Story Crossroads: The Newsletter (Vol. 2, Issue 2)

Published: Fri, 10/28/16

Story Crossroads: The Newsletter
I have a story.  You have a story.  We all have stories.

Volume 2, Issue 2
What to Expect
Know the traditions for each newsletter.
Steve Evans picture

Some traditions include:
*  Latest News of Story Crossroads
*  Cap's Off to You! (people profiles who use story)
*  Story Video (created or loved by us)
*  Story
*  Story Game (inspired by different cultures)

About Story Crossroads
What is Story Crossroads?
Steve Evans picture
Story Crossroads is a grassroots event that features 50 professional story artists as well as 80 community members telling for the main stage event.  Youth, community, and seniors will be taught through free storytelling residencies at libraries, schools, and other venues by certified story-teachers in preparation for this celebration.  Bilingual and cultural performers combine arts to bring the stories forward for the audience.  Enjoy stories told with ancient technique while simultaneously enjoying newfangled approaches to these traditions.  The inaugural Story Crossroads Festival launched April 15-16, 2016 while the second one is on April 20-21, 2017 at the Viridian Event Center (8030 S. 1825 W., West Jordan, UT).  Then, with an invitation extended across all borders, World Story Crossroads launches 2022.  

Latest News
Celebrating Our Master Story Facilitators
Master Story Facilitator participants
We had 11 participants with the 16-hour Master Story Facilitator course led by Sam Payne and Suzanne Christensen held at the Eastmond home through four 4-hour sessions on Mondays and Fridays (September 16, 19, 30 and October 3, 2016).  We limit the size of these yearly courses to have an experience to never forget on personal and professional levels.  Join us for the September/October 2017 course.

Here is what some people said:

I have taken dozens, maybe hundreds of writing type events and this one is the one that finally broke through my fear.  However, the [other Story Crossroads 16-hour courses] met different needs. The Clive Romney workshop was wonderful and would have been especially great for [musicians] because of the strong musical elements.  I very much admire him. Steffani's workshop was great for developing a sense of place in the stories. And, she brought her gentle kindness to the topic. There is benefit in looking at storytelling from different perspectives.
--Angie Kathleen Lund, Storyteller

I really enjoyed this course.  I perhaps should have known the correlation of writing, writing, writing and telling, but I really needed the push to get going.  It really helped me to hear everyone's stories in progress and critiques about each.
--Julie Jensen, Storyteller

Fantastic!  I loved Sam and Suzanne's personalities and personal sharing.  Together it was synergistic.  Their specific coaching after each story was very helpful, and I liked hearing everyone else's stories and coaching.
--Annie Eastmond, Salt Lake County Public Librarian (Children's Librarian), Storyteller, Writer & Musician

Some stories developed during this course were featured on The Apple Seed Storytelling Radio Show.  Click here to go directly to the link of that archived show.

Announcing...The Story Rhythm Project and working with Refugees
The Story Rhythm Project (refugees)
Thanks to Jim Luter with Story Crossroads, five of us met on October 6, 2016 to share ideas on working with refugees in the Salt Lake area and teaching them how to share their stories merged with other art forms.  Besides Jim, the other people in attendance were Lynn Wing (Story Crossroads Story Training & Telling Chair), Rachel Hedman (Story Crossroads Director), Craig Fisher (Holladay Arts Council Chair), and Michael Pekarske (Utah Refugee Education and Training Center Director.  Details are being worked out though soon we will have a training for those interested in the project at the Center.  Part of this training includes knowing the difference between refugees and immigrants.  Lynn Wing is heading this venture.  Learn more on our web page dedicated to this project.
Support from Senior Center Directors--Hurrah!
Sylvia Milner telling to Senior Center Directors
Sylvia Milner, one of the 2016 Story Crossroads Festival community tellers, shared a story with 16 Senior Center Directors of Salt Lake as well as the Aging Services Director on October 6, 2016.  Her story was the perfect kick-off for a panel consisting of her, Carol Esterreicher (Master Story Facilitator at the Murray Heritage Center), and Rachel Hedman (Story Crossroads Director).  Sylvia said that she had not done storytelling before and a friend personally giving her a flier to attend the senior-focused residency made all the difference.  After 30 minutes, questions were answered and several Senior Center Directors wished to see 8-hour residencies offered at their locations.  We have since met with Lori Warner from the Riverton Senior Center and confirmed a residency starting January 11, 2017.  More chats are underway with other Senior Center Directors.
House Concerts - Past and Future
House Concerts images
We are going on our 9th House Concert that is part of the Story Crossroads Fundraising Series. The past three featured above have all told in living rooms or dining areas--brimming with people.  We barely had enough chairs at each one.  Karl Behling connected us with American heroes and even forgiveness between a Japanese man and an American man about Hiroshima.  Janine Nishiguchi received a standing ovation for the premiere of "The Incredible Civil War Spy: Emma Edmonds" and had a Question and Answer session while answering as Emma.  Julie Barnson kicked off our spooky October time and told familiar and unfamiliar Grimm stories.  We appreciate the following hosts from these past ones:  Rachel Hedman, Angie Kathleen Lund, and Sylvia Milner.

