Story Crossroads: The Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 10
Welcome to a shorter, more direct weekly newsletter
* Week 1: Story of the Month - links with membership
* Week 2: Upcoming Events
* Week 3: Cap's Off to You! - people/organization profiles
* Week 4: Past & Future News
Collaborations between YES & Story Crossroads
Youth, Educators & Storytellers (YES) and Story Crossroads have entered into an agreement to support each other's organizations. As part of this agreement, up to three Story Crossroads members can attend ticketed YES events for free and up to three YES members can attend ticketed Story Crossroads events for free. The boards of each organization will allocate the free tickets. We will also share each other's events with our communities. If you discover that you'd like even more from YES, please join! They are another wonderful storytelling organization that may appeal
to you.
Next YES Event: Story Lab on January 20, 2022 at 7pm CST (UTC -6) featuring Milbre Burch, "The Charms and Challenges of Genre in Storytelling"
Thank You to our Past Presenters
On November 6, 2021, Omar and Lori Hansen taught about one-person shows. Nannette Watts performed an outdoor house concert (our 56th one) on November 12, 2021. Then, on December 4, 2021, Marilyn McPhie delved deep
into family history and bringing out those stories. Thank you!
On December 11, 2021, we had The Big Why Panel: Contemporary Folktale Retellings meet Humanities featuring Janice Del Negro, PhD and Megan Wells, MFA. We already have 123+ views - See The Big Why
Enjoy some hints of the yard and words from Paige Funk for the upcoming House Concert on December 29, 2021. If you are in or near Murray, Utah...join us! See more at our YouTube Channel.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know by emailing
Through the Non-Profit Rewards Program, Story Crossroads receives materials as well as continuous fundraising through Clever Octopus, which sells discounted art and craft supplies from 2250 South West Temple, South Salt Lake, 84115. After your purchase, you can place tokens in our Story Crossroads jar at
their store location for continuous donations to us. Visit for more information.