Story Crossroads: The Newsletter Volume 9, Issue 10
Welcome to a short, more direct weekly newsletter
* Week 1: Story of the Month - links with membership
* Week 2: Upcoming Events
* Week 3: Cap's Off to You! - people/organization profiles
* Week 4: Past & Future News
Celebration of Story Camp
We have had both kinds of Story Camp for youth (virtual and in-person). We were pleased to have an in-person version at the Glendale Branch of the Salt Lake City Library System. Cherie Davis and Ginger Parkinson guided those new to the art...and a couple who we hadn't seen for a few years and came back. We
appreciate the funding from the Salt Lake City Arts Council as well as the Zoo, Arts & Parks of Salt Lake County (ZAP).
Another Year of Story Fortune Telling
The Utah Renaissance Faire keeps much so that the original park at Thanksgiving Point was too small for this year's event. While debating on canceling due to venue needs, Executive Director Richard Thurman decided to move it forward and try a bigger venue in South Jordan, Utah. Thus, we had the
"Golden Cloth" as a transitional event until the Utah Renaissance Faire owns its own land. It was still a full two-day event. Story Crossroads had a booth for Story Fortune Telling (improv storytelling) using Once Upon a Time cards with characters, places, events (trouble), and items. We had six volunteers with five being youth tellers. We did 212 story fortune tellings. In 2022, our record was 282. We are still pleased with the results and the many happy faces. In fact, while we do this for
free, people kept giving tips to benefit Story Crossroads. |
When Executive Director Rachel Hedman has a birthday, there is a 2-week Facebook Fundraiser for Story Crossroads. While always kicking off with a goal of at least $200, we usually go past it. As of now, we are at $269...only $31 from $300. In 2022, we raised $425. Hmmm. We have until September 1, 2023! Go
directly to this effort below. Consider having a Facebook Fundraiser on behalf of Story Crossroads. |
The Story Beast e-pub...deadline November 1, 2023
"Under the Tome & Tomb" will be coming out on September 15, 2023. Yet, you can submit art, articles, and stories by November 1, 2023 for the December 15, 2023 issue. Still, all past issues can be found on The Story Beast website. While this is a different entity than Story Crossroads, we are pleased to see this e-publication that is available for free for anyone and all over the world. All details can be found at And...the Story Crossroads Executive Director happens to be the one that launched the idea and worked along amazing people to have it come to pass. You can subscribe to the Beastly Blog and/or the YouTube Channel.
On July 29, 2023, Julie Barnson shared George MacDonald's "The Light Princess" that is much like a one-woman show. The details were exquisite and, for many in the audience, the first time getting to know this literary piece. As we do live-stream events, you have no excuse. Find these past events as well as future
ones at On August 5, 2023, Connie Regan-Blake shared from her 52 years of experience in the art on the foundations that all
of us can embrace including breathing, checking in with one-self, and deep listening. You can order this workshop as well as past recordings at (scroll to bottom). On August 11, 2023, Ted Erekson brought the energy as he told signature pieces such as "Nurse June" as well
as many traditional tales with a twist. He even placed the harmonica, regular-sized and, uh, nose-sized! You can still see it and donate. Again, find these past events as well as future ones at As for future events, we have at least two every
month. Click button below for what's next from Jennifer Munro teaching (September 4 - Labor Day) and having a quartet of storytellers of Karla Huntsman, Paige Funk, Janine Evans, and Suzanne Hudson performing (September 22). |
We are thrilled for Jennifer Munro to teach "Taking Humor Seriously" on Monday, September 4. Enjoy this interview for hints of what to expect (and share). Attend virtual-live and/or receive the recording. See more videos at our YouTube Channel.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know by emailing
Story Crossroads - 501(c)(3) - To foster creative and compassionate communities through the art of storytelling.