Story Crossroads: The Newsletter (Vol. 1, Issue 4)

Published: Thu, 10/01/15

Story Crossroads: The Newsletter
I have a story.  You have a story.  We all have stories.

September 2015
Volume 1, Issue 4
What to Expect
Know the traditions for each newsletter.
Steve Evans picture

Some traditions include:
*  Latest News of Story Crossroads
*  Cap's Off to You! (people profiles who use story)
*  Story Video (created or loved by us)
*  Story
*  Story Game (inspired by different cultures)

About Story Crossroads
What is Story Crossroads?
Steve Evans picture
Story Crossroads is a free grassroots event that features 50 professional story artists as well as over 80 community members telling for the main stage event.  Youth, community, and seniors will be taught through free storytelling residencies at libraries, schools, and other venues by certified story-teachers in preparation for this celebration.  Bilingual and cultural performers combine arts to bring the stories forward for the audience.  Enjoy stories told with ancient technique while simultaneously enjoying newfangled approaches to these traditions.  The 1st Story Crossroads launches April 15-16, 2016 at the Viridian Event Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Then, with an invitation extended across all borders, World Story Crossroads launches 2022.  

Latest News

Clive Romney and Steffani Raff--Experts
So Clive Romney and Steffani Raff are Amazing...

We had no doubt about the skills of Clive Romney and Steffani Raff as our designated experts to train master story facilitators.  These facilitators will then teach 8-hour or longer storytelling residencies for community members.  Clive and Steffani are about halfway through their 16-hour courses, and already people have taken the time to email their pleasure of how they are growing and improving as storytellers and leaders.  Each Fall we will offer these 16-hour courses.  Feel free to join us for the experience.

Call for Story Artists:  Extended Deadline October 15, 2015

We have received many online applications of story artists though we would love to see more.  Most of our story artists will come from Utah, though every year we will invite a couple from outside the borders.  We use the term "Story Artist" so that it would include storytellers, story musicians, story dancers, and many other ways to use story on stage.  We lean towards cultural or bilingual pieces.  If you or someone you know has story skills, then please complete the Story Artist Application:

Kick-off Events and Free Residencies--Official! 

We have the dates and times for the Kick-off Events and Free Residencies being offered at six branches of the Salt Lake County Library Services.  These events prepare the way for the 80 community tellers who will be on the stage in April 2016.  Three residencies focus on families (ages 8+), two residencies focus on seniors, and one residency focuses on teens.

Kick-Off Events
30-minute performance followed by 1-hour crash course in storytelling
*  Herriman Library, 1/11/16, 7:00pm-8:30pm
*  Whitmore Library, 1/11/16, 7:00pm-8:30pm
*  Riverton Library, 1/13/16, 7:00pm-8:30pm
*  Sandy Library, 1/13/16, 7:00pm-8:30pm
*  Magna Library, 1/14/16, 7:00pm-8:30pm
*  Viridian Event Center, 1/14/16, 7:00pm-8:30pm

Family-Focused 8-hour Residencies (Two 4-hour Saturdays)
*  Herriman Library, 1/16/16 & 1/23/16 from 1:00pm-5:00pm
*  Sandy Library, 1/30/16 & 2/6/16 from 1:00pm-5:00pm
*  Viridian Event Center, 2/13/16 & 2/20/16 from 1:00pm-5:00pm

Senior-Focused 8-hour Residencies (Two 4-hour Saturdays)
*  Whitmore Library, 1/16/16 & 1/23/16 from 1:00pm-5:00pm
*  Riverton Library, 1/30/16 & 2/6/16 from 1:00pm-5:00pm

Teen-Focused 8-hour Residency (Two 4-hour Saturdays)
*  Magna Library, 2/13/16 & 2/20/16

Celebration of Veteran & Heritage Stories at Fillmore Event 

The famous "Utah Man" Veteran, Walter Stewart, attended and shared his story.  We videotaped his memories along with five other veterans.  A few other community members from Fillmore interviewed each other using the story prompts provided to them.  For September 2016, we will be going into senior centers over a month ahead of the next Old Capitol Arts & Living History Festival to prepare tandem grandparent/grandchild tellers.  The top ones will be invited to tell at the 2017 Story Crossroads events.

