Story Crossroads: The Newsletter (Vol. 2, Issue 4)

Published: Tue, 04/18/17

Story Crossroads: The Newsletter
I have a story.  You have a story.  We all have stories.

Volume 2, Issue 4
What to Expect
Know the traditions for each newsletter.
Steve Evans picture

Some traditions include:
*  Latest News of Story Crossroads
*  Cap's Off to You! (people or organization profiles who use story)
*  Story Video (created or loved by us)
*  Story
*  Story Game (inspired by different cultures)

About Story Crossroads
What is Story Crossroads?
Steve Evans picture
Story Crossroads is a grassroots event that features 15 professional story artists as well as 50 community members telling for the main stage event.  Youth, community, and seniors will be taught through free storytelling residencies at libraries, schools, and other venues by certified story-teachers in preparation for this celebration.  Bilingual and cultural performers combine arts to bring the stories forward for the audience.  Enjoy stories told with ancient technique while simultaneously enjoying newfangled approaches to these traditions.  The inaugural Story Crossroads Festival launched April 15-16, 2016 while the second one is on May 24, 2017 at the Murray City Park (296 E. Murray Park Ave., Murray, UT).  Then, with an invitation extended across all borders, World Story Crossroads launches 2022.  

Latest News
Support, Be Fed & Entertained--Wednesday, April 19th
Oba William King
On Wednesday, April 19th, take part in a fundraising dinner at 6:00pm followed by a communications workshop from 7:00pm-9:00pm at the Salt Lake Center for Spiritual Living while enjoying the wit and wisdom of Oba William King.  It is only $30.00/person to include the dinner and the workshop.  Click here to go directly to the place to register.  More details also found there.
20th Annual South Davis Family History Conference--April 22nd
South Davis Family History Conference
Story Crossroads and the Utah Storytelling Guild will have a booth at the 20th Annual South Davis Family History Conference.

The Utah Genealogical Association has registration open for the 20th annual South Davis Family History Conference to be held Saturday, April 22, 2017 at Woods Cross High School.  “Family Puzzles; Finding All the Pieces,” is the theme for the event, which will feature over 70 classes and labs, a keynote presentation, vendors, door prizes, and a special family history art showing.  Registration includes the full day of sessions, an electronic syllabus, and optional entry for the door prize drawings.  Additional information and registration may be found at
Ginny Ackerson, Conference Chair, 801-489-4994
House Concerts - Past and Future (January-April)
House Concerts images
We are going on our 14th House Concert that is part of the Story Crossroads Fundraising Series. Stephen Gashler did an epic tale of "The Knight of the Cart" who had so many adventures and a questionable ending by the original author though wrapped up beautifully by Stephen.  The Hatch Academy of Music (Richard Hatch-deceptionist, Rosemary Kimura Hatch-violinist, Jonathan Hatch-pianist) wowed us with combing arts and skills with story magic.  A couple guests brought home mementos from illusions in the show.  Sam Payne brought a surprise guest pianist and jazz professor, Kurt Reeder, to accompany him with a story piece.  This choice brought the concert even more alive.  We appreciate the following hosts from these past House Concerts: Rachel and Casey Hedman, Shanna Tobin, and Angie and Scott Lund and upcoming with Annie and Dan Eastmond.

Want to come?  You are always welcome.  Want to host?  Let us connect the perfect teller for you.  Email us with questions or requests at

Next House Concert:  Friday, April 28, 2017 from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Story Artists:  David Bullock & Grey on Blues Band

Theme:  Hardrock & the Blues: Diggin' the Rhythm of Mining Stories & Other Life Adventures

David Bullock has gone by “Hardrock” when he worked with hard rock mining. Now he rocks with the Grey on Blues Band featuring David Corrall (Harmonica and Vocals) accompanied by members Don Strang, Jay Barnhurston, and Rob Allredge (Vocalists and Guitarists).  Delve deep into the mountain of mining stories and other life adventures.

