumpus, Elizabeth Ellis, Lyn Ford, Dolores Hydock, Andy Offutt Irwin, Bil Lepp, Motoko, Jennifer Munro, Debi Richan, Antonio Sacre, Ed Stivender, Tim Tingle, Kim Weitkamp
Cost: Start from $8.00 (evening concert) to $40.00 (full festival w/o workshops) to $120.00 for family
Locations: Mt. Timpanogos Park in Orem, UT--Handicap parking and a drop-off/pick-up area available at the Mt. Timpanogos Park entrance. For continuous shuttle service to the Park, please park at one of the following locations: 810 E. 600 N.--Orem, 766 E. 1200 N.--Orem, 4775 N. 300 W.--Provo (across Riverwoods Shopping Center). Please allow approximately 15 minutes for shuttle service depending on lines and traffic. Evening concerts will be at the SCERA Shell and at the Mt. Timpanogos Park.
Event: Lunch Bunch at the Gallivan Center--Storytelling Concert
Time: Noon-1:00pm
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Gallivan Center at 239 S. Main St. in Salt Lake City,
just west of the bridge in a grassy area with tables and chairs for lunch goers
Event: Auditions for Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Live Audition Date: Saturday, September 11th, 2010
Time: Starting at 11:00am
Festival Dates: Monday-Wednesday, February 21st-23rd, 2011
Looking For: Adults, college students, bilingual tellers, and youth/parent tandems
Other Options: If unable to attend Live Audition, then could submit application and story by Internet or by Mail requirements: Application, picture, 8-minute story
Location: Weber County Library Auditorium at 2464 Jefferson Ave. in Ogden, UT
Contact: Email with any questions or comments or call Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799
Event: Ginger Tales for Young Children
Date: Thursday, September 16th
Times: 10:30am & 11:30am
Featured Teller: Ginger Parkinson
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Spanish Fork Library at 49 S. Main St. in Spanish Fork, UT
Event: Utah Storytelling Guild Board Meeting--open to all!
Date: Tuesday, September 21st
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Agenda Items: 2011 Guild Film, USG/WSU Relationship, Youth Chapter Logistics, Curriculum for Chapters
Cost: Free, open to anyone, bring snack/treat if you like
Location: Layton, UT (address/directions when RSVP)
Contact/RSVP: Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799 or
Event: Ginger's Spooky Tales
Date: Monday, September 27th
Time: 4:00pm
Featured Teller: Ginger Parkinson
Cost: Free, open to all
Location: Taylorsville Library at 4870 S. 2700 W. in Salt Lake City, UT