Want to come?  You are always welcome.  Want to host?  Let us connect the perfect teller for you.  Email us with questions or requests at

Next House Concert:  Friday, November 11, 2016 from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Featured Teller:  Laurie Allen

Theme:  From Sea to Shining Sea: Stories on the Quest for Freedom

Where:  Hokanson Home, 3005 West 820 North, Provo, UT

RSVP:  Call Mary Hokanson at (801) 450-4439 or email

Suggested Donation:  $10.00/person, though any teen or adult welcome, CDs available for purchase

Details:  Refreshments served

Purpose:  This fundraiser event is held so the Story Crossroads Festival remains strong (see, can also donate online whether or not you can attend)

Too soon (or too late) to plan on November 11?  We will have another House Concert on Thursday, December 8, 2016 featuring Lynn Wing with "Over the Hill and Through the Woods: Growing Up in the 50s & 60s."  We are in need of that December host so let us know at

Early Reservations & Tickets Available for 2017 April Festival
Viridian Event Center

Want to come and be guaranteed your spot as an individual or as a group for the 2017 Story Crossroads Festival?  Of course you do!  

The next Festival is Thursday-Friday, April 20-21, 2017 at the Viridian Event Center in West Jordan, UT.  Tickets are only $1.00/student or senior and $3.00/adult and covers for the whole event. Children aged four and under are free though please be aware of their listening sophistication.  A group of 10 or more people also qualify as $1.00/person.  On this same page to get tickets, there is link to a simple online form with the information needed to review your request to bring a group of 10 or more people.  See the Frequently Asked Questions on bringing a group as well as other details on the Tickets page.

Be a 2017 or 2018 Story Artist for the April Festival

Be a 2017 or 2018 Story Artist—Application due November 1, 2016
Format:  Complete online Google form or ask for Word document application by emailing  Find the online form at under “Get Involved” and then “Be a Story Artist for April Festival."

If you have applied or have told during the inaugural 2016 Festival, then you can send an email to with indicating that you wish to be considered and give any updates to your contact information, bio or any new video links.  If all information remains the same, then simply send the email to put you on our radar.

Go directly to the "Be a Story Artist for April Festival" page on Story Crossroads website
Cap's Off to You
Celebrating your way of using story

Featuring:  Annie & Dan Eastmond

Wife/Husband, Grandparents (of 11), Musicians/Storytellers from UT

Annie & Dan Eastmond

Annie and Dan Eastmond came on the scene of story during the inaugural Story Crossroads Festival.  They participated in a free 8-hour residency open to the public.  Yet, they both were not new to performance.  They are together in marriage and as musicians with their tandem known as Harvest Home.  Since the beginning of 2016, they both have sought and and succeeded in adding story to their performances.  They opened their home for the 16-hour Master Story Facilitator course–of which they both graduated–and became last-minute judges for the Utah Youth Storytelling Showcase.  I am indebted to them for now and into the future.  They inspire me to sing in gratitude.

So enjoy the past, present, and future influences of storytelling in the lives of the Annie and Dan Eastmond.

