Utah Storytelling--mid-July to August

Published: Tue, 07/20/10

Utah Storytelling Events
Semi-monthly email list for story lovers
Welcome Message & Opportunities

Congrats to the Utah people performing/presenting at the 2010 National Storytelling Conference in Los Angeles from July 29-Aug.1:  Carol Esterreicher, Duane Free, Wendy Gourley, Rachel Hedman, Joshua Payne, and Holly Robison.
Besides the conference, the summer heat can fry up the most sizzling Utah storytelling events.

If you know any events that are open to the public, then please email me.  Deadline to submit is every 1st and 15th of the month.

As this service to send events is free, you may feel in a giving mood to donate.  You can send donations to Rachel Hedman at PO Box 160631, Clearfield, UT  84016 or go to her website and donate through PayPal any amount--none too small--on her homepage at http://www.rachelhedman.com.  Thanks!

July 24, 2010 celebrates two storytelling events:  the Spring City Storytelling Festival and the Sunset Tall Tales/Liars Contest.  More details below.

August 7, 2010 will be the Ghost Story Tours auditions for the Salt Lake City and Ogden areas at the SLC Library starting at 10:00am.  Come prepared to tell a spooky tale.  More details below or go to http://www.storytours.com.

September 11, 2010 will be the annual Weber State University Storytelling Festival auditions.  Email storyauditions@weber.edu for more info or go to http://www.weber.edu/storytelling.

Besides this email list, receive tips, trends, and storytelling games through the monthly e-newsletter called "The Rachel Response: Storytelling Adventures".  You can sign-up for this free at the homepage of http://www.rachelhedman.com.  Go to 
http://aweber.com/b/p6K9 for glimpse of last month's issue.

For those on Facebook, the Utah Storytelling Guild is a group on it.  You can also follow announcements from the guild on Twitter through utstoryguild.
Enjoy the newest blog entry "Creating a Youth Storytelling Community One Kid at a Time" at http://www.storytellingadventures.blogspot.com.
Until we tell again,
Rachel Hedman
Professional Storyteller
Utah Storytelling Guild President
Tel:  (801) 870-5799
Email:  info@rachelhedman.com
Family Famine Series Site:  
"Year of the Family" Book: 
Fan Page:  
Reserve Rachel as your storyteller today!

Event Listings

Event:  "Splash into Stories"
Tuesday, July 20th at 10:30am and 11:30am--Hurricane Library
Tuesday, July 20th at 2:00pm--Cedar City Library
Tuesday, July 27th at 7:00pm--Pleasant Grove Library
Featured Teller:  Ginger Parkinson
Cost:  Free, open to all
Hurricane Library--36 S. 300 W. in Hurricane, UT
Cedar City Library--303 N. 100 E. in Cedar City, UT
Pleasant Grove Library--20 E. Center St. in Pleasant Grove, UT

Event:  Utah Storytelling Guild Monthly Meetings
*Tuesday, July 20th at 6:30pm--Bridgerland, Logan/northern UT
*Thursday, August 5th at 7:00pm--Timp Tellers, UT County
*Wednesday, August 11th at 6:30pm (coaching) and 7:00pm (meeting)--Olympus, SL County
*Wednesday, August 18th at 6:30pm--Ben Lomond, Ogden area
Cost:  Meetings free and open to all, yearly membership is $20.00/person and $25.00/family
*Bridgerland--American West Heritage Center at 4025 S. Hwy 89/91 in Wellsville, UT
*Timp Tellers--Orem Public Library (Media Auditorium) at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT
*Olympus--Story Room in SLC Library at 210 East 400 South in Salt Lake City, UT
*Ben Lomond--Jean Andra Miller's home in Ogden, UT for summer party, contact Jean at (801) 479-4333
Website/Contact:  http://www.utahstorytellingguild.org or email usgmemo@gmail.com with any comments/questions

Event:  Lunch Bunch at the Gallivan Center--Storytelling Concerts
All storytelling dates from Noon to 1:00pm
Wednesday, July 21st--Ginger Parkinson
Tuesday, August 3rd and Tuesday, September 7th--Carol Esterreicher
Featured Tellers:  Ginger Parkinson, Carol 
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Gallivan Center at 239 S. Main St. in Salt Lake City,
just west of the bridge in a grassy area with tables and chairs for lunch goers

Event:  1st Annual Spring City Storytelling Festival
Host:  Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts
Date:  Saturday, July 24th
Time:  11:00am-1:00pm
Featured Tellers:  TBA--Stories of Sanpete County--Any out-of-town storyteller who is accepted to tell will receive a thank-you gift
of a beautiful frameable print by Lynn Farrar, a.k.a. Sophie
Soprano.  See her work at http://www.twosistersfineartgallery.com.
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Private barn TBA in Spring City, UT
Contact:  Clive Romney, Executive Director of Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts, at clive@upharts.org 

Event:  Sunset Tall Tales/Liars Contest
Date:  Saturday, July 24th
Time:  4:00pm-5:30pm
Featured Teller Divisions:  Youth (age 14 and under), Young Adult (age 14-19), Adult Novice and Adult Experienced
Story Length:  No longer than 6 minutes and must be acceptable for family audiences
Prizes:  Will be awarded in all Divisions
Teller Cost:  Application along with $2.00 entrance fee to be a
teller and can be obtained from city offices at 200 W. 1300 N. in
Sunset, UT
Audience Cost:  Free to those who watch, open to all
Location:  Central Park at 85 W. 1800 N. in Sunset, UT
Contact:  Laurie Allen at (801) 773-7713 or

