Story Crossroads: The Newsletter Volume 9, Issue 14
Welcome to a short, more direct weekly newsletter
* Week 1: Story of the Month - links with membership
* Week 2: Upcoming Events
* Week 3: Cap's Off to You! - people/organization profiles
* Week 4: Past & Future News
Celebration of Timpanogos
Has it been 34 years? Yes! The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival has been around that long. Karen Ashton, as founder of Timpanogos, can be seen still working hard whether driving golf carts to get people to the tents or any number of volunteer opportunities. While Timpanogos is a separate entity than Story
Crossroads, we have much to thank such as funding from the Ashton Family Foundation for the past two years as well as the historic blessing upon our quality work by the Timpanogos Executive Board. Rachel Hedman, founding executive director of Story Crossroads, was pleasantly surprised when Karen Ashton reached
for a hug and thanked for all that we do to build and grow the art. We, too, extend our love for Timpanogos and the global impact of inspiration. Each festival and organization has an important role to play and adds to the visibility, respect, and dedication to oral storytelling. Did you could still get a virtual
ticket of the September 7-9, 2023 Timpanogos Storytelling Festival to then be available to view from October 15, 2023 to February 1, 2024?
NABS Conference coming to SLC
The 41st In The Tradition... National Annual Black Storytelling Festival and Conference is coming to Salt Lake City, Utah, November 6 through November 12, 2023. The event
is co-hosted by NSOUL (Nubian Storytellers of Utah Leadership). Being that Salt Lake County is a major geographic zone of Story Crossroads, we are putting out the welcome alongside NSOUL and many other organizations. Part of this includes
promoting the National Association of Black Storytellers Adopt-A-Teller Program that received generous funding by the National Endowment of the Arts, The Nora Roberts Foundation and Utah Division of Arts & Museums. The funding provides a unique opportunity for National Black Storytellers to perform for free at different venues likes schools, libraries, hospitals, etc. The deadline for applying for this opportunity has been extended to October 20, 2023. Even beyond the Adopt-A-Teller
Program, you can attend the Conference itself. Go! We'll see you there!
Babcock Performing Readers...Unite!
We are joining forces as we face our fears beyond the grave with Babcock Performing Readers. The stories will be geared for adults though likely fine for ages 10+. Join us on Thursday, October 19, 2023 starting at 7:00pm at the Whitmore Library in Salt Lake County, Utah. We have Brad Nygren and Robyn
Bishop from Babcock along with Lynn Wing, Cassie Ashton, and Nannette Watts representing Story Crossroads.
The Story Beast e-pub...came out Sept. 15, 2023
"Under the Tome and Tombs" came out September 15, 2023. Yet, you can also submit art, articles, and stories by November 1, 2023 for the December 15, 2023 issue. Still, all past issues can be found on The Story Beast website. While this is a different entity than Story Crossroads, we are pleased to see this e-publication that is available for free for anyone and all over the world. All details can be found at And...the Story Crossroads Executive Director happens to be the one that launched the idea and worked along amazing people to have it come to pass. You can subscribe to the Beastly Blog and/or the YouTube Channel.
On September 4, 2023, Jennifer Munro challenged our funny bone (and all the bones, really) as we looked at humor in a theoretical and practical approach as professionals. She revealed "tried and true" techniques, knowing that everyone adapts as needed. You can order this workshop as well as past recordings
at (scroll to bottom). On September 22, 2023, we had a first-time moment of featuring four professionals for our 74th House Concert: Karla Huntsman, Janine Evans, Paige Funk, and Suzanne Hudson. They told stories of wonder and wisdom that focused mainly on
traditional tales such as "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" as well as an historical tale about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his belief in fairies and how his statements shook England and beyond. We had a full house with the majority of audience being new to the art itself. As we do live-stream events, you have no excuse. Find these past events as well as future ones at
As for future events, we have at least two every month. Click button below for what's next from the Babcock collaboration performance (October 19) to Cooper Braun teaching (October 21) to having our 75th House Concert featuring Bradley
Mackay (October 26).
We are thrilled for Cooper Braun to teach "What the Zoom! Producing Virtual Storytelling Shows" on Saturday, October 21. Enjoy words from Cooper on what to expect (and share). Attend virtual-live and/or receive the recording. See more videos at our YouTube Channel.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know by emailing
Story Crossroads - 501(c)(3) - To foster creative and compassionate communities through the art of storytelling.