Story Crossroads: The Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 3
Traditions in our E-Newsletter
* Story of the Month
* Events
* Story Videos of the Month, created or loved by us
* Cap's Off to You! - people/organization profiles
* Past Celebrations
Commissioned Artwork by Rowan North
Year-at-a-Glance (click on month or story title for story):
September 2021 - Africa - Somalia
October 2021 - Europe - Luxembourg
November 2021 - Asia - Nepal
December 2021 - Australia/Oceania - Fiji
Story of the Month rotates with the six major continents. Our paid memberships delve deeper with three family/classroom activities as well as recipe(s) with the featured culture and country.
Thank you to commissioned articles and e-workbooks from Laura Packer, Sam Payne, Baba the Storyteller, Karl Behling, Linda Gorham, Dr. Joseph Sobol, Karla Huntsman, Peter Cook, Jim Brulé,
Steffani Raff, and Melva Gifford. Join us as a Story Crossroads Member today.
Story Crossroads Academy
- Spread the word -
We launched Story Crossroads Academy, online self-led storytelling courses, with special attention to teachers, homeschool groups, and seniors. The first 8-hour course (4 modules - 16 lessons) is free with American Sign Language and open captioning for
increased accessibly.
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Saturday, August 7, 2021
9am-10:30am MDT (UTC -6)
Sliding Scale Tuition: $5 minimum, $25 suggested donation, on up to $50
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53rd House Concert - in-person
Randel McGee as Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen: The Man and his Tales
Friday, August 13, 2021
7pm-8pm MDT (UTC -6)
Suggested donation $15+/person or $25+/household
House Concert Series
Exact address given upon registration
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Story Crossroads at the Utah Renaissance Faire
Featuring several volunteers doing story fortune telling
Friday-Saturday, August 27-28, 2021
Various admission prices, see Utah Renaissance Faire site
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Participation Storytelling on Zoom & In-Person
Jeff Gere
Monday, September 6, 2021
Labor Day for U.S.
9am-10:30am MDT (UTC -6)
Sliding Scale Tuition: $5 minimum, $25 suggested donation, on up to $50
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Following the Folktales Around the World: 200 Countries - 200 Collections
Presenter: Dr. Csenge Zalka
Facilitator: Dr. Margaret Read MacDonald
Saturday, September 18, 2021
9:30am-11:00am MDT (UTC -6)
Only $5 to prove your commitment, though feel free to donate beyond the tuition
Presentation with Q&A
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Story Videos of the Month
Enjoy Arthuretta Holmes Martin tell at the virtual Women's Storytelling Festival shared through Better Said Than Done. We are honoring her with the Cap's Off to You! (see below). The last two videos are showing what you can look forward to with George McEwan's virtual workshop "A Well Crafted Lie" on August
7, 2021 as well as our 53rd House Concert of what to expect and hints of our featured teller, Randel McGee, for August 13, 2021.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know by emailing
Celebrating your way of using story
Featuring: Arthuretta Holmes Martin (Posthumously)
Find out more the impact that Arthuretta Holmes Martin has had for and will continue to have for Story Crossroads...and the world. Click link below or on the picture of Arthuretta Holmes Martin.
A New Sacred Space - Share Memories
Do you know a Story Artist who has passed on and want others to remember them? Memories? Pictures? You can submit names and memories of Story Artists who have passed on through our
online form.
We had a humorous virtual workshop on July 10, 2021 led by Steve Daut on "Finding the Funny: Using Humor in Stories." We learned different types of humor and how we can discover "violations" or subjects/topics that are not funny and still be able to find what could work with audiences. Now we expect more
funny stories in the world!
We transitioned and had our 51st House Concert...yet the first time we encouraged masks though they were not required on July 16, 2021. We have to balance what is allowed while providing people the opportunity to bring own chairs, move chairs, or any forms of sanitation. Meanwhile, we loved the Viking stories
told by Stephen Gashler that inspired the rock opera musical called "Valhalla" as well as some guest singing by his wife Teresa. Even the audience got to sing along. Thank you to the Barnson Family for hosting.
The storms throughout the weekend and on the day of the 52nd House Concert barely lifted so all was clear a couple hours before featuring Mo Reynolds from Montana on August 2, 2021. She happened to be in Utah and we were thrilled to hear her expert weaving of personal and folktale elements including an "embryo"
piece of Rumpelstiltskin that blew people away. How honored to witness this piece as well as her other nicely-chosen stories. Thank you to the Steinmann Family for hosting.
Tuesdays, 9am-9:30am MDT (UTC -6)
We have weekly live-streaming of behind-the-scenes of Story Crossroads.
1st Fridays, Noon-1pm MDT (UTC -6)
Join our informal video chats on Discord about storytelling-related topics. Find archived talking points from past discussions as well as future topics.
We appreciate the permission from Steve Evans to use his world photojournalist pictures. He as well as other talented people are found on the Honored Artists page.
Through the Non-Profit Rewards Program, Story Crossroads receives materials as well as continuous fundraising through Clever Octopus, which sells discounted art and craft supplies from 2250 South West Temple, South Salt Lake, 84115. After your purchase, you can place tokens in our Story Crossroads jar at
their store location for continuous donations to us. Visit for more information.