Where:  Eastmond Home, 3001 E. La Joya (4310 S.), Holladay UT

RSVP:  Call/text Annie Eastmond at (801) 859-9601 or email

Suggested Donation:  $15.00+/person, though any teen or adult welcome, CD's available for purchase

Details:  Refreshments served

Purpose:  This fundraiser event is held so the Story Crossroads Festival remains strong (see, can also donate online whether or not you can attend)

Too soon (or too late) to plan on April 28?  We will have another House Concert in May 2017.  Go to the Story Crossroads website for the latest details.

Celebrations from the Residencies (January-March 2017)
Free Storytelling Residencies for Adults

We loved the story games and the stories that were shared at our three residencies at the Riverton Senior Center, the Taylorsville Senior Center, and the River's Bend Senior Center.  There were plenty of laughs and the Taylorsville group even named themselves the Story Taylors and opted to continue meeting every 1st and 3rd Monday nights of the month.

In case you missed it for this year, Story Crossroads offers free 8-hour residencies for the public during the January to March times.  The Murray Storytelling Festival, one of our feed-in festivals, also offers storytelling residencies for all ages during this same time period.


The Story Rhythm Project--Ever-Expanding in its Reach (Updates)
The Story Rhythm Project (refugees)
Thank you to Lynn Wing, Story Training and Telling Chair, as well as Jim Luter, Suzanne Hudson, Angie Kathleen Lund, Steffani Raff, and Paige Funk who have already volunteered time for The Story Rhythm Project.  These words come from Lynn--

The Story Rhythm Project is a collaboration of visual artists and storytellers working with refugees who are seeking to establish safe, secure and productive lives in a foreign culture that is far removed from their past lives and which can often be frightening. Refugees are not usually dangerous people. Problems arise when people are marginalized because of poor education, poverty, and who and feel like they neither belong here nor where they came from.  They feel adrift.

The Story Rhythm Project is a program created to help people connect with other people both within their own cultures and with the larger community they are now living. Working in collaboration with Michael Pekarske with the Refugee Services Office of the Utah Department of Workforce Services, and Serene Kergaye of the Holladay Arts Council, we designed a curriculum of workshops that teaches individuals in refugee populations the skills and knowledge of how to use visual art and the performance art of storytelling to bridge the gaps between generations and between themselves and the communities in which they are striving to build their new lives.

The Refugee Office has identified groups from the Congo, Bhutan and Darfur who have children and seniors who can immediately benefit from this program. Pekarske has a youth group from Darfur who is currently in an  Arabic language heritage program.  We are also helping in a once a month art program with the younger children who are studying Arabic, that doubles as the cultural heritage portion with the incorporation of art and storytelling.

These workshops will culminate in an art exhibition and storytelling concert presented at the World Refugee Day, June 20, 2017, in Salt Lake City (located next to the Chase Museum).

You can email for more details or to participate.​​​​​​​

Tickets & Group Reservations Available for May 24, 2017 Festival
Viridian Event Center
Want to come and be guaranteed your spot as an individual or as a group for the 2017 Story Crossroads Festival?  Of course you do!  

The next Festival is Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at the Murray City Park (296 E. Murray Park Ave., Murray, UT).  You may remember that we were going to have the Festival in April at the Viridian Event Center.  We had some feed-in festivals, especially the Jordan School District Storytelling Festival, that liked the April to May change.  We also received more funding like from the South Jordan Arts Council and the City of Murray is hosting us as an in-kind donation.

Tickets are only $1.00/student or senior and $3.00/adult and covers for the whole event. Children aged four and under are free though please be aware of their listening sophistication.  A group of 10 or more people also qualify as $1.00/person.  On this same page to get tickets, there is link to a simple online form with the information needed to review your request to bring a group of 10 or more people.  See the Frequently Asked Questions on bringing a group as well as other details on the Tickets page.

