Story Crossroads: The Newsletter Volume 8, Issue 38
Welcome to a short, more direct weekly newsletter
* Week 1: Story of the Month - links with membership
* Week 2: Upcoming Events
* Week 3: Cap's Off to You! - people/organization profiles
* Week 4: Past & Future News
Evolving - Live-streamed & In-person House Concerts
We have live-streamed two of our house concerts so far. In-person is always best. Though, we find that live-streaming makes it possible for people who are out-of-state or ill or scheduling conflicts that are benefited. When Steffani Raff wished to explore this option in January,
we used the tools we knew: Zoom and YouTube. Since that 1st stream, we have improved the modes and equipment when Lynn Wing performed (shown above). As we go on our 3rd stream on March 17 with Janine Evans, we are pleased on another improvement. We are ever-learning and ever-evolving...and that's exciting!
Story Garage Podcast from ETSU
A podcast! This one talks about stories, wrestling with stories, popping the hood, and kicking the tire on stories. East Tennessee State University Storytelling Masters program is behind it with monthly issues. It has been around since September 2022 so have a
listen! |
Weber State University Storytelling Festival
One of the largest storytelling festivals in Utah is the Weber State University Storytelling Festival that is coming up February 27-March 1, 2023. Story Crossroads will have a presence there...with some handouts and part of the program. For those outside of Utah, there are virtual
portions. We are pleased to support this event and the increased exchanges with each other as we come upon our May 8-11, 2023 Summit & Festival. |
The Story Beast e-pub deadline
Do you have a story, poem, article, or art to submit to The Story Beast e-pub? May 1, 2023 is the deadline with the theme "Bright Babblings." Whether or not you submit, spread the word. Enjoy the already published issues.
And see the latest issue! While this is a different entity than Story Crossroads, we are pleased to see this e-publication that is available for free for anyone and all over the world. All details can be found at And...the Story Crossroads Executive Director happens to be the one that launched the idea and worked along amazing people to have it come to pass. You can
subscribe to the Beastly Blog and/or the YouTube Channel.
On January 27, 2023, Steffani Raff performed for our 67th House AND live-streamed. She even coordinated with the host to play a little guitar for some pieces. Her love and dedication to her family--from ancestors to today--was inspiring. On February 4, 2023, Kathleen
Santopietro taught and shared from her experience of working with older adults. She gave ideas of mementos that help in remembering the stories and so much more. You can still order past workshops for recordings/handouts ( - scroll to bottom) On February 18, 2023, Lynn Wing
performed for our 68th House Concert...once again in-person AND live-streamed. In the audience we even had a youth teller who wants to know about more opportunities. Lynn's stories inspired this youth and us all on the many times we "didn't see it coming" with lessons and laughs. Her stream is available until March 30 (see below). As for future events, we have at least two every month. Click button below for what's next from Mo Reynolds teaching (March 4) and Janine Evans performing (March 17). |
We are thrilled that you can view our live-streamed 68th House Concert from February 18, 2023 performed by Lynn Wing (available until March 30, 2023). Enjoy our future house concerts in-person OR live-streamed. See more videos at our YouTube Channel.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know by emailing
Story Crossroads - 501(c)(3) - To foster creative and compassionate communities through the art of storytelling.