Cap's Off to You
Celebrating your way of using story

Featuring:  Anthony Burcher

Washboard Musician, Retired Camp Director, & Storyteller from VA​

Julie Barnson's website

Picture Credit:  Barry Lenoir

A few years ago I had the privilege to sit next to Anthony Burcher during a Timpanogos storytelling concert.  While waiting for the concert to start, I got to talk with this person who loves story games as much as I do.  He has a kid-view on life that makes him all the more delightful to anyone who comes in contact with him.  Anthony has a playful reverence, an awe of life with plenty of wisdom and zaniness to share.  He is a professional storyteller, humorist, author, and spiritual guy with the need to bring out the wonder of the world. 

So enjoy the past, present, and future influences of storytelling in Anthony’s life...

Story Video of the Month
Stories abound in families.  Steffani Raff knows this and the importance of encouring those stories are shared in this video clip.  She is interviewed by Sam Payne.

This video was created by Etched in Stone Productions headed by Sterling Elliott and assisted by Alex Aguila and Westin Cross.
If you or someone you know has a story video that you want us to see, then let us know about it and email us a link to it.  Who knows?  Perhaps we will be inspired to invite you to one of our Story Crossroads event?   Remember that our launch is April 15-16, 2016 at the Viridian Event Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

The Wanderings of Isis
The Wanderings of Isis, from Egypt
Seth secretly killed Osiris and forced his wife, Isis, to work for him in the spinning house. Thoth, the spokesman for the gods, told Isis to escape. Thoth reminded her that she was still the mother goddess and daughter of earth and sky. She slipped out with baby Horus and asked seven scorpions to follow them to a land where Seth could not enter.

While journeying, Isis asked a noble lady for shelter. Seeing the giant scorpions, the noble lady refused. Isis walked further on, to the other side of the city and knocked on the door of a fisher girl who opened the door and gave all she could in food and hospitality.

Meanwhile, the scorpions gave all the poison of their stingers to the largest and strongest scorpion. This scorpion broke into the noble lady’s home, stung her son, and caused the house to burn. Isis smelled the smoke, awoke, and heard the cries of help from the noble lady. Bearing no malice towards the lady, Isis healed the son. The lady gave her riches left over from the blaze to the fisher girl in gratitude. Isis traveled farther, reached the marshes, and parted from the scorpions.

She still had to beg for food and she placed the baby on the ground, hidden by reeds, so as to reach homes with generous people faster. She returned to find Horus poisoned. Despite her skill for healing, she did not know the name of this poison. Without the name, she could not cast it away as she had done with the noble lady’s son. Isis called out to the heavens. At this time, Ra traveled the sky on his boat and asked Thoth to investigate the plea. Thoth flew to Isis and used the most powerful of magic to cast the poison out from the baby. Isis realized that this would be one of many difficulties that she would face. She would still have trouble and would wish to protect Horus from the rage of Seth. Thoth chose the people from Chemmis to adopt and raise Horus.
Artwork by Joanna Huffaker
Customs and Traditions of Note in Egypt:
*  New actions are often resisted that lead to uncertainty or change
*  Extend greeting time beyond a simple acknowledgement
*  Most people dislike saying "no" and find other ways to answer as "no"
*  Avoid direct eye contact and touching with other gender unless family
*  Resist rudeness by pointing with your foot (toe, heel, sole of shoes)

Story Game of the Month

Mystery Sign-Solver game image
Scorpion Scuttle
Inspired by "The Wanderings of Isis" and geared for Ages 8+
This game is best with at least five people (three to be Scorpions, one as Isis/Horus, and one as Seth). Extra people can be more Scorpions and/or to have an Iris and a Horus. The Scorpions stand in a circle facing out around Isis/Horus. Seth tries to reach into the circle and tag Isis/Horus. The Scorpions must stay in a circle at all times and can only side-step/scuttle. They can raise or lower arms/pinchers or lift a leg/stinger but only with the other foot planted. These are fast gestures and are not violent. If Seth gets touched seven times by the Scorpions, then Isis and Horus are safe. If Seth tags Isis or Horus within five minutes, then Seth wins. Switch roles.
Most pictures are taken by Steve Evans, our official photographer.  He is a photojournalist that travels the world.  He generously granted Story Crossroads permission to use his pictures.  You can find all of his images here:
Utah Storytelling Guild
Until we tell again,

Story Crossroads

(801) 870-5799

PO Box 274
West Jordan, UT  84084