Story Crossroads Festival--Schedule & Bios of Featured Tellers!
Loren Niemi, Mara Menzies, Sean Buvala
The 2nd Annual Story Crossroads Festival is pleased to present 15 professional story artists and 50 community tellers (youth and adults) along with Loren Niemi, Mara Menzies, and Sean Buvala.  You can see the schedule hereand here are some exciting events to expect beyond the main day on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at the Murray City Park (296 E. Murray Park Ave., Murray, UT).
Monday, May 22, 2017, 10:00am-3:00pm, lunch included
Sea-Glass Storytelling:  Creating Great Personal Tales Using the Light of the Folktale
Story Artist/Presenter:  Sean Buvala
Nishiguchi Home in Bountiful, UT (address upon registration)
$100.00/person, pay online here, pay in-person all at once, or payment plan over the course of 2-4 months

Monday, May 22, 2017, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Story-Skilled Child Workshop (for parents and children)
Story Artist/Presenter:  Sean Buvala
Place TBD, Salt Lake County, UT--check website

Tuesday, May 23, 2017, Noon-1:00pm
Lunch & Learn
Story Artist/Presenter:  Sean Buvala
Place TBD, Salt Lake County, UT--check website
$15.00 for those who bring own lunch, $25.00 that includes lunch (Kneaders)

Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 7:00pm
Storytelling Concert
Story Artist:  Mara Menzies
Blind Center, 250 North 1950 West, Suite B, Salt Lake City, UT
Audio descriptions available for those who are Blind

Thursday, May 25, 2017, 6:00pm-6:45pm & 7:00pm-9:00pm
The Language of Story Academics Series: Visual & Spoken Languages on Stage (Panel)
UVU Professors:  Dale Boam & Jeff Packer
"Fata Morgana," Choose your own adventure story geared for teens and adults
Story Artist:  Loren Niemi
Both at Gale Center of History and Culture, 10300 S. Beckstead Lane, South Jordan, UT
Spanish, ASL and audio descriptions available
Cap's Off to You
Celebrating your way of using story

Featuring:  City of Murray--Cultural Arts

Funder for 2017 Story Crossroads
Hosting with Murray City Park
Feed-in with Murray Storytelling Festival
City of Murray



If it was not for Holly Robison and Mary Ann Kirk, Story Crossroads may not have existed for another five or more years.  These two people worked together to develop and succeed with the Murray Storytelling Festival.  Storytelling still was available to community members (at least for youth) in the Salt Lake County area through the Jordan School District Storytelling Festival and the Canyons School District Storytelling Festival.  Though, Murray did things different by going beyond the Murray School District and also holding residencies at the Murray Heritage Center for the seniors.


Find out more the impact that the City of Murray, specifically the Cultural Arts, has had for Story Crossroads and the community members by reading more at our blog (click below).

A to Z Blog Challenge--3rd Year!
A to Z Blog Challenge
Story Crossroads is participating in its 3rd year with the A to Z Blog Challenge during the month of April.  The theme for us this year is Symbols in Stories from Around the World.  For example, David Sharp was a guest writer for A is for Apple, and then we had B is for Bread, C is for Crossroads, D is for Directional Orientations (North, South, East, West), E is for Elephant, etc.  Click here to see what posts will be for what days.

Story Video of the Month
Story Crossroads always strives to provide quality resources for sharing the art of storytelling with others.  We are pleased to share the Teaching Story Video Series that is also part of our website under "Teaching Story" as well as under the video collection.  This one is presented by Lynn Wing and Karl Behling, Story Training and Telling Committee Members, on "Finding and Critiquing Stories."  Look forward to other 3-minute videos on improving the crafting and telling of stories.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know about it and email us a link to it.  Who knows?  Perhaps we will be inspired to invite you to one of our Story Crossroads event?   Remember that our 2nd Annual Festival is May 24, 2017 at the Murray City Park (296 E. Murray Park Ave., Murray, UT). 
Story of the Month

The Magic Fish Hook

Artwork by Rowan North,,

Dorani, from Pakistan
Dorani sang and danced to such degree that the king of the fairyland, Indra, wanted her to come and perform for fairyland every night.  One day, Dorani cut some of her golden hair that smelled of perfume, wrapped the clippings in a leaf, and sent it down the river.  A king’s son found the leave with the golden hair and knew he had to marry to whom it belonged.  After great search, the prince told the king he would die if this lady was not found.  Word spread throughout the kingdom until Dorani heard the news.  She told her father, the perfume merchant, that she thought the hair could be hers.  Dorani said that she would marry the king but that after the wedding she must return every night to her old home.  Dorani and the prince were married and the promise was kept for Dorani to return to her old home every night.

At first, the prince thought nothing of this strange request each night because he would see his bride during the day.  Though, when she returned, she only sat on her stool and never said a word.  It was as if the prince did not exist to Dorani.  The prince told his troubles to a gardener, who told the prince to take five packets of powder from him.  When the prince sprinkles the powder, the prince becomes invisible and can see what happens during the night.  That night the prince used the powder and followed Dorani to her old home.

Dorani used two large basins, one filled with rose oil perfume and another with water, to wash herself and then put on a robe of silver a string of pearls, and a wreath of roses in her hair.  She said on a four-legged stool and said, “Fly, stool!”  The prince was amazed, caught one leg of the stool, and hung as it flew away.  The stool and Dorani made it to fairyland.  Dorani wondered why the stool flew crooked the whole time though performed for Indra, the fairyland king, as usual.  At the end, Dorani told the king that she did not speak a word to the prince as promised.  The king doubted it but let Dorani return home flying on that stool.  The prince caught the leg of the stool for the flight home.  When he entered his room in the palace, he became visible again.

When Dorani returned, the prince told her of a strange dream he had and shared what happened with Dorani and the stool and the singing in fairyland.  Dorani did not say a word.
A second night, the prince used the powder to become invisible and grabbed one of the legs of the stool.  Dorani sang for Indra, she was questioned if she spoke to the prince, and then flew back.  The prince watched all this and grabbed the stool leg for the flight home.  Again, the prince said he had a strange dream until finally Dorani said, “Is it true you dreamt this?”  The prince admitted he was there and did this because he loved her.  Dorani said that to prove his love, the prince was to stay at the palace during the night.  The prince agreed and Dorani flew off on the magic stool alone.

Dorani sang for Indra beyond all comprehension and beauty.  Indra asked what she wanted for he would give it to her.  She asked for a magic lute.  Indra valued that lute and thought it was such a high price that Dorani would continue to ask for bigger and greater things every time she performed.  He declared that she no longer would sing for fairyland though could have the lute.  Dorani returned to the prince and said that she would stay with the prince forever.
Artwork by Rowan North,,

Story Game of the Month

Dreams for Dorani
​​​​​​​Inspired by story "Dorani"
Geared for Ages 5+

This game can be adapted as a two-person game or to 10+ people.Take a chair or a stool for one person to sit on.  This person cannot talk or giggle.  However, another person says, "Dorani, I had this dream...." and then that person tells an outlandish dream with the intent to make the person on the chair or stool to talk, laugh, or make a noise.  The person telling the dream cannot touch the person though can get pretty close.  Have a timer in case people are really good at not responding and have the countdown be one minute.  If the Dorani person does not respond, then two people must interact with each other telling about a dream both had.  This dream will be silly though the two people need to work together for the story to make sense. If the Dorani person still does not respond, then three people interact and tell a dream they all had and so on.  If after all the people involved cannot get Dorani to respond, then Dorani is true to her promise to the fairyking.  If the Dorani person does respond, then that person or another person gets a turn to be Dorani.  Then Dorani is free from the promise from the fairyking.

Funders of Story Crossroads
​​​​​​​We appreciate the fiscal sponsorship from the Utah Storytelling Guild as well as funding from National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the Utah Division of Arts and Museums (UDAM), the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), the Nubian Storytellers of Utah Leadership (NSOUL), the Utah Humanities, the Utah Valley University, the South Jordan Arts Council, the City of Murray, Suzanne Hudson, and many other individuals who have made things possible.
Most pictures are taken by Steve Evans, our official photographer.  He is a photojournalist that travels the world.  He generously granted Story Crossroads permission to use his pictures.  You can find all of his images here:
Utah Storytelling Guild
Until we tell again,

Story Crossroads

(801) 870-5799

PO Box 274
West Jordan, UT  84084