Story Videos of the Month
In preparation for "The Story Rhythm Project" shared above, this video shares a 2 1/2 minute background of the Utah Refugee Education and Training Center."  This is not our typical video selection though does give us something to start the Story Crossroads story with the wonderful people there.

The second video is the story about the legacy of a musician/storyteller Clive Romney and how he got "roped" into a benefit concert.  This video is just under 3 minutes.  This one is told much more in a story format...and gets the word out.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know about it and email us a link to it.  Who knows?  Perhaps we will be inspired to invite you to one of our Story Crossroads event?   Remember that our 2nd Annual Festival is April 20-21, 2017 at the Viridian Event Center (8030 S. 1825 W., West Jordan, UT). 
Story of the Month

The Magic Fish Hook
The Boy of the Red Sky, from First Nations Canada
Living upon an island, a man and wife daily wished aloud for a child. One day, the kingfisher told the wife, “Look in the seashells.” The next day, the seagull told the wife, “Look in the seashells.” With the urgings from these two birds, the woman peered in the seashells. She discovered a little boy. After a time, the boy grew to such size that he needed to learn how to hunt. The boy asked for his adoptive mother’s copper bracelet to be hammered into tiny bow with arrows. The bow and arrow possessed power and accuracy, as he always brought home food when he took them with him on the hunt. Suddenly the parents noticed a shine—a copper glow—upon the boy’s face. When asked about this glow, the boy remained silent.

One day the winds thrashed against the waves and prevented the father from drifting in his boat to fish and feed the family. The boy said, “I will come with you for I am stronger than the Spirit of the Storm.” The boy took the oars, and while he was rowing, calmness returned to the waters. Then the Spirit of the Storm summoned Black Cloud and the Mist of the Sea. The father feared they would become lost at sea, but the boy comforted him, encouraged the father to stay with him, and assured him that all would be well. The boy and his father arrived at the fishing grounds. The boy sang a magic song that lured the fish into the nets. The father asked the source of this power. The boy replied, “It is not time yet.”

The next day the boy hunted many birds, took their feathers, and created a gray bird skin to enable him to fly over the waters. Then he created a blue jay bird skin and flew over the waters. Finally, he created a robin bird skin and hovered above the waters.

The water reflected the colors of each bird skin. The boy flew back to the man and wife and announced, “I am the Child of the Sun. I must go now.”

Before departing, he gave his adoptive mother a robe that, when she loosened it, a storm brewed. When she tossed a feather, then the boy would return. When there was a red night sky, there would be no wind the next day. The boy gave power to his adoptive mother over the elements from that day to this day. Yet, the adoptive mother saw the greatest power in the chance to see her son from time to time.
Artwork by Joanna Huffaker
Customs and Traditions of Note of First Nations Canada:
*  More than 500 nations are part of First Nations with different traditions
*  North America is divided into regions of tribes, with the Northwest--the likely location of the story "The Boy of the Red Sky" and home to over 30 tribes--as the shorelines by the Pacific Ocean in Canada/United States
*  All these Northwest tribes depend on fish and shellfish, especially salmon
*  Wood could be stripped from the sometimes 300-feet-tall-and-35-feet-in-circumference giants without chopping and thereby keeping the trees alive
*  Wash twice before eating and do not drink anything at the table ​​​​​​​
Story Game of the Month

​​​​​​​Inspired by story "The Boy of the Red Sky"
Geared for Ages 5+

​​​​​​​To represent the coat worn by the adoptive mother, take a blanket for this game. One person tells a story, at least one other person waits to jump in to tell part of the story, and another person wears a blanket. The listener(s) jump in to continue the story when the person rustles the blanket. If two people are waiting to jump in and continue the story, then the first person who speaks gets to be the storyteller. However, if no one jumps in to tell the story within 5 seconds, then the storm brews and the person with the blanket can blow wind and tickle everyone with the storm. Rotate roles.
Most pictures are taken by Steve Evans, our official photographer.  He is a photojournalist that travels the world.  He generously granted Story Crossroads permission to use his pictures.  You can find all of his images here:
Utah Storytelling Guild
Until we tell again,

Story Crossroads

(801) 870-5799

PO Box 274
West Jordan, UT  84084