Event:  National Storytelling Conference
Host:  National Storytelling Network
Dates:  Wednesday-Sunday, July 28th-August 1st
Times:  All day except half day on Sunday (main conference Friday-Saturday)
Featured Utah Tellers at Conference:  Carol Esterreicher (fringe), Duane Free (regional teller), Wendy Gourley (workshop), Rachel Hedman with Joshua Payne and Holly Robison (fringe)
Registration Cost:  $325-$550 depending on if NSN member or not, check website for details
Location:  Warner Center Marriott, Los Angeles (Woodland Hills), CA

Event:  "Good Times"--Music and Storytelling
Host:  Murray Arts in the Park Children Matinees
Date:  Friday, July 30th
Time:  2:00pm
Featured Teller/Musician:  Brian Jackson Fetzer
Cost:  Free, open to all--geared for kids
Location:  Murray Park Pavilion #5 at 296 E. Murray Park Ave. in Murray, UT

Event:  Ghost Tours Auditions for Storytellers
Date:  Saturday, August 7th
Time:  10:00am
Request of Tellers:  Adults prepared to audition with a spooky tale
Cost:  Free
Location:  SLC Downtown Library at 210 East 400 South in Salt Lake City, UT
Contact/Website:  Kristen Clay at Fatladysingingk@aol.com or go to http://www.storytours.com

Event:  Idlewild--Celtic Stories and Music
Host:  Murray Arts Family Night Concert Series
Date:  Monday, August 9th
Time:  7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Tellers/Musicians:  Idlewild (David & Carol Sharp with Mark Jardine and Patrick Leary)
Featured Stories/Songs:  "The Goblin's Flute", "Donald and the Changeling", and "Tom and the Tailor"
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Murray Heritage Senior Center at #10 East 6150 South in Murray, UT (1/2 block west of State)

Event:  "Splish Splash Splish...What a Fish!"--story plus a craft to take home
Date:  Tuesday, August 10th
Time:  11:00am
Featured Teller:  Carol Esterreicher
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Calvin S. Smith Library at 810 East 3300 South in Salt Lake City, UT

Event:  "Sunset, Stories, Stars and S'more: A Camping Adventure in the Garden"
Host:  Red Butte Garden
Dates:  Friday-Saturday, August 13th-14th (storytelling on 13th)
Times:  Friday at 5:30pm to Saturday 8:30am (storytelling at 7:00pm)
Featured Teller:  Rachel Hedman
Registration Cost:  Members-$20.00/person, Non-members-$25.00/person, Children under the age of 3 do not need a ticket for this event
Location:  Red Butte Garden at 300 Wakara Way in Salt Lake City, UT
Contact/Website:  REGISTRATION REQUIRED so call (801) 581-8454 or go to http://www.redbuttegarden.org

Event:  Timpanogos Storytelling Festival Youth Performers
Dates:  Mondays and Tuesday--August 23, 30, and 31
Times:  7:00pm each of the three nights
Featured Tellers:  Different youth tellers who will also be performing for the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival during Labor Day weekend
Cost:  Free, open to all
Location:  Storytelling Wing of Orem Public Library at 58 North State St. in Orem, UT

Event:  21st Annual Timpanogos Storytelling Festival
Dates:  Thursday-Saturday, September 2nd-4th
Times:  Thursday = 10:00am to about 9:00pm (workshops and evening concert), Friday = 9:00am to about 10:00pm (concerts all day and night), Saturday = 9:00am to about 10:00pm (concerts all day and night)
Featured National Tellers:  Eshu Bumpus, Elizabeth Ellis, Lyn Ford, Dolores Hydock, Andy Offutt Irwin, Bil Lepp, Motoko, Jennifer Munro, Debi Richan, Antonio Sacre, Ed Stivender, Tim Tingle, Kim Weitkamp
Cost:  Start from $8.00 (evening concert) to $40.00 (full festival w/o workshops) to $120.00 for family
Locations:  Mt. Timpanogos Park in Orem, UT--Handicap parking and a drop-off/pick-up area available at the Mt. Timpanogos Park entrance.  For continuous shuttle service to the Park, please park at one of the following locations:  810 E. 600 N.--Orem, 766 E. 1200 N.--Orem, 4775 N. 300 W.--Provo (across Riverwoods Shopping Center).  Please allow approximately 15 minutes for shuttle service depending on lines and traffic.  Evening concerts will be at the SCERA Shell and at the Mt. Timpanogos Park.

Event:  Auditions for Weber State University Storytelling Festival
Live Audition Date:  Saturday, September 11th, 2010
Time:  Starting at 11:00am
Festival Dates:  Monday-Wednesday, February 21st-23rd, 2011
Looking For:  Adults, college students, bilingual tellers, and youth/parent tandems
Other Options:  If unable to attend Live Audition, then could submit application and story by Internet or by Mail requirements:  Application, picture, 8-minute story
Location:  Weber County Library Auditorium at 2464 Jefferson Ave. in Ogden, UT
Website:  "Be a storyteller" page on http://www.weber.edu/storytelling
Contact:  Email storyauditions@weber.edu with any questions or comments or call Rachel Hedman at (801) 870-5799