Story Crossroads: The Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 18
Welcome to a short, more direct weekly newsletter
* Week 1: Story of the Month - links with membership
* Week 2: Upcoming Events
* Week 3: Cap's Off to You! - people/organization profiles
* Week 4: Past & Future News
Storytelling World Award & Behind-the-Scenes
We are honored to be one of 10 Storytelling World "Winner" recipients for our "Storytelling Basics in 8 Hours," a free, self-led online course.
Exciting opportunities for you - Storyversity
Both people who sign-up for the "Storytelling Basics in 8 Hours" and Story Crossroads Members will receive reduced rates for the high-quality online courses provided by Storyversity (powered by Settle Stories in the United Kingdom). Up until March 20, 2022, people who sign up for our course will receive a code
for 10% off Storyversity membership. Our members receive 15% with that code available in the Member Library at the bottom section of "Discounts & Deals." And there will be more collaborations...that we will announce at another time.
Gearing up for May 9-12, 2022!
With 15 professional story artists, 3 professors, and 3 civic leaders for our "State of the Art" addresses - we are excited to put it mildly. We have added new elements such as our "Bite-sized Story Education Pieces" of 30-minute presentations of storytelling elements in literary and historical worlds. We have a
virtual workshop of "Storytelling in the Classroom" geared for our teachers who are joining us for in-person and virtual field trips.
Thank You to our Past Presenters
On February 12, 2022, Oni Lasana led future (or current) Dunbarians - people who wish to honor Paul Laurence Dunbar as this is the year of the 150th anniversary with nationwide events. These workshop participants qualified for performing during a free virtual performance partnered with Artists Standing Strong
Together (ASST) on June 11, 2022.
On February 19, 2022, Rachel Hedman shared "The Follow-Up" with only questions, answers, and breakout rooms on grant writing. A private Facebook group called "Grant Writing for Storytellers" was formed for participants of either the first or second parts...yet open to anyone as long as you answer three questions.
Honor Jim Luter and all who made the "Storytelling Basics in 8 Hours" possible. As Jim has passed on, we are thrilled that this will forever be part of his legacy. See more videos at our YouTube
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know by emailing
Story Crossroads - 501(c)(3) - To foster creative and compassionate communities through the art